Bugged Craglorn achievement - group members got it, I didn't

My achievement for "Craglorn lower Cave Delver" is bugged. I can't get Rkundzelft marked as complete. I have "Rkundzelft Explorer"- achievement so I have cleared it but it just won't get marked in the other achievement. I have tried clearing the same dungeon 3 times but still nothing.

This is really bothersome for me because those achievements are required for another achievement: "Craglorn Master Explorer" which awards a cool colour and I can't get it while "Craglorn Lower Cave Delver" is bugged for me. My other group members got it marked as done but I didn't even that we cleared it many times.

I hope GM or someone can fix this for me.
I asked for help in game too and my reference number is: 140814-003445

[EDIT2] I have some info that might be related to this bug or not. As you can see from this picture, I have cleared Rkundzelft a while ago. Maybe this achievement was bugged back then and because of that I can't get it as complete while my group members got it when we cleared it yesterday.
Edited by Govalon on August 15, 2014 1:14AM
  • Siliconhobbit_ESO
    I got the achievement for clearing Rkundzelft on 8/1/14.

    The Craglorn Master Explorer Achieve did not update.

    The Lower Craglorn Cave Delver Achieve did not update.

    As of 8/15/14 these Achieves are still bugged.
    Sinister Swarm
    15 Years of Gaming Excellence
  • Siliconhobbit_ESO
    As of the update today, 8/25/2014, these achievements are still not fixed.
    Sinister Swarm
    15 Years of Gaming Excellence
  • Ommy71
    same problem here, please fix.
    ommyy - Stamblade - Brigadier - Master Angler - Former Emperor - All trophies Done - Stormproof - 27400 Achievement Points....
  • Pontiac1976
    same here
  • Siliconhobbit_ESO
    As of patch 1.4, these achievements are STILL NOT FIXED.

    Can someone PLEASE look into this and let us know when it will be remedied?

    As an achievement hunter...I REALLY want the points AND Dyes associated with these (Lower Craglorn Master Explorer).

    @ZOS_GinaBruno‌ @ZOS_AlanG @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_BrianWheeler
    Sinister Swarm
    15 Years of Gaming Excellence
  • Govalon
    Yes, as of today, this bug still affects me and I miss a colour because of this. Please, give us some timeline when this is going to be fixed
    Edited by Govalon on September 19, 2014 7:08PM
  • Ommy71
    ZOS PLEASE FIX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :\
    ommyy - Stamblade - Brigadier - Master Angler - Former Emperor - All trophies Done - Stormproof - 27400 Achievement Points....
  • æxæ
    Govalon wrote: »
    My achievement for "Craglorn lower Cave Delver" is bugged. I can't get Rkundzelft marked as complete. I have "Rkundzelft Explorer"- achievement so I have cleared it but it just won't get marked in the other achievement. I have tried clearing the same dungeon 3 times but still nothing.

    [EDIT2] I have some info that might be related to this bug or not. As you can see from this picture, I have cleared Rkundzelft a while ago. Maybe this achievement was bugged back then and because of that I can't get it as complete while my group members got it when we cleared it yesterday.

    Got the exact same problem as you. Cleared Rkundzelft on June 2nd, got the Explorer Achievement for it. Cleared all dungeons around end of August, beginning of September and did not receive achievement for Lower Craglorn Delver thus no Lower Craglorn Master Explorer as I have gotten the Pathfinder achievement also.

    I share your concern as you mentioned in Edit2 that this might be related to the
    various patches that have been applied after we finished Rkundzelft that early,
    you 31st May, me 2nd June. Might be the problem.

    Since waiting for any fixes is like waiting to win the lottery, I'd appreciate an immediate reply that you are fixing this issue, Zenimax. Thank you!

    Edit: Just to show proof below.

    Edited by æxæ on September 27, 2014 9:32PM
  • ZOS_GaryA
    Hey there folks,

    Thanks for your patience with this one. We are certainly looking into this to see why the achievement isn't unlocking after completing all of the objectives.

    If you don't mind, could you please let us know which megaserver you're located on? That information will be very helpful to our investigation. Thank you in advance!
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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    Staff Post
  • æxæ
    thanks for replying Gary. I am on the european megaserver.
  • Govalon
    I am on the european megaserver too
  • ZOS_GaryA
    Thanks for letting us know guys. We'll add this to the bug data for our devs to look at. Thanks for your patience while we look into this achievement.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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    Staff Post
  • Siliconhobbit_ESO
    I'm on the US Megaserver.
    Sinister Swarm
    15 Years of Gaming Excellence
  • Ommy71
    I am on the european megaserver
    ommyy - Stamblade - Brigadier - Master Angler - Former Emperor - All trophies Done - Stormproof - 27400 Achievement Points....
  • æxæ

    So, Gary, any word on this?
  • æxæ
    So, Gary, any word on this?

  • ZOS_GaryA
    Hey there!

    This is going to be fixed in a future patch. We don't currently have an ETA on when it will be pushed to the live server.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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    Staff Post
  • æxæ
    Got it. Thanks for trying.
  • Govalon
    Just came here to inform that this achievement bug was fixed for me in 1.5 patch. Thank you @zos :)
    I just finished the delve on 11-6-15, us server, Xbox one and no achievement.

    Really bs after soloing the entire dungeon and boss.

    Please fix. Thanks.
  • DanaeldeWitz
    Same problem, on European Megaserver.
    Jan. 2016
  • Cersenin
    Same problem, on European Megaserver.
    March 2016
  • Troneon
    I think this bug is back for upper craglorn....

    One cave will not show as clear...
    PC EU AD
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