Troll camp fix - Label camp placers

AD has had persistent problems with people placing troll camps that block more strategic camp placement, forcing players to run greater distance to defend. It happened three times within 30 mins just now, with camp placement blocked on Aleswell (which we had), Ash (which we had) and Glademist (owned by DC).

Then, three camps were placed in quick succession around Alessia, blocking our ability to defend a home/emp/scroll.

A quick way that I would propose to solve this is to label camps with the people that place then, similar to the manner in which gear is labelled as to who creates it. 'Camp placed by....'

Not only does this mitigate the damage that can be done by players using such underhanded tactics (or making it harder for their faction for lulz), but it also allows for people who place clutch camps to be given the credit they deserve. It also encourages people to place camps if they know they are gonna get credit for it, and helps the faction.

Atm the game mechanics are being used to hurt factions they should be benefitting for no reason. You've already banned people who place troll camps. This will eliminate it entirely.

And if people from other factions aren't doing it, then other factions should support this as well.
  • All_Bizniz
    Great idea!
  • dcincali
  • Kilandros
    (DC furiously reporting this thread)

    Great idea!
    Kilandros - Dragonknight / Grand Overlord
    Deimos - Templar / Grand Warlord
    Sias - Sorcerer / Prefect
    Short answer is DKs likely won't be seeing a ton of changes before we go live; this class is still quite powerful (as it should be being a tank), even after some of the adjustments we've made to other classes and abilities.

  • smeeprocketnub19_ESO
    This sounds good, though I question if they'd be punished either way.
    Dear Sister, I do not spread rumors, I create them.
  • kelly.medleyb14_ESO
    Great idea but it will do nothing to stop them. They can call their toon anything like "I'm a camp troller" doesn't stop them. Easier fix is to increase the cost of FC's by 3x their current amount, they are far to cheap as it is.
  • Orchish
    Simple yet very good idea. Would also go both ways, giving credit to guys who place camps and keep attacks and defences up. Also as you said would help catch the trolls.
  • Lodur
    Please also add a way for them to be removed... Such as top X (50) on the leader board can remove them from the map interface...
  • Dleatherus
    Lodur wrote: »
    Please also add a way for them to be removed... Such as top X (50) on the leader board can remove them from the map interface...

    no no no - just adds for griefing in a different manner - can you imagine the delight a dedicated griefer would have pulling down every single camp put up????

    Stands in Puddles VR12 NB
    Dleatherus VR10 Templar

    Emperor Farmers, cheaters and exploiters - just like cockroaches in real life, Tamriel will never be rid of them
  • Lodur
    Dleatherus wrote: »
    Lodur wrote: »
    Please also add a way for them to be removed... Such as top X (50) on the leader board can remove them from the map interface...

    no no no - just adds for griefing in a different manner - can you imagine the delight a dedicated griefer would have pulling down every single camp put up????


    True... But there really needs to be an easy way to remove them. A vote per delete? Or a system to select who can delete them. Every one knows the people in their campaign that should be able to do this.. Need a system to enable the campaign leaders to handle this.

  • Dleatherus
    they have already mentioned guild forward camps are coming - will take care a lot of this stupid griefing

    Stands in Puddles VR12 NB
    Dleatherus VR10 Templar

    Emperor Farmers, cheaters and exploiters - just like cockroaches in real life, Tamriel will never be rid of them
  • RedTalon
    Every faction has problems with troll camp placers so has a member of the DC faction I agree all foreward camps should have a name attached to them of who placed them, along with a guild name if the placer is in a guild.
  • Manoekin
    Great idea but it will do nothing to stop them. They can call their toon anything like "I'm a camp troller" doesn't stop them. Easier fix is to increase the cost of FC's by 3x their current amount, they are far to cheap as it is.

    It's a great idea and it will. Troll Camping is griefing and a bannable offense, so yes it will stop them.
  • incognito222
    DC troll camping all over AD today at Thornblade ... beyond belief ...
    * Playing from Indonesia *
  • WraithAzraiel
    Great idea but it will do nothing to stop them. They can call their toon anything like "I'm a camp troller" doesn't stop them. Easier fix is to increase the cost of FC's by 3x their current amount, they are far to cheap as it is.

    This idea will shoot us in the foot in the long run
    Shendell De'Gull - V14 Vampire Nightblade

    Captain of the Black Howling

    "There's no such thing as overkill..."

    "No problem on the face of the Earth exists what can't be fixed with the proper application of enough duct tape and 550 cord."

  • RedTalon
    nm bad joke.
    Edited by RedTalon on August 23, 2014 9:44PM
  • Emperor
    It happens in every alliance just so you know. Trolls will be trolls
    If you like small group PvP (2-4 players) and solo PvP check out my video ;)

    SPOILER: The first 40 seconds of the video contains a scene from the final Molag Bal boss fight!

