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Feedback Wanted: Serpent Trial

Community Manager
Hello everyone!

We're looking to gather some specific feedback for the Serpent Trial. If you've had a chance to test out this new Trial, please answer the questions below. Also, if you plan on streaming your Trial runthrough, let us know! We'd love to watch, and will share good runs on our social media pages.
  1. How does the overall difficulty of this Trial compare to the Warrior and Mage Trials?
  2. Is the Trial more or less engaging than the prior Trials?
  3. First Boss:
    • Are you able to keep your tank alive through a portal rotation. IE: Can you keep your tank alive until the split group comes back?
    • The large AOE scales its damage each time it’s cast, how long has the fight gone on when you are dying from it?
    • How many healers are you using?
Gina Bruno
Senior Creator Engagement Manager
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Staff Post
  • ZOS_KaiSchober
    Hallo zusammen!

    Wir suchen nach gezieltem Feedback zur Prüfung der Schlange. Wenn ihr die Gelegenheit hattet, die neue Prüfung zu testen, beantwortet bitte die Fragen unten. Wenn ihr zudem einen Test streamen wollt oder aufgezeichnet habt, lasst es uns wissen. Wir gucken sie uns an und teilen gute Versuche auf unseren sozialen Kanälen.
    1. Wie schwierig ist diese Prüfung in Vergleich zu der Prüfung des Kriegers oder der Magierin?
    2. Biete diese Prüfung mehr oder weniger Spannung als die anderen Prüfungen?
    3. Erster Anführer:
      • Seid ihr in der Lage, euren Tank während der Portal-Rotation am Leben zu halten. Z.B.: Könnt ihr ihn am Leben erhalten bis die zerstreute Gruppe wieder zusammenkommt?
      • Der große Flächenschaden wächst mit jedem Mal, das er gezaubert wird. Wie lange währte euer Kampf als ihr daran gestorben seid?
      • Wieviele Heiler nutzt ihr?
    Edited by ZOS_KaiSchober on August 25, 2014 3:32PM
    Kai Schober
    Senior Community Manager - The Elder Scrolls Online
    Facebook | Twitter | Twitch
    Staff Post
  • Attorneyatlawl
    Much harder. It makes the archive feel like an introduction, which is a good thing. The difficulty level makes it much more satisfying to play.

    Much more engaging, due to difficulty and greater focus on mechanics rather than stack, negate, and burn. ,

    Yes, the group I ran with could survive a portal completion. (EDIT: Actually, it turns out the miniboss wasn't downed on the run I went on, I asked the leader just to be sure I was right after posting this and none of the portal groups that night killed it.)

    The fight lasted maybe 3 to 4 minutes each time before a wipe.

    We were running 3 healers and splitting into three groups of 4 players.
    Edited by Attorneyatlawl on August 25, 2014 11:01PM
    -First-Wave Closed Beta Tester of the Psijic Order, aka the 0.016 percent.
    Exploits suck. Don't blame just the game, blame the players abusing them!

    -Playing since July 2013, back when we had a killspam channel in Cyrodiil and the lands of Tamriel were roamed by dinosaurs.
    -In-game mains abound with "Nerf" in their name. As I am asked occasionally, I do not play on anything but the PC NA Megaserver at this time.
  • Denaia
    I haven't done the trial but I still have some feedback;

    Please do not have any fights with 'enrage' timers or any ability that becomes harder to counter the longer the fight progresses. It will make sure that many builds will not be able to complete the trial just because they cannot do the right dps, even though they are good players.

    Valariel is already a huge pain in the ass for me as I am not going with a destro staff spec (which is a great way to do the dps required) and I don't like the game telling 'no, you cannot do this with your build' just because my dps is not the most optimal.

    Please make your 'play how your want' comment true and let all builds complete the trial if they are skilled and not because they have enough dps.

