You guys are only looking at it from one perspective. Yeah, I get it, if I want a rare color, I should have to earn it. I'm not really bringing this up because I want to skip the achievements.
My problem is, if I remove the dyes from my gear, it doesn't unbind it. Once you dye something, it can never be move to another account, regardless of what dyes are still on it. That seems to me like a huge oversight that will cause a lot of grief down the road.
You guys are only looking at it from one perspective. Yeah, I get it, if I want a rare color, I should have to earn it. I'm not really bringing this up because I want to skip the achievements.
My problem is, if I remove the dyes from my gear, it doesn't unbind it. Once you dye something, it can never be move to another account, regardless of what dyes are still on it. That seems to me like a huge oversight that will cause a lot of grief down the road.
Grief? I doubt it. Most people especially end game vets are wearing sets and those sets are bound anyway. Dying my already bound armor is not an issue.
Probably the game wouldn't know if was BOP before dyeing or not.My problem is, if I remove the dyes from my gear, it doesn't unbind it. Once you dye something, it can never be move to another account, regardless of what dyes are still on it. That seems to me like a huge oversight that will cause a lot of grief down the road.
You guys are only looking at it from one perspective. Yeah, I get it, if I want a rare color, I should have to earn it. I'm not really bringing this up because I want to skip the achievements.
My problem is, if I remove the dyes from my gear, it doesn't unbind it. Once you dye something, it can never be move to another account, regardless of what dyes are still on it. That seems to me like a huge oversight that will cause a lot of grief down the road.
You guys are only looking at it from one perspective. Yeah, I get it, if I want a rare color, I should have to earn it. I'm not really bringing this up because I want to skip the achievements.
My problem is, if I remove the dyes from my gear, it doesn't unbind it. Once you dye something, it can never be move to another account, regardless of what dyes are still on it. That seems to me like a huge oversight that will cause a lot of grief down the road.
Grief? I doubt it. Most people especially end game vets are wearing sets and those sets are bound anyway. Dying my already bound armor is not an issue.
Well, as long as you end game players aren't effected, there's nothing to worry about.
Blooddancer wrote: »Why would you want to send low level gear to another account.
everyone should earn there colors imo
Blooddancer wrote: »Why would you want to send low level gear to another account.
It's VR1 gear, crafted sets and upgraded with purple enchants. I'd rather sell it or at least see it go to a good home. But, after using the dye station, even if I remove the dye, it's never leaving my account.
I'll admit that I didn't read the prompt when I did it. And it's not the end of the world that I did it, I probably would have still done it if I did read it first. Point is this is a stupid restriction (I'm guessing) for the sake of saving a bit of space on a database. If we can remove the dye at the station, why doesn't that remove the bound part too?
I'd put it in the bank for my other nightblade alt, but she is a Khajit and the barbaric armor wouldn't suit her. And being able to use it on an alt doesn't make this any less annoying to me.
Blooddancer wrote: »Why would you want to send low level gear to another account.
It's VR1 gear, crafted sets and upgraded with purple enchants. I'd rather sell it or at least see it go to a good home. But, after using the dye station, even if I remove the dye, it's never leaving my account.
I'll admit that I didn't read the prompt when I did it. And it's not the end of the world that I did it, I probably would have still done it if I did read it first. Point is this is a stupid restriction (I'm guessing) for the sake of saving a bit of space on a database. If we can remove the dye at the station, why doesn't that remove the bound part too?
I'd put it in the bank for my other nightblade alt, but she is a Khajit and the barbaric armor wouldn't suit her. And being able to use it on an alt doesn't make this any less annoying to me.
Crafted sets are allerady BOE regardless of dye or no dye (at least all the ones I have are).
As for sets that aren't BOE almost nobody will buy them and if they do it won't be for a lot of gold.
This is the best quote XD We have zombie horses everywhere still being beatenThis horse has been beaten dead. It is because they are your achievements not someone else's achievement that they didn't earn.
You guys are only looking at it from one perspective. Yeah, I get it, if I want a rare color, I should have to earn it. I'm not really bringing this up because I want to skip the achievements.
My problem is, if I remove the dyes from my gear, it doesn't unbind it. Once you dye something, it can never be move to another account, regardless of what dyes are still on it. That seems to me like a huge oversight that will cause a lot of grief down the road.
Grief? I doubt it. Most people especially end game vets are wearing sets and those sets are bound anyway. Dying my already bound armor is not an issue.
Well, as long as you end game players aren't effected, there's nothing to worry about.
I personally would like to see this, but, they'd need to make a big change to the dye system. I think dyes should be obtained much like motifs. Found, bought, sold, or traded.
My problem is, if I remove the dyes from my gear, it doesn't unbind it. Once you dye something, it can never be move to another account, regardless of what dyes are still on it. That seems to me like a huge oversight that will cause a lot of grief down the road.
I actually agree, one should be able to undyefy ones armor and unbind it that way.
I mean, ZOS surely has heard of this thing called bleach, yes?
nerevarine1138 wrote: »I personally would like to see this, but, they'd need to make a big change to the dye system. I think dyes should be obtained much like motifs. Found, bought, sold, or traded.
No, no, no and no.
Dyes represent your progress in the game. They do not represent your ability to buy/farm.
OP: As mentioned, your crafted armor was already BoE. This thread should have died as soon as that point was raised.
<<<<<everyone should earn there colors imo
I don't really understand why this applies to dyes, and not things like food, clothing, weapons, potions, motifs, recipes, etc. I mean, if I have to become emperor in order to paint something red, why can I buy a daedric motif? Or a set that requires 8 traits to craft? They could easily bind on pickup the motifs, make the crafted armor from them bound, make crafted sets bound.
>>>>Why is dyed armor the only craftable thing that can't be
Some people are looking at this as yet another player economy wall. Not that I want to sell my dyed equipment, but locking it to my account neuters the armor for resale. Just seems people who WANT to be merchants/traders, really can't have any sort of market.
I'll admit that I didn't read the prompt when I did it. And it's not the end of the world that I did it, I probably would have still done it if I did read it first. Point is this is a stupid restriction (I'm guessing) for the sake of saving a bit of space on a database.