Maintenance for the week of February 17:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 17
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
We will be performing maintenance on the PTS on Wednesday at 4:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC).

Disappointed at dev on VR14 increase and not fixing of bugs.

I hope you developer stop your increase the vr level and fix those bugs first.

There's a long list of bugs it seems.
AD : DiE (Inactive)
DC : K-hole (Inactive)
EP : ZDM (Inactive)


  • Sunrock
    I bet there are different teams that handle that. It's not like there are only 3-4 programmers doing everything on the game. So increasing the level cap and fixing bugs should not conflict in the time it takes to do stuff.
  • Xiphyla
    When they fix some of the bugs , other bugs appeared. It's just a waste of time in putting more content instead of putting focus on fixing the current long list of bugs.
    AD : DiE (Inactive)
    DC : K-hole (Inactive)
    EP : ZDM (Inactive)


  • Hadria
    Tis the way of mmos. Plus most of the people complaining about the vr increase don't understand why it came so soon. They already had vr 14 in the works way back before June.people started complaining about vr levels being lame and hard blah blah which it wasn't but that's a different story.

    Anyways, they had it in the works, people started complaining, they came up with the champions idea. They push v14 earlier than expected so y'all got something to do while you wait for champion system.
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    @Xiphyla, are there specific bugs that you're seeing that need to be addressed?
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • Jaxx
    New content is also not a waste for those who are not so negatively impacted by bugs.
  • Preyfar
    I don't see increasing VR ranks as being all that difficult of a coding challenge, so I doubt it really took up a lot of resources or time to implement. We've had a ton of bug fixes since launch, so they are working on them. Some thing just take time.
  • Warraxx
    @Xiphyla, are there specific bugs that you're seeing that need to be addressed?

    you know, it may actually be easier to list what is NOT bugged...
  • Soliss

    How about fixing some of the following?

    1) Cyrodiil keep doors are often not interactable
    2) Characters often get stuck where they are "rooted" in place, where you can dodge roll to move, but need to relog to fix
    3) Next attack bonuses will apply to DoT effects like burning, bleeding (for example using the NB skill Ambush)
    4) NB Strife healing is not based on the damage strife does but the next damage you inflict on anything (including burning siege weapons)
    5) Possible stuck in animation bugs that make it so you cannot use any ability
    6) The ESC button creates too much lag when trying to cancel out of something
    7) Weapon swap graphical bugs
    8) Desync'ing health bars (may not be confined to simply bows)
    Edited by Soliss on August 25, 2014 6:45PM
  • TheBull
    @Xiphyla, are there specific bugs that you're seeing that need to be addressed?
    Not funny.

    BUUUT, Werewolf Transformation bugs out when activated in crowds. It begins, make the sounds, get stuck mid way forcing a relog.

    NBs own DoTs (caltrops specifically) are still canseling NB Cloak/Disguise.
    Edited by TheBull on August 25, 2014 6:57PM
  • demonlkojipub19_ESO
    @Xiphyla, are there specific bugs that you're seeing that need to be addressed?

    Are you and other mods intentionally ignoring select bug reports? Or maybe also select people? I wouldn't blame you on the select people one but these silly, silly bugs are frustrating many.

    Theres a huge list of added by people to the update 3 known issues thread to get looked at, as well as other threads in other sub forums. Even back to update 2 known issues, reported bugs got seemingly ignored and brushed aside, Reflective scale "sorta acknowledgement" being one of them.

    We want to know what the status every single reported bug is. "Currently Investigating" is an acceptable status, but the lack of even that means you just said *** yo bug report, and thats not cool.
  • Lionxoft
    @Xiphyla, are there specific bugs that you're seeing that need to be addressed?

