While they're at it, they should fix the Strife bug where sometimes your Strife healing does 0 healing. Value right there.
Oh, and the bug with Ransack where, if you use Ransack while blocking, damage is done, stamina is spent, but you don't receive the armor buff.
This game never made it to QA, did it?
GrimMauKin wrote: »I've lost count of the times when my first concealed strike has done no damage at all leaving me to face 3, full health opponent (although even this isn't as frustrating as another regular NB bug which leaves me with no useable skills at all as the skills keys stop working!).
You can only do a surprice attack from sneak/stealth. Cloaking makes you invisible, so there will be no surprice stun+high damage the second time unless you get out of combat and into stealth mode again.
GrimMauKin wrote: »You can only do a surprice attack from sneak/stealth. Cloaking makes you invisible, so there will be no surprice stun+high damage the second time unless you get out of combat and into stealth mode again.
I've lost track of the various passives I've got associated with stealth but I can use Shadow Cloak multiple times in combat with Concealed Weapon and although I don't get a second shot at extra damage it does still stun.
GrimMauKin wrote: »I get this all the time (often on my first attack in combat), it's one of a large number of bugs that plague the Nightblade class.
If I play well, my Nightblade can take down a group of 3 equal or higher level MOBs, but this depends on my first strike from stealth taking out the first with one stealthed Concealed Weapon strike, or at least knocking off a lot of health enabling it to be finished of whilst still stunned.
I've lost count of the times when my first concealed strike has done no damage at all leaving me to face 3, full health opponent (although even this isn't as frustrating as another regular NB bug which leaves me with no useable skills at all as the skills keys stop working!).
I've never had it where my surprise attack on the first failed to do damage that would suck as the first strike is pretty much insta death for the first mob. I've also never had my keys lockup on me that sounds really frustrating.
smeeprocketnub19_ESO wrote: »you know what would also be nice, not being popped out of cloak by everything. Heck, even that quick snare the fighter mobs do will pop me out of cloak while it's on me. Dots I put on the mob... pops me out of cloak. About ten billion things in cyrodiil, to the point where I can't even pinpoint what does or does not pop me out of cloak (probably everything.)
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Hey guys, we're going to take a look at these issues and try to pinpoint what's going on, and why enemies aren't taking damage when they're supposed to.
Thanks for the video, @kieso!
at least it doesn't deal damage to youAs you can see here the NB is stealthed, goes for the surprise attack on the first enemy takes the enemy down and restealths using shadowy disguise then goes for the surprise attack on the second enemy and although this attack hits and stuns the opponent as it should no damage is done. This bug occurs about 15% of the time and only after you've killed one opponent beforehand.