It seems like about 40% of the time when I'm attacking with either a Restoration staff or a Destruction staff my character will do the animation of attacking, but the effects of the actual attack don't show up. I'll be repeatedly waving my arm in the direction of the enemy, but I can't see the yellow restoration beam or the bolt of fire or ice etc. going towards them, so it seems like I'm not actually doing anything, but then eventually they'll die.
This happens not only with regular and heavy attacks, but also with some of the active skills, such as impulse. I'll raise my staff in the Impulse animation, but no visible ring goes out from it. Also a lot of the time Force Shock is completely invisible, even if I hear it being cast. (Actually it was invisible the first 3 times I used it which really confused me). There's no real pattern to it, sometimes the visuals show up, sometimes they don't. It's not a huge issue since the damage is still being done, but... it's still frustrating and confusing, and a bit anti-climactic.
Are other people experiencing these invisible attacks?