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Please Fix the following NB BUG


As you can see here the NB is stealthed, goes for the surprise attack on the first enemy takes the enemy down and restealths using shadowy disguise then goes for the surprise attack on the second enemy and although this attack hits and stuns the opponent as it should no damage is done. This bug occurs about 15% of the time and only after you've killed one opponent beforehand.
  • Karikin
    i've run into that as well
  • kieso
    This bug makes me sad in the pants fyi. :sob:
  • Mazra
    While they're at it, they should fix the Strife bug where sometimes your Strife healing does 0 healing. Value right there.

    Oh, and the bug with Ransack where, if you use Ransack while blocking, damage is done, stamina is spent, but you don't receive the armor buff.

    This game never made it to QA, did it?
  • woodlandwoodsb14_ESO
    Glad that my NB is a tank... I don't think that they'll ever fix stealth on this game.
  • PBpsy
    Mazra wrote: »
    While they're at it, they should fix the Strife bug where sometimes your Strife healing does 0 healing. Value right there.

    Oh, and the bug with Ransack where, if you use Ransack while blocking, damage is done, stamina is spent, but you don't receive the armor buff.

    This game never made it to QA, did it?

    I agree. Also the shades should never take any heals from either Funnel health or Resto skills. Those things have no life and hold no agro therefore they should not waste potential heals.
    ESO forums achievements
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  • GrimMauKin
    I get this all the time (often on my first attack in combat), it's one of a large number of bugs that plague the Nightblade class.

    If I play well, my Nightblade can take down a group of 3 equal or higher level MOBs, but this depends on my first strike from stealth taking out the first with one stealthed Concealed Weapon strike, or at least knocking off a lot of health enabling it to be finished of whilst still stunned.

    I've lost count of the times when my first concealed strike has done no damage at all leaving me to face 3, full health opponent (although even this isn't as frustrating as another regular NB bug which leaves me with no useable skills at all as the skills keys stop working!).
    Edited by GrimMauKin on July 26, 2014 8:12AM
    I am one of The Great Mediocracy, those whose role in life is to provide the baseline by which The Few deem themselves Great.
  • seneferab16_ESO
    Hm, I have never seen this bug, and I am using Concealed Weapon at every group I meet in PvE.

    I am using Dark Cloak, not Shadowy Disguise. Think it might be some F up with SD? We know the crit is bugged already, the bug might be worse than we thought?
    Edited by seneferab16_ESO on July 26, 2014 9:39AM
    Aerin Treerunner, pre dinner snack
  • Tigeracer
    Dark cloak is bugged too. I have this problem as well
  • Nihili
    GrimMauKin wrote: »
    I've lost count of the times when my first concealed strike has done no damage at all leaving me to face 3, full health opponent (although even this isn't as frustrating as another regular NB bug which leaves me with no useable skills at all as the skills keys stop working!).

    Strange how it can differ between two players, because I have never encountered this even once. The skill keys not working, is this NB specific?

    Though that which is shown in the video I have encountered. And I don't think it's a "bug". I think you're asking a lot from one mechanic (namely "stealth"). Let's think of what would happen if you could initiate a fight from stealth and get the crit > then you stealth again > then go into the next stealth initiate + crit on the next character. The issue that would come up is that, as long as you have the right skills and enough magicka, you could initiate a 4-5 mob and you would just stealth, initiate + kill one, stealth out and repeat on the next NPC enemy without taking virtually ANY hits. You would reduce PvE to senseless slaughter. Game broken. Yay.

    Instead be clever about it, like Zenimax is. The point of stealth? Hiding. If you want to fight you can't expect to just hide right after you initiate a mob. This is stupid, you're standing in front of an enemy who just "saw" you kill his mate, now you want to stealth and expect to "surprise" him as well. Zenimax is bringing a realistic element to the combat by saying you can't surprise the same group with the same move.
  • seneferab16_ESO
    You can only do a surprice attack from sneak/stealth. Cloaking makes you invisible, so there will be no surprice stun+high damage the second time unless you get out of combat and into stealth mode again.

    However, look at the second mob and how it is taking NO damage for the first few hits. That seems like a bug to me; it should take damage from the skill used + a few extra hps due to NB passives to invi/sneak attacks.
    Edited by seneferab16_ESO on July 26, 2014 1:41PM
    Aerin Treerunner, pre dinner snack
  • GrimMauKin
    You can only do a surprice attack from sneak/stealth. Cloaking makes you invisible, so there will be no surprice stun+high damage the second time unless you get out of combat and into stealth mode again.

    I've lost track of the various passives I've got associated with stealth but I can use Shadow Cloak multiple times in combat with Concealed Weapon and although I don't get a second shot at extra damage it does still stun.

    I'm not sure that the skills keys stopping working are NB specific but I've only played a Nightblade and I get it a lot (there are a fair few threads on the forums about this too).

    Just to clarify, re: Concealed Weapon failing to deal damage from a stealth attack, this can happen in 1 on 1 as well, not just groups, it's just that in a group setting it can be particularly unfortunately when it mis-fires!
    I am one of The Great Mediocracy, those whose role in life is to provide the baseline by which The Few deem themselves Great.
  • Hears_Bright_Colors
    Add Impale to this list. Animation, Sound FX fire. Magicka consumed. 0 damage. Enemy well within range and cursor in middle of soft target box.
  • Phinix1
    Both this and the bug where all abilities stop working after using a Flurry morph or dual wield ability happens to me ALL THE TIME.

    So much that I have given up on even using Shadow Cloak in my build, which is sad, because it is really a core component of the archetype.

    I really hope they fix this but it has been three months with no comment from ZOS on either bug so my expectations are extremely low at this point. :(
  • Cody
    they should also fix shadow cloak itself. it bugs over almost everything. it even bugs out if you are in a huge battle
  • ThePonzzz
    I actually just got killed with this last night. I was stealthing a group of 3 VR2 bandits, only the first crit worked, second did no damage, I got confused and ended up getting overwhelmed backing up into another group of bandits! Hah.
    Edited by ThePonzzz on July 26, 2014 3:21PM
  • seneferab16_ESO
    GrimMauKin wrote: »
    You can only do a surprice attack from sneak/stealth. Cloaking makes you invisible, so there will be no surprice stun+high damage the second time unless you get out of combat and into stealth mode again.

    I've lost track of the various passives I've got associated with stealth but I can use Shadow Cloak multiple times in combat with Concealed Weapon and although I don't get a second shot at extra damage it does still stun.

    A sneak attack will stun and do extra damage even if it doesn't have a stun attached to it. Concealed Weapon have a stun attached to it; if you attack while invisible you stun as well.

    If you attack a mob from Sneak/Stealth with Concealed Weapon (or any other non casted ability) and it does little damage and no stun, it means the mob "saw" you just before you attacked, and you didn't get the bonus stun from stealth.

    In OPs video the mob took the stun of Concealed Weapon (as it should, since the attack was from Invisible) but for some reason it did not take any damage. This must be a bug.

    I've never had it myself, but I use Concealed Weapon paired with Dark Cloak.

    Aerin Treerunner, pre dinner snack
  • GrimMauKin
    I've attacked from the rear whilst crouched and invisible, with the MOB completely unaware and weapons sheathed, with Concealed Weapon and no damage has been done; it happens a lot to me but even when no damage is done I always get a stun.
    Edited by GrimMauKin on July 27, 2014 4:38PM
    I am one of The Great Mediocracy, those whose role in life is to provide the baseline by which The Few deem themselves Great.
  • kieso
    GrimMauKin wrote: »
    I get this all the time (often on my first attack in combat), it's one of a large number of bugs that plague the Nightblade class.

    If I play well, my Nightblade can take down a group of 3 equal or higher level MOBs, but this depends on my first strike from stealth taking out the first with one stealthed Concealed Weapon strike, or at least knocking off a lot of health enabling it to be finished of whilst still stunned.

    I've lost count of the times when my first concealed strike has done no damage at all leaving me to face 3, full health opponent (although even this isn't as frustrating as another regular NB bug which leaves me with no useable skills at all as the skills keys stop working!).

    I've never had it where my surprise attack on the first failed to do damage that would suck as the first strike is pretty much insta death for the first mob. I've also never had my keys lockup on me that sounds really frustrating.
  • Mystwraith
    kieso wrote: »
    I've never had it where my surprise attack on the first failed to do damage that would suck as the first strike is pretty much insta death for the first mob. I've also never had my keys lockup on me that sounds really frustrating.

    This happens to me constantly and is soooo frustrating. Lost count on the number of times surprise attack has hit for either 0 or for the same as a light attack - then panic sets in!

    Keys not working used to happen very regularly for me but no so much of late but is still happening - a quick /reloadui usually fixes this but when you are in the middle of a fight it usually spells - death!

    These problems should have been fixed a long time ago and they know of their existence. But still, I love playing my NB and have struggled with my DW/Bow build all the way to VR12 and wouldn't change it for anything :smiley:
  • smeeprocketnub19_ESO
    you know what would also be nice, not being popped out of cloak by everything. Heck, even that quick snare the fighter mobs do will pop me out of cloak while it's on me. Dots I put on the mob... pops me out of cloak. About ten billion things in cyrodiil, to the point where I can't even pinpoint what does or does not pop me out of cloak (probably everything.)
    Dear Sister, I do not spread rumors, I create them.
  • Grim13
    you know what would also be nice, not being popped out of cloak by everything. Heck, even that quick snare the fighter mobs do will pop me out of cloak while it's on me. Dots I put on the mob... pops me out of cloak. About ten billion things in cyrodiil, to the point where I can't even pinpoint what does or does not pop me out of cloak (probably everything.)

    Exactly. Just being