its something that has bugged me since beta, Many mobs have a chance to snare players on normal melee hits, from Mudcrabs to skeevers to even the bigger ones..
it hits for like 50% of your movement speed and lasts about 3 seconds... worse is that it seems to be able to stack, reducing players to less than 5% of their normal movement speed...
So why dont players have something like this, or even a enchantment that does it? why can these mobs do this? its unbelievebly annoying to run past a group of wolves only to have one of them get that snare in and then you usually have to kill them to move on... usually because the others start stack their snare and you cant even move..
its the most annoying nuisance ability in existence... seemingly put there just to annoy the players.
I play every class in every situation. I love them all.