    Hope this feedback is heard as a fight like valariel is really a gamekiller for me and because I am seeing the aoe hits harder and harder the first boss will have the same issue.
    Edited by Denaia on August 25, 2014 6:34PM
  • robertlive2014
    How does the overall difficulty of this Trial compare to the Warrior and Mage Trials?
    It seems ridiculous so far. For example, the first trash pull takes forever and is so boring. It's over 5 minutes of trash mobs. Come on, really? Since it's so long we've had plenty of time to wonder about it and we actually think the developers made this for a 24 man group, but then someone changed their minds near the end of the development, and so only the number of souls in the reservoir was updated.
    Is the Trial more or less engaging than the prior Trials?
    It's nice to have new content, of course. But we've only seen what must be the first phase of the first boss, and this mechanic is so far too difficult. It would help if we had access to our actual gear and builds, rather than these limited templates that don't have all the skill lines unlocked.
    First Boss:
    Are you able to keep your tank alive through a portal rotation. IE: Can you keep your tank alive until the split group comes back?
    No, either the group that goes into the portal is killed, or the main group is wiped. Either way, we've been getting our butts handed to us.
    The large AOE scales its damage each time it’s cast, how long has the fight gone on when you are dying from it?
    We've not survived the enrage damage, what's up with that?
    How many healers are you using?
    How many healers should we be using?
  • Dubah
    I love the new trial, definately going to make more people focus on the mechanics rather than the stack and burn. The AoE is what kept getting us around 4 minutes ish maybe a little longer i never really paid attention, the splits were cake however the sorc healers struggled over the templar healers however i believe they probably weren't putting enough heals down as a templar all i really use out of templar is purifying aura with its morph to the extended time, other than that i just use illustrous healing and mutagen. we did use 3 healers, however 1 was swapping to dps when we didn't really need him. I never did complete AA or Hel ra so im not entirely sure how to answer the difficulty scale, but the boss is definately doable especially if we had our actual characters from live with the sets we normally use. As far as engagement goes i definately like it, it seems like the goal to keep everyone on their feet at all times is definately working causing people to actually perform the mechanics. I would stream the next run if we ever do it again however i was with a pickup group and have not yet been able to get my stream going, i think i have a graphics issue.

    Out of curiosity i know the weapon runes drop out of the arena but is there any of those planned or do drop weapon runes out of the new trial or old trials?
  • zbtiqua
    I hate to say it... but this encounter is obviously overtuned, or has some hidden gimmick yet to be discovered. I can't imagine how the other fights in the instance could get progressively harder and still be possible with the current class, skill and gear balance in place.
    Officer of Da Funk (EP NA)
    DSA Vet Fastest Time NA (83 mins)
    World 1st AA HM
    World 3rd Hel Ra HM
  • DDuke
    Wait.. a trial that hasn't been cleared on the first week in PTS?

    How is that a bad thing...

    Besides, the encounter will likely be a lot easier with everyone on their actual non-PTS characters, so tuning it down might make it too easy (again) :|

    Would it be possible to give people access to the other bosses (without clearing the first) in the PTS, in order to get them tested?
  • Caph
    1.How does the overall difficulty of this Trial compare to the Warrior and Mage Trials?

    So far, it's a long, insanely annoying wave of adds where you just stand, block and spam. Pretty much all incoming damage get's midigated by block + veil of blades.
    Suggestion: Reduce the wave of adds, it's ridicously long even if it might have been made to prevent 8min times. Increase damage done or add more special abilities to the NPC's. Make it so that if you don't dodge things, you get killed even if you stand in Veil of Blades and block. Currently it is purely stack in veil and AoE. DK's just chain anything in and it's no problem at all.

    We are not sure if we are getting the mechanics right but the first boss seems very difficult. We supposively got the mechanics correct now and understand it's phase rotations but it requires perfect timings of Veil of Baldes and negates. Also requires insane healing on the tank.