  • Tintinabula
    Honestly what will it do? If i were to start a spy toon on a different campaign i wouldn't care if my name were attached to the FC or not. Heck it might even make me the most famous spy in Cyrodiil.!!
  • Malveria
    Placing troll camps has already proven to be a bannable offense.
  • Tintinabula
    Malveria wrote: »
    Placing troll camps has already proven to be a bannable offense.
    I had no that case yea this is the perfect solution.
  • Syzmicke
    Can someone please explain what exactly is a troll camp?

    I am not sure i understand it.

  • Tintinabula
    Syzmicke wrote: »
    Can someone please explain what exactly is a troll camp?

    I am not sure i understand it.


    Forward camps being placed in super bad spots on the map at super bad times preventing convenient forward camps from being placed.(say you need to place a forward camp at the resource you just captured...but low and behold someone beats you it and places one so you cant use the resource and you have to run a super long ways to get to the siege)
    Edited by Tintinabula on August 24, 2014 7:57AM
  • Syzmicke

    Edited by Syzmicke on August 24, 2014 8:02AM
  • Tintinabula
    I still don't see how you could possibly prove its a troll FC. I mean all I would say is:" I didn"t place it at resource cause resource was being attacked."."I chose the spot for dueling purposes"." I chose the spot for a scroll run"
  • Malveria
    A single camp can also block placement on three keeps if they are placed in the right location.

    It is a part of assisting the enemy in a way that manipulates game mechanics. Spying is one thing. You can counter spying through in-guild or tell communication. But camp placement in such a manner is a deliberate misuse of game mechanics. Similarly, placing 10 oils down on the ground inside a keep to limit friendly anti-siege to defend a keep is also an offense.

    Another drawback is that each faction can only have 10 camps on the map at any one time. And if we keep, say, one camp up on the home keeps, that's 6 keeps. Or camps on keeps that are being attacked regularly to better defend them, OR there are camps left over from a siege, a troll camper can put 4 camps on the opposite side of the map and max camp placement, prohibiting camps from being placed ANYWHERE.
  • dcincali
    I still don't see how you could possibly prove its a troll FC. I mean all I would say is:" I didn"t place it at resource cause resource was being attacked."."I chose the spot for dueling purposes"." I chose the spot for a scroll run"

    4 of the 10 camps on our map were troll camps.. If you look closely, you can see where we NEEDED to camp but was unable to due to being troll camped by whom ever wanted to get at that certain keep with a certain scroll in it.. This troll camping went on for a good 2-3 hours..


  • demonlkojipub19_ESO
    Once guild camps, and group camps if they do that too, get implemented this will end. Trollers gonna troll until then....
  • Malveria
    I don't like the guild camps or group camp function at all. It makes no sense to limit a camp that is meant to facilitate the entire faction. What's the point? Especially if someone is alone and manages to get a clutch camp down, but no one from the 'approved' group can spawn at it.
  • PF1901
    Malveria wrote: »
    I don't like the guild camps or group camp function at all. It makes no sense to limit a camp that is meant to facilitate the entire faction. What's the point? Especially if someone is alone and manages to get a clutch camp down, but no one from the 'approved' group can spawn at it.
    Agree. It's a sad thing seeing functionality being limited for the majority due to a bunch of mindless clowns.
  • dbishop
    There will have to be faction camps still. The guild camp will be seperate otherwise it just won't work.

    The problem I see with guild or group only camps is how many FCs will be able to be placed. Potentially you could have a couple of hundred up at any one time.

    Resources need to become spawn points for attackers/defenders with a limit of spawns. Maybe 50 if you own one, 75 if you own two and 100 if you own all three. When they are destroyed no more spawns.
  • Tintinabula
    Case in point. I have ran and laid out camps FOR my faction along a scroll run route..however..if anyone in my faction had decided to try to siege any keeps near that route they would have been royally _______.

    Another case in point. A few nights back I was enraged to see an FC placed rather far away from the resource we had taken(thinking it was a troll camp initially) but while watching from a distance I noticed that the enemy faction was continually attacking the resource and had siege weapons on the flag(whoever placed the FC far away used their best choice.)

    And..third example. I have seen screenshots of dueling guilds using FCs out in the middle of nowhere for dueling purposes. This is a valid use of FCs as far as I'm concerned until ZOS thinks up something better.

    Perhaps they should make it so your faction can dis assemble an FC (while returning it to the original owner). That way we could half way police our own FCs.
    Edited by Tintinabula on August 24, 2014 8:05PM
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