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How many Alts do you use for Mules

I have a family of 5 and I have two toons I've been leveling. Now that I am working on my crafting, I am starting to feel the pain of not having any alts for mules . I believe we can only create 8 toons per account, so that leaves me with 1 toon I can create to use as a mule or kick my kids off my account, which I really don't want to do.

Sadly I hate that we have to do this, it just seems wrong and not lore friendly to the game. I'd really like to see the price of bank space decreased. I know of a few folks trying to get a guild of 10, just so they can get that extra bank space. I mean seriously who's going to pay 85K gold to get that last 10 slots from 230 slots to 240 slots? That is just ridiculous!
Edited by Kcttocs on August 11, 2014 7:32AM

How many Alts do you use for Mules 171 votes

MorHawkAzarulSlurgAzzuriaOrangeTheCatsnowmanflvb14_ESOMorvulBugCollectorEliteZCoolsHisHandsb92303008rwb17_ESOgdorsettub17_ESOtajniackSlovenian_Gamerstefanosbekrwb17_ESOKariTRZorrashisyrynaAlexDoughertyWeberda 31 votes
Psychobunnihaploeb14_ESOkassandratheclericb14_ESOKhajitFurTraderMoonshadow66bertenburnyb16_ESOTehMagnusGythralmartinhpb16_ESOOjustabooCoatmagicInversusAlienSlofKorprokdennissomb16_ESOSkulclutterLariahHundingOzghostMaximiliansparafucilsarwb17_ESO 32 votes
laurajfTabbycatpitdemon_ESOKikazaruEvandusDrazekDogFaceInBananaPatchrotaugen454Amsel_McKayTankqullZaeniddp_tsakirisb16_ESOhborgeb16_ESOSharranAesIceDreadKnightmare187yotanutdrallardragonhawkkallistiGAD 35 votes
NestorSirAndyObscureIlawyndeAomharNazon_KattskijimaAnath_QDaraughSuper_Sonicolucast99nub18_ESOjirikiwi+tesopreeb18_ESOsotoninkimbohJoanOfOrcAgobileeuxthorntk421elowanGaretth 26 votes
5 or more
Swooph1roshim4_ESOMaverick827InklingsMalivekTalrenoswoodlandwoodsb14_ESOHeavy666ab16_ESOmark.markandb16_ESOBlooddancerVegarothAtreyustefan.gustavsonb16_ESOSunrockelwhyLumiNukeAllTheThingsRohan_SwiftBazzakrakREiiGN15 47 votes
  • kwisatz
  • Kcttocs
    kwisatz wrote: »
    Doh! wish I could edit the poll lol... oh well. :)

  • pahajuju
    EU server, and loosing interest in the game.
  • Eucken
    yeah I also use 0 I would hate the logging in and off part, but yeah I had to buy quite a bit of bank space. I'm at 220 atm
  • Nox_Aeterna
    5 or more
    I have one main and 7 mules now.

    Even all of them put together with a few bag upgrades each are not nearly enough for me.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • niocwy
    Look at my profile picture. Visualize that muffin...smelling it...taking a bite...
    Are you hungry now ?
  • Blooddancer
    5 or more
    I have two chars I am actively levelling and 3 working on crafting skills, so technically I only have 3 used strictly for storage. As both the main chars are in VR I will probably relapse and start levelling another one soon.
  • Bazzakrak
    5 or more
    Atm I am playing 2 of the 8 chars you can have.
    I have always been a hoarder in games, in lotro I had 17 chars with maxed bags, maxed vault and 4 guild houses + personal house I could use for storage, so yeah I am a basketcase :dizzy_face:

    It also doesnt help that I tend to keep items that have a desciption on them, like the ravenwatch items you get in Rivenspire quests, as well as all trophies and customes I find along the way.
    If I were to drop that I could "free" up almost 3 alts for other storage usage
    We're born, we live, we die. And along the way, you do the best with whatever crap you step in :p

    I'm stranded all alone in the gas station of love, And I have to use the self-service pumps <3

    Post Hoc Ergo Proptor Hoc o:)