    Is the Trial more or less engaging than the prior Trials?
    The 1st boss is absolutely more engaging. We have people in my guild that have completed the first boss in AA 2 man. 1 NB and 1 templar and they killed the Strom Atronach. That could never happen on this boss as the mechanics are right now.

    The trash before is huge pain in the ass where absolutely nothing is fun. It is purely a stack and spam for 5 long minutes or so. Reduce waves, increase damage/things to dodge. Perhaps put 1 or 2 more groups on the way from the first pack of adds to the boss area. Instead of making it a long and boring run, put adds there. Give them knockup mechanics which risks the group of falling down. That would be insanely fun :D

    First Boss:
    Are you able to keep your tank alive through a portal rotation. IE: Can you keep your tank alive until the split group comes back?

    I tanked this personally and as soon as my magma armor ran out, I survived only because of my defensive ability spamming. I had 3k armor and 2 spell resistance + 3.2k health. I stood in veil of blades for a lot of the time. I used magma armor and ofc, I survived without problems during that duration. As soon as it ran out. Every single hit the boss did took me down to 5-10%. I spammed green dragon blood + I had two templars spamming breath of life to keep me alive. It was 5% -> 100% -> 5% -> 100% the entire duration until they ran out of mana and the rest of the group died.

    Supposively I can dodge his poison attack or so? Not sure but I know he get's stunned by this Ophidium geared guy so maybe I should have dodge his attack directly after? Not sure. We might not be getting mechanics properly but so far, during portal phase, the damage seems to be insane.

    The large AOE scales its damage each time it’s cast, how long has the fight gone on when you are dying from it?
    We have taken him down to about 84% but I know for sure others have gotten him below that. We have made it to the phase where the portal happens with 0 deaths. We have survived first large AoE on the top and second large AoE on the top by standing in veil of blades. And then once the second black portal appeared, I died (tank) and boss went on a rampage.

    How many healers are you using?
    Due to the boss insane amounts of health, we have been going with 3 healers. 2 healers staying upstairs and 1 healer gonig down the hole. We also did it with 3 tanks. 2 Main tanks and 1 off tank. We split our group into 3 groups where every group had 1 healer, 1 tank and 1 night blade. We had 2 main tanks because if the black circle would hit main tank, we needed someone that is upstairs to taunt him and that person just had to be full tank gear.

    Hope that is some feedback.

    Wild Rumours:
    1. Stand in waterfall and it negates AoE damage if everyone else stand out of it.
    2. Stamina builds pulling 2k + dps.
    3. Some damage can be mitigated by having a lot of people with low magicka.
    4. (I don't know) "The large AOE scales its damage each time it’s cast" What scales it damage at the moment but only been in there once so far.

    Good luck to anyone else trying it out! :)
    Lost interest in the game and canceled subscription. Maybe I'll come back if I gain interest again.
    Co Guild Master of Baby Face Bananas
    World record time Hel Ra (8min 08sec)
    Eu record time AA (8min 44sec)
    AA/Hel ra HM done.
  • nusphere_ESO

    i am not able to test on PTS but here my feedback.

    - The trials should be the hardest content in this game
    - no dps races - its really a frustrating, when a team isn't possible to solve a boss, when there isn't enough dmg.
    - more movement bosses
    - mechanics that disallows to "dps" a boss down

    i loved the AA, but now we stand all together and wait for kill of the boss.
    you need more attention on that...
  • killabunny1234b16_ESO
    How does the overall difficulty of this Trial compare to the Warrior and Mage Trials?
    The 1st boss in this dungeon is quite a bit harder then the last boss in hel ra or aa hard mode, in my opinion this is a good thing but i think its over tuned unless we are missing something.

    Is the Trial more or less engaging than the prior Trials?
    alot more engaging apart from the 5 mins of adds at the start

    First Boss:
    Are you able to keep your tank alive through a portal rotation. IE: Can you keep your tank alive until the split group comes back?
    yes but only with a dk tank (or 2 dk's) with magma armor (as the tanks cant get anymore ult in the fight they just die on the 2nd portal phase).