    Blazing Shield, NB Cloak, mundus stones switching but reverting. Must I go on? Because I can.
  • Turelus
    • Needing to switch weapons to get through doors sometimes in PVP (seems to be related to dying mid weapon switch).
    • Doors not working in PVP once repaired.
    • Critters not dropping fishing bait and lower level mobs not dropping raw leather materials any more.
    • Wormcult armour still suffering a number of bugs - No traits, sometimes not working,
    • Whitestrakes set gives damage shield to your opponent and not yourself.
    • Fishing achievements in Coldharbour still bugged.
    • The unknown error should be a already known one.
    • Group markers on Cyrodiil map don't show correct player locations.
    • If a charge attack is attempted in lag or over non-flat terrain it's always broken and will lock a character into the charge animation disabling all skills.
    • When you try slot quickslot items during combat the quickslot screen will constantly scroll to the top stopping you access items at the bottom to slot
    • If you use Clouding Swarm you can exit it and remain invisible.
    • Cyrodiil still contains missing textures/walls allowing players to see and walk through all walls.
    • Sometimes after a fight in pve or pvp you get stuck walking and the only way to fix it is through /stuck, relogging or reloading ui does not work
    • If you're for instance placing an oil pot and you have 5 oil pots in your quickslot, and you get attacked which interrupts you placing it, you still lose the oil pot, same can apply when you pack away seige weapons, the count in your inventory doesn't go back up.
    • Some items in the game have vastly different texts in different languages (Hist Bark set being one example)
    • Fire Rune still causes you to get bugged and unable to move unless another Rune is cast.
    • When using a bow you dont have to fully charge the bow to get full heavy attack damage.
    • Silver bolts does not do the knockdown on vamp/WW players like it should, my understanding is that it is 100% knockdown chance but only the 5% for huge damage.
    • When logging in some equipment sets (warlock as an example) are not working and must be re-equipped to before it applies.
    • With bows (not sure if it does it with other weapons) you can charge a heavy attack (hold left mouse button) then press the ability shadowy disguise which instantly makes you hidden with huge crit chance, and activating it fires the arrow
    • NPC's are able to walk through walls or even use attacks through them while being immune to attacks from players.
    • There is a chance by using crit potions and dying that u have the crit chance still without using pots
    • AD PVP NPC's can detect players at extreme ranges as well as when entering an AT keep ALL NPC's will leave their post and rush to a flag to defend it.
    • VR12 Dungeons have no worthwhile loot drops (sets) making them mostly pointless other than achievements.
    • Not possible to set a permission for commanders chat via guild ranks (more an feature issue than a request).
    • Sometimes when knocked down you will stay down on the floor still able to move around and jump but with all skills disabled.
    • Members of your groups being invisible to you.
    • Falling through the grated floor in small keeps/outposts when you die on top of them.
    • Falling through the world in various areas of Cyrodiil is still not fixed.
    • Being locked in combat for ages with no NPC's or players around.
    • Scrolls being reset after a crash in Cyrodiil.
    • PVP passive bonuses from Emperor or Scrolls sometimes not being applied.
    • Guild banks not loading causing players to exit and enter the guild bank menu multiple times.

    I could probably ask people for me if you wanted.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • Vencenzo

    Adding a few bugs not mentioned...

    Blazing shields next application stacking when it doesn't damage a opponent and it not doing damage when caster is cced.

    Immobilize+KD overriding the ability to break out of KD.

    Camouflaged hunter proccing multiples times on multi hits out of stealth.

    Data load failure making you alt tab and click ignore once every 5-10 minutes.

    Sorc blink taking magika even when it doesn't move you.

    Any knock down+knock up at the exact same time causes the player to slide around on the ground for 30 seconds.

    Silver chain is it's own unbreakable cc if used quick enough.

    "Cannot swap weapons now" ?!

    I enjoy this game and plan to continue playing it for probably years, at the same the devs need to acknowledge this is the buggiest persistent game on the market and that's it's weakest point currently.
    Edited by Vencenzo on August 26, 2014 11:51PM
  • okraus
    I have one more which i experienced the last days in PvP and it was really really annyoing:
    Sometimes with no reason other group members in cyrodiil become invisible. You can only see the crown (group leader) or the arrow but no avatar is shown.
    And the best of this bug - you cannot resurrect this person!

    Oh and another one:
    Still crashes out of nowhere when doing pvp in cyrodiil. The day will come when i will hit my monitor because of the dumb text field "describe what you were doing when the crash occured". What was i doing?? Let me think... just playing the game?!

    And how about the big lagg issues in pvp?! Especially when those nasty "bombsquads" join the battlefield .

    Lots of out-of-sync problems - just to mention.
    Oh! And i really love the bug when my toon is stuck lying on the ground. I can move around like "normally" but cannot use skills anymore!

    Yesterday btw. i got stuck in a wall while i was helping repairing it. Not funny...

    And the list goes on and on...
  • TRIP233
    @ZOS_GinaBruno you really had to ask didn't you? Looks like the dev team has their work cut out for them. Also while they're at it they can also fix the stacking of shields exploit.. Even if the team doesn't think it's an exploit; it sure feels like on. When someone casts a shield on themselves then another one the second shield should cancel out the first one.
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Ok, what we're going to do is compile this list and send it to the team so we can make sure these are at least known and being worked on. Thank you for posting these. Seriously. For what it's worth, the original question wasn't intended to sound like we haven't been listening - just wanted to clarify if there was one specific issue or just a collection of things.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • zazamalek
    @ZOS_GinaBruno yay! Attention for PvP issues. To add some more annoying ones:
    • Unable to stun break, even with 100% stamina. I've seen/heard a lot of people complain about this. Apparently there is some mechanism/exploit that will permastun another player, sadly, I don't know the details. Maybe someone else knows how it's done and can message you. When you attempt to stun break in this state, you get the "you are not allowed to do this" sound with no indication of why.
    • If you are attempting to stun break and get stunned during the animation, your break attempt will be cancelled (as far as I remember the stamina will still be expended). This is allowing players to permastun entire groups by spamming Sorc <Streak> across the group (this is used so much that I remember names). There is nothing you can do except wait to die or hope that they miss you.
    • Stun break doesn't always grant immunity (extremely intermittent, it does work the majority of the time), or you don't receive the full 10 seconds of immunity.
    • I'm pretty certain that, at launch, if you waited a stun out you would receive stun immunity. This is definitely not the case at the moment, when a stun "naturally expires" no immunity is granted. Not sure if this one is by design, just confirming it, really.
    • Immortal vampire emperors. Emperors are now (or still?) able to almost permanently sustain vampire swarm (save, literally, 1 or 2 seconds of being visible between casts). They don't do huge amounts of damage if they go for this build (about 1800 after 4-5 seconds in their swarm), but I have seen one kill a 40+ PUG zerg on numerous occasions.

    On bad nights (if specific players are present) these bugs amount to basically spending the whole night with your character on the floor. "Use" of these issues are particularly rife on EU, not sure how often they are experienced on NA.

    Other players: if your character is moving around while lying down simply interrupt (RMB+LMB).
    Edited by zazamalek on August 27, 2014 3:31PM
  • Erock25
    Vol familiar is still nerfed when I haven't noticed a single double explosion. PLEASE FIX.
    You earned the 500 LOLs badge.
    You received 500 LOLs. It ain't no fluke, you post great stuff and we're lucky to have you here. +50 points
  • demonlkojipub19_ESO
    One that just happened in cyrodil:

    After abandoning one of the scroll capture quests, The elder scroll of Altadoon, the quest giver would not give me any new scroll quests. Relogging nor changing zones fixes it, and I had to get someone to share the current scroll capture quest with me. Turning in the quest after capture doesn't fix it either.
    Edited by demonlkojipub19_ESO on August 27, 2014 4:44PM
  • Attorneyatlawl
    Can we consider lack of third-person FOV and max camera zoom distance sliders like how first-person has them, bugs? Please? :D
    -First-Wave Closed Beta Tester of the Psijic Order, aka the 0.016 percent.
    Exploits suck. Don't blame just the game, blame the players abusing them!

    -Playing since July 2013, back when we had a killspam channel in Cyrodiil and the lands of Tamriel were roamed by dinosaurs.
    -In-game mains abound with "Nerf" in their name. As I am asked occasionally, I do not play on anything but the PC NA Megaserver at this time.
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Erock25 wrote: »
    Vol familiar is still nerfed when I haven't noticed a single double explosion. PLEASE FIX.
    This will be fixed when Update 4 is released. For real. ;)
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • Erock25
    Erock25 wrote: »
    Vol familiar is still nerfed when I haven't noticed a single double explosion. PLEASE FIX.
    This will be fixed when Update 4 is released. For real. ;)

    I feel like a kid on Christmas. Thank you so very much.
    You earned the 500 LOLs badge.
    You received 500 LOLs. It ain't no fluke, you post great stuff and we're lucky to have you here. +50 points
  • timidobserver
    Can you add the Templar skill Focused Charge to that list. It freezes the Templar's skill bar after using it and it can sometime get stuck on the charge animation.
    V16 Uriel Stormblessed EP Magicka Templar(main)
    V16 Derelict Vagabond EP Stamina DK
    V16 Redacted Ep Stam Sorc
    V16 Insolent EP Magicka Sorc(retired)
    V16 Jed I Nyte EP Stamina NB(retired)

  • Kot
    And add please unchangeable warrior mundus stone. And poor performance on some of hi-end rigs.
  • okraus
    I got 2 more:

    Yesterday i experienced a total new one for me. In banished cells at the end boss (forgot the name) there is a phase where he puts a bubble with red dots around the player. This ticks like a dot and i think it makes huge damage, when you do spells against the boss - not 100% sure about the mechanic because we just healed it out.
    When we killed the boss end the encounter ended the red-dot bubble stayed on the whole group doing continually damage and making an annoying hiccup-noise.
    We had to heal + shield the group the whole way out of the dungeon. After teleport (loading-screen) the effect was gone - thank god.

    And another bug or error of design i always get angry when only thinking about. When there is a lock on your pvp campaign and you enter a solo dungeon you can experience a nice deadlock!
    You cannot teleport out of the cave because the systems tells you you are still in cyrodiil and you cannot exit the cave because the system tells you that the instance is full.
    Please guys... i am working in the IT business. How can stuff like this pass your quality assurance?
  • Sasky
    The biggest issue with these bugs (and in general for ESO) is you submit a /bug report and it goes off with absolutely no feedback. The forums, for better or worse, seem to get much more traction -- posting issues on the forums leads to them being maintained on a known issues thread and checked off (at least for awhile). Whether or not that's the case, that encourages people to post issues on the forum rather than use the in-game /bug report.

    Regular status info on reported items will help a lot, both in PR and in actually getting good bug reports. For example, if someone's pet peeve issue is listed as "Investigating" or "Need more info", that'd encourage them to submit more reports on the issue in different situations. But if something is "testing fix", that knowledge does spread and will cut down on reports for the issue.
    Sasky (Zaniira, Daggerfall Covenant)
    Addons: AutoInvite, CyrHUD, Others
  • Garion
    Please fix all of the unbreakable CC that ruins PvP and gives nubs the (utterly false) view they are not mediocre at playing the game.
    Lastobeth - VR16 Sorc - PvP Rank 41 (AD)
    Lastoblyat - VR16 Templar - PvP Rank 14 (AD)
    Ninja Pete - VR16 NB - PvP Rank 10 (AD)
    Labo the Banana Slayer - VR14 Sorc - PvP Rank 12 (EP)

    Member of Banana Squad | Officer of Arena
  • zazamalek
    okraus wrote: »
    In banished cells

    There's a way to cleanse it (there's an achievement for not cleansing it, though). Hint: look around the room for those colors.
    Garion wrote: »
    Please fix all of the unbreakable CC that ruins PvP and gives nubs the (utterly false) view they are not mediocre at playing the game.

    Agreed. There should always be a skill curve and ceiling in PvP games, but unbreakable CC (and cheese in general) should have no part in that curve. Currently Cyrodiil is all about who can break the game the best.

    Not only that, me being a player who refuses to exploit (or use broken/OP mechanics) may inadvertently trigger one of these issues, which will ultimately destroy the feeling of achievement when winning a fight.
  • Sunrock
    @Xiphyla, are there specific bugs that you're seeing that need to be addressed?

    There is allot of memory leaks and other things that crash the entire group in Cyrodiil (EU). Or forces you to relog for one or the other reason. Allot of my guild members that only PvP start to get fed up and plan to leave the game when there subscription run out in September.
    Edited by Sunrock on August 28, 2014 5:49PM
  • Sunrock
    Turelus wrote: »
    • Doors not working in PVP once repaired.
    • The unknown error should be a already known one.

    The door repair bug can be avoid if you stop repair after 90% if many repair at the same time. Think the bug appears when you finishing a repair when the wall is 100% but still get credit for it as the spam of the repair is too fast for the game to keep up.

    unknown error = addon buged out.
    Edited by Sunrock on August 28, 2014 5:56PM
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