    Motivation alone is not enough. If i had an idiot with me and i motivated him, then i will have a motivated idiot to do stuff :s
  • Welka
    What about the 0 option? No need for mules ;)
  • AngryNord
    0 - I deconstruct/sell most stuff I find/get, or use it for Research.
  • Lettigall
    Some men just want to watch the world burn... I just want a cold beer!
  • GFBStarWars
  • SoupDragon
    Yup, 0 here too. No need for them!
  • AoEnwyr
    I currently use 3 as I level up my crafters but after than I may only have one that I store more valuable items on.
  • Kego
    Why is here no 0?
    I don't need a Mule and that with Cloth and Smith Profession.
  • TehMagnus
    I baerly login to my two alts, won't waste time on more.
  • Sharee
    Hmm... runes, refined materials, tempers/style gems, and alchemy/cooking mats. So 4. However they can't really be called mules, as i play them ocassionally (the rune guy is level 43). So strictly speaking, none.
  • Zahne
    I am almost at level 50 on all crafts and i have 0 mules, and never had any mules.
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    Or watch on Honour TV
  • I55UE5
    None. I have 1 character main. V3, ~lvl40 all three gear crafting professions, also leveling provisioning slowly.

    Never had the slightest problem with inventory management. It is really hard for me to understand all these players with 6 mules and still bickering on the forums about spending 90% of their time playing, in their inventory...
  • woodlandwoodsb14_ESO
    5 or more
    I just do Enchanting, Blacksmithing, and Woodworking and it can easily take a half hour to move things around after getting a full inventory from questing.

    My brother and I call it the "Bank Minigame"... :| It's a feature, right?!
  • Nox_Aeterna
    5 or more
    I just do Enchanting, Blacksmithing, and Woodworking and it can easily take a half hour to move things around after getting a full inventory from questing.

    My brother and I call it the "Bank Minigame"... :| It's a feature, right?!

    Without the bank manager addon it would probably be a game that takes much more time to play than the rest of ESO itself lols.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • Rosveen
    I55UE5 wrote: »
    Never had the slightest problem with inventory management. It is really hard for me to understand all these players with 6 mules and still bickering on the forums about spending 90% of their time playing, in their inventory...
    They solved the problem of small inventory size, but discovered a new one: alt management. Put things in the bank, log out, log in, take out of the bank, put in the bank, log out, log in, take out of the bank, log out, log in...
  • Welka
    The only reason I would use a mule, would be for trophies but I'm sure ZOS will give us eventually a better way to store them.

    Apart from that, I don't see the need for mules, even for crafters.

    I only have on character and he does all crafts. I maxed out everything apart from enchants (what a b£&itch that one lol). I store all my mats in the bank (rune stones, trait stones, motif mats and tempering mats, a few gear for deconstruction, recipe rank 6 mats and a few vet 12 mats that I can't use now) and that's with only 120 bank slots. My char has 145 slots with my horse and I keep all alchemy mats on my char.

    When I get to 240 bank slots, I won't know what to do with all that...

    My piece of advice to help inventory, bank and craft management is to use the addons Dustman, Sous Chef and Research assistant. With these, I know I only keep the gear I need for research and reselling, and only the provisioning mats that I need. The rest is automatically marked as junk and sold to merchant each time I come across one. If you don't know these addons, I highly recommend to use them ;)
  • Slaunyeh
    None. All my character slots are taken up by characters I want to play. Not characters I want to ride.
  • MercyKilling
    None. I actually play all three of my characters.
    I am not spending a single penny on the game until changes are made to the game that I want to see.
    1) Remove having to be in a guild to sell items to other players at a kiosk.
    2) Cosmetic modding for armor and clothing.
    3) Difficulty slider.
    4) Fully customizable player housing that isn't tied to anything in the game other than having the correct resources and enough gold to build. Don't tie it to PvP, guild membership, or anything at all. Oh, make it instanced so as not to take up world map space, too. Zeni screwed this one up already.
    Any /one/ of these things implemented would get me spending again, maybe even subbing.
  • demonlkojipub19_ESO
  • istateres
    My ALTs also have their own horses, feed exclusively for carriering
  • Zebug
    0..... I'll rent out 10 spaces to anyone who wants it..... $500g/week
  • The_Sadist
    0 here, my alts may have some flowers on them or the odd material, but they're not mules.
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