    The large AOE scales its damage each time it’s cast, how long has the fight gone on when you are dying from it?
    I had no idea it scales each time. but we have got to the 3rd aoe (huge red room wide bleed). but thats more to do with the tank getting pwned :)

    How many healers are you using?
    we have used 3 templar healers and 2 sorc off healers for negates / healing springs. and even more dps spamming healing springs in the portal phase and still died ^^

    overall i think this boss is over tuned, our guild have crafted 5 set seducer in the pts (5 seducer, 3 aether) and are still unable to keep the tank or the healers mana alive.
    I rly want this boss and all bosses in the trial to be harder than aa and hel ra but i think this is to much for a 1st boss.. if each boss is harder still and then hard mode on top of this i don't see many or any guilds clearing this anytime soon..
  • Robert_Pendragon
    Feedback from Last Prodigies, NA AD guild, after a few days of testing Serpent:

    1. How does the overall difficulty of this Trial compare to the Warrior and Mage Trials?
    If warrior hardmode is 10/10 difficulty then the Mantikora is 50/10, we are absolutely loving it, and we all agree that this is how trials should be like, challenging, not a farm fest like the previous ones.

    2. Is the Trial more or less engaging than the prior Trials?
    The trash before the first boss a bore, we have people afk-ing through it purely because they get sleepy doing the trash. No complaints on the boss fight itself though.

    3. First Boss:
    Are you able to keep your tank alive through a portal rotation. IE: Can you keep your tank alive until the split group comes back?

    Yes, not a problem.

    4. The large AOE scales its damage each time it’s cast, how long has the fight gone on when you are dying from it?
    We have successfully managed to heal through 4+ casts.

    5. How many healers are you using?
    We have 3 healers, rotating buffs.

    Additional comments:
    The difficulty of the trial is a good thing, it will help keep players engaged and have a goal to work towards to rather than farming gears.
    Our DK has reported his Ardent Flames abilities not being able to hit the boss, need other DKs to confirm this.
    A big thanks to Zenimax for this fun challenge, we'll be looking forward to the next bosses too =)
  • Kyoma
    I'm afraid I won't be able to make such an extensive post as the one from my Guild Master Caph. Luckily most of my thoughts have already been shared in his post. :)

    Personally I quite like this boss, you (and everybody else for that matter) need to pay very close attention to what the boss does and what happened around you. It's certainly not possible to just stay stacked constantly like with almost every other boss in AA and Hel Ra.

    As for difficulty, I believe it is doable once your team gets used to the mechanics. It certainly seems impossible and way too difficult compared to AA or Hel Ra but that says more about the latter two than about this trial. (And part of me hopes AA & Hel Ra will get a revamp in the future to make them less boring as well.)

    Right now it is hard to to judge just how doable it might be due to not being able to use your own char, general unresponsiveness of things like weapon swapping, skills and blocking. I don't mean to complain about that here but the fact remains they do add an additional layer of difficulty to this already difficult boss. For this reason I sincerly hope he won't be nerfed too quickly without giving people time to try it with their own character and without the various bugs that currently plague the PTS.
    Edited by Kyoma on August 27, 2014 2:59PM
    Will I be able to forget all the wounds that pierce my flesh?
    You and your childish justice. I'll rip it to pieces.
    Come on, it's showtime. A rain of blood like a volcano
    And now I'll blow all of you and you and you...
    All to tiny pieces. All to tiny pieces.
  • Caph
    Yeah if you are going to do anything to this boss. Make sure you hear everyone's point of view. Making it too easy might just destroy the end game. I hear people aren't struggling much with the first boss and have already killed it while others aren't getting him below 80%. I'd like to see some more feedback to this really because it seems that every group is doing differently.
    Lost interest in the game and canceled subscription. Maybe I'll come back if I gain interest again.
    Co Guild Master of Baby Face Bananas
    World record time Hel Ra (8min 08sec)
    Eu record time AA (8min 44sec)
    AA/Hel ra HM done.
  • TehMagnus
    People have killed the first boss allready?
  • Attorneyatlawl
    healers, rotating buffs.

    Additional comments:
    The difficulty of the trial is a good thing, it will help keep players engaged and have a goal to work towards to rather than farming gears.
    Our DK has reported his Ardent Flames abilities not being able to hit the boss, need other DKs to confirm this.
    A big thanks to Zenimax for this fun challenge, we'll be looking forward to the next bosses too =)

    Quoted for truth.
    -First-Wave Closed Beta Tester of the Psijic Order, aka the 0.016 percent.
    Exploits suck. Don't blame just the game, blame the players abusing them!

    -Playing since July 2013, back when we had a killspam channel in Cyrodiil and the lands of Tamriel were roamed by dinosaurs.
    -In-game mains abound with "Nerf" in their name. As I am asked occasionally, I do not play on anything but the PC NA Megaserver at this time.
  • Attorneyatlawl
    magnusnet wrote: »
    People have killed the first boss allready?

    Not as far as I'm aware of.
    -First-Wave Closed Beta Tester of the Psijic Order, aka the 0.016 percent.
    Exploits suck. Don't blame just the game, blame the players abusing them!

    -Playing since July 2013, back when we had a killspam channel in Cyrodiil and the lands of Tamriel were roamed by dinosaurs.
    -In-game mains abound with "Nerf" in their name. As I am asked occasionally, I do not play on anything but the PC NA Megaserver at this time.
  • Anjelicus
    best i head was 83%
    Legend Gaming Website | Join Us
    Guild Twitch Live Stream
    Anjelicus - Head of PVE
    VR14 Templar // VR14 Nightblade // VR14 Dragonknight // VR10 Sorcerer
    PTS - Veteran Dragonstar Arena Developer Challenge Conqueror
  • xherics
    Pickup Raiders - EP - guild lowered the first boss for 75% health on the last week.
    Guild: HODOR - EU - Ebonheart Pact
    Char: Leliana fxn (Sorc) and Nuria fxn (DK)
    World first Sanctum Ophidia Time trial achievement unlock with my Sorcerer (v1.5.7)
    World second Sanctum Ophidia Hard Mode achievement unlock with my Sorcerer (v1.5.8)
    Pre-nerf Dragonstar Arena Hard Mode Conqueror with my Sorcerer

    "Sorcerer is for me a definition of the highest level of magician, what does not mean pets, but pure magic, pure spells.
    Pure magic from the heart, through the blood, to the last hairbreadth...
    Sorcerer means the highest magic killer with pure magic, not the weakest grandmamma's pet farm."

    11.02.2015 - Magicka Sorcerer RIP - What? Sorcerer and not using spells/magicka?
    19.02.2015 - Sorcerers, we have a new hope!
  • Fen
    Last Prodigies has now killed this boss. So it's definitely doable and, in our opinion, does not need to be simplified. You just need to find the right strat and persist. We really enjoyed this fight. To everyone else who is testing, have fun with it c:
    NA - Aldmeri Dominion - Last Prodigies AU - Decibel US
    ~ Fen - NB of your heart ~
  • Kraen
    Grats to Last Prodigies!

    Well, I agree that the hard stuff is good for SOME, however, I disagree that its good for everyone overall.

    Compared to Mage and Warriors Trials, this one is pretty hard, of course. It took quite long time to dedicated raiding guild to take the boss down, and I am sure it was not without troubles.

    90% of ESO players arent dedicated raiders. Many people did not even complete Warrior and Mage Trials yet. Many people did not even complete Crypt of Hearts yet. I am not saying that ZOS should simplify the content, but making it too hard is a bad choice as well. And if the Manticore keeps its current strength without certain nerfs, Sanctum Ophidia will become an exclusive for dedicated raiders, and majority of players will never see the place (also, reduce the amount of boring trash pl0x).

    Dont do the same mistake as WildStar did. Do a juicy Hard Mode (not the jokes as HRC and AA hms are) for dedicated raiders (with meaningful reward), but keep the normal difficulty manageable for casual guilds as well.

    I am not a casual player who is crying, I am raiding quite a lot. However, I wish the best for all the players.
    Edited by Kraen on August 28, 2014 9:24PM
    Finneas of Baby Face Bananas
    Free to Play? No, thx.
  • Fen
    Kraen wrote: »

    Well, I agree that the hard stuff is good for SOME, however, I disagree that its good for everyone overall.

    Compared to Mage and Warriors Trials, this one is pretty hard, of course. It took quite long time to dedicated raiding guild to take the boss down, and I am sure it was not without troubles.

    It took us 4-5 nights, of about 4 hours each, which is really not a large amount of time for end game content. It's meant to take time and the challenge is what makes it fun. I think the players who don't enjoy the kind of challenge presented by trials will probably prefer to spend their time on other content such as pvp and dungeons etc.
    If this content is nerfed to the ground then the players who dedicate the most time and effort into ESO will burn through it in the blink of an eye, become bored, and probably wander off to different games. That's the other perspective anyway c:

    NA - Aldmeri Dominion - Last Prodigies AU - Decibel US
    ~ Fen - NB of your heart ~
  • Comaetilico
    the porblme is always the same...

    If you make it challenging and so that not EVERYBODY can clear it with the poorest build and group set up... you become an elitist.

    If you make it so that EVERYONE can clear it than people with a tiniy bit of ability (don't even talk about riding guilds...) will clear it fast and will call your game boring.

    There is no way to appeal to both the crowd and the dedicated with the same content... personaly I think that the having the zone (upper craglorn with all it's group quests), the delvs and the veteran dungeons should be enough content for non dedicated player... while reserving trials and arena for those that like challanges should be fine to provide them a little bit of entertainmant untill the next expansion roll out...

    afterall I would like to see all those people that can't even complete AA or hel ra as they goes trough crypt or the "shada" quest in craglorn (that are much easier and still you find lot of people calling it too hard ^^')... I actualy think that many people that fuss about trial being too hard, haven't actualy completed the easier part of the game and just want to jump into the "hard part" because it is cool...

    and let's remeber... that at the moment trials are not the source of the best gear in the game (yep there is some really good drop that only comes from there... but if you go trough the equip of those that clear trials with easy most of it wil be from craft rather than drop... even if they have the dropped sets in their bank...)... so even the "by making trial's hard you'r cutting me out of the best equip of the game" argument is not really sound ^^'

    so to make it short... leave trials and HM areana as hard as they are... and leave all the other content (and there is plenty) for the non dedicated player to play trough... so that everyone can have his share of new content to spend time trough...
  • Kraen
    Fen wrote: »
    If this content is nerfed to the ground then the players who dedicate the most time and effort into ESO will burn through it in the blink of an eye, become bored, and probably wander off to different games. That's the other perspective anyway c:
    If you make it challenging and so that not EVERYBODY can clear it with the poorest build and group set up... you become an elitist.

    If you make it so that EVERYONE can clear it than people with a tiniy bit of ability (don't even talk about riding guilds...) will clear it fast and will call your game boring.

    Yeah, I understand to you, guys.

    But remember, 20 hours in very decent organized raiding group, progressing, is a problem and big deal for great many players.

    Even if I dont like it, WOW does this right with more difficulties (LFR for idiots, Normal for semi-idiots, Heroic for decent players). I think ESO should choose the same way.

    - Hard Modes for good raiders who wants to sacrifice their time in the dungeon for meaningful rewards.

    - Normals for players who care about the story and can do at least a little bit of cooperation.

    = Everyone sees the content. Better players gets better loot.

    But thats just my opinion. .)
    "by making trial's hard you'r cutting me out of the best equip of the game" argument is not really sound ^^'

    But they wont see the content, wont do the quests, wont reveal the lore. And thats the problem which WoW solves with LFR. Do not underestimate the number of lore-heavy players of ESO. In fact, ESO does have much more lore-heavy players than other MMOs, because of previous singleplayer TES games.

    What would you do as a player who do not have the time/skill/guild to complete the Trial? I do not think that you would /sit in Elden Root and pay subscription. There should be at least a slight long-term progression for everyone. Bigger progression for those who dedicate their time.

    In 1.3., there is only one PvE progression - Trial gear, and Soulshine Jewelery. Dungeon gear is worthless, and noone is doing dungeons for gear. Dragonstar Arena loot is better, but not much.
    Edited by Kraen on August 29, 2014 4:39PM
    Finneas of Baby Face Bananas
    Free to Play? No, thx.
  • Robert_Pendragon
    Report from Last Prodigies:

    1. The 2 mini-bosses after Mantikora are easy, albeit fun.
    2. The whole trial is very engaging, with mechanics that keep the whole group at their toes, stacking is NOT an option.
    3. Individual skills are very valuable.
    4. The amount of 'oh crap' moments were insane, it kept us entertained and concentrated.
    5. We could not figure out how to activate the optional event, without it, there would be only Mantikora + Serpent as 'proper' bosses of the entire trial.
    6. It is simply not possible to skip any of the trash, as they often spawn and run towards the group instead of being stationary like previous trials.
    7. Stamina builds might finally be a viable option, as so far there's no melee unfriendly fight, and with the nerf to Concentration, stam build is very close to casters'.

    We will get more attempts in on the Serpent and keep everyone updated =)
  • thistlemas
    Soul Shriven
    Alright, I am one of the raiders from Last Prodigies.
    I have experienced from the beginning to the last boss fight so far.
    BTW, What I said below is only representing my own point of view.

    In my opinion...

    It is a bit too time consuming between the distance from 1st boss to the last boss. Clearing tons of wave of trash mobs is not that fun at all.
    I would like to have that 2 mini bosses remained. But the trash mobs waves is really no fun especially you are on progress to figure out how to kill the Serpent. Even you got a dedicated team...running 2 or 3 runs per night is already maximum. The fight in this serpent trials is pretty intense. 2 or 3 runs for the trials will already turn you to exhausted.

    I would like to suggest that Trials difficulty should be remained(of course remain 2 mini bosses) but reduce the trash mobs waves...the trash mobs wave are pretty easy...just waste the time for raiders to clear it. Imagine if people just back home after work to do trials with their friends but clearing trash mobs waves already make them fell asleep. Even dedicated raider like myself will feel annoyed. (Especially the massive waves of trash mobs before 1st boss spawn is most annoying.)
  • kieso
    Let me guess; everyone had to play with stick and skirt?

    good job ZOS...
  • rashkosh127ub17_ESO
    kieso wrote: »
    Let me guess; everyone had to play with stick and skirt?

    good job ZOS...

    Stamina builds are getting more and more viable every patch. there's always going to be a meta, and it is always going to be highly unlikely that the meta will exist equally in both stamina and magicka build form. The main issue with stamina builds in any of the trials is less so the fact that stamina skills are not balanced properly, (I'm not stating that they are anywhere close to being on par with magicka based skills, but this is slowly being improved) but instead the fact that 3/4 stamina based weapon set ups are melee. The trials so far have just not been very melee friendly, and unless you want the mechanics to become incredibly dull, I don't see this changing very drastically.
  • Sunrock
    Kraen wrote: »
    Fen wrote: »
    If this content is nerfed to the ground then the players who dedicate the most time and effort into ESO will burn through it in the blink of an eye, become bored, and probably wander off to different games. That's the other perspective anyway c:
    If you make it challenging and so that not EVERYBODY can clear it with the poorest build and group set up... you become an elitist.

    If you make it so that EVERYONE can clear it than people with a tiniy bit of ability (don't even talk about riding guilds...) will clear it fast and will call your game boring.

    Yeah, I understand to you, guys.

    But remember, 20 hours in very decent organized raiding group, progressing, is a problem and big deal for great many players.

    Even if I dont like it, WOW does this right with more difficulties (LFR for idiots, Normal for semi-idiots, Heroic for decent players). I think ESO should choose the same way.

    - Hard Modes for good raiders who wants to sacrifice their time in the dungeon for meaningful rewards.

    - Normals for players who care about the story and can do at least a little bit of cooperation.

    = Everyone sees the content. Better players gets better loot.

    But thats just my opinion. .)
    "by making trial's hard you'r cutting me out of the best equip of the game" argument is not really sound ^^'

    But they wont see the content, wont do the quests, wont reveal the lore. And thats the problem which WoW solves with LFR. Do not underestimate the number of lore-heavy players of ESO. In fact, ESO does have much more lore-heavy players than other MMOs, because of previous singleplayer TES games.

    What would you do as a player who do not have the time/skill/guild to complete the Trial? I do not think that you would /sit in Elden Root and pay subscription. There should be at least a slight long-term progression for everyone. Bigger progression for those who dedicate their time.

    In 1.3., there is only one PvE progression - Trial gear, and Soulshine Jewelery. Dungeon gear is worthless, and noone is doing dungeons for gear. Dragonstar Arena loot is better, but not much.

    No if you are a complete, sucky, bad, player you should not be allowed to access the content at all. All your entitled to in an MMO should be being able to get to level 1. Everything past that should be earned through game play. You have to *** learn to play ***.

    I think they have the normal mode and hardmode settings ok in this game. Maybe both normal and hard mode could be 5% harder.

    PS: If you are unable to compleat normal mode trials to day with a V12 character you first have to think over if you could use a better build and/or ability bar/rotation. Secondly see a doctor in real life. You most likely can't be healthy and not be able to complete the trials with a decent build. If this still does not help the most likely reason is that the group leader for the trials is a complete idiot and gives you stupid orders.
    Edited by Sunrock on September 4, 2014 11:59AM
  • Sunrock
    kieso wrote: »
    Let me guess; everyone had to play with stick and skirt?

    good job ZOS...

    Stamina builds are getting more and more viable every patch. there's always going to be a meta, and it is always going to be highly unlikely that the meta will exist equally in both stamina and magicka build form. The main issue with stamina builds in any of the trials is less so the fact that stamina skills are not balanced properly, (I'm not stating that they are anywhere close to being on par with magicka based skills, but this is slowly being improved) but instead the fact that 3/4 stamina based weapon set ups are melee. The trials so far have just not been very melee friendly, and unless you want the mechanics to become incredibly dull, I don't see this changing very drastically.

    Melee friendly... Hmm depends on what tactics you use and how many in the group that use melee. But I have done both HR and AA under 11 minutes and we just stack up and out heal everything so if you doing speed runs and have 6 or less melee in the group its all fine for AA at least. They do not need to dodge or move at all. For HR you need melee players that are average skilled players at least so they know how they need to position them self right in relation to the warrior during the entire fight so they don't get clieved. But still extremely basic game mechanics all players should have learned by the time they hit lv 30

    I think the main reasons for failed trials are bad "raid leaders" who don't grasp basic tactics and cant think for them self. All there knowlage comes from very old youtube clips that talk about tactics that are no longer optimal.
    Edited by Sunrock on September 4, 2014 12:11PM
  • nusphere_ESO
    its sad ...

    i was really happy - that the 1 boss in the new trial isn't able to overheal ... but he is ...

    after this video it seems interessing until the boss is down - first time ... after this - the most players will do it in overheal mode! ...

    don't do this zos ... after 1 week the complete ini will be boring and there isn't something, that binds the raiders anymore! ... add a fear attack ... or platforms where players must stand. but do something against overhealing a trial boss!!!! SOON!!!
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