phaneub17_ESO wrote: »I would be for mounted combat if this game didn't use auto-targeting, not everything follows the crosshairs and you can hit things without making the effort to aim for some attacks.
Have you tried to fine control your horse? Moved them into the exact position you wanted them to be in? Got them to stop on the spot you wanted them to? (they seem to walk forward a step or two like the PCs slide a bit after coming to a stop)
Combat on a mount would not be that successful in this game.
And that makes combat on a horse in this game even more of a chore to keep it moving in the usable pattern. Besides, we are dismounted as soon as we are attacked, so the best we could do is maybe get the first shot in.
Mounted combat was in the game Skyrim. So it should be a fairly easily implemented addition to Elder Scrolls Online.
Mounted combat was in the game Skyrim. So it should be a fairly easily implemented addition to Elder Scrolls Online.
Because it was in a game once somewhere it should be fairly easily implemented to eso. Think about that for a while. Hopefully you will understand why it's a very silly statement. And no. It has nothing to do with dev incompetence. I actually think they are pretty good
lestaudenmaierub17_ESO wrote: »They added mounted combat into the Lord of the Rings Online. It was a terrible lag fest that completely ruined the entire region of Rohan for me.
I'd rather not go through that again.
Mounted combat was in the game Skyrim. So it should be a fairly easily implemented addition to Elder Scrolls Online.
Mounted combat was in the game Skyrim. So it should be a fairly easily implemented addition to Elder Scrolls Online.
Because it was in a game once somewhere it should be fairly easily implemented to eso. Think about that for a while. Hopefully you will understand why it's a very silly statement. And no. It has nothing to do with dev incompetence. I actually think they are pretty good
I would lay odds that Bethesda has reused coding from Skyrim in this game. Why reinvent the wheel everytime you make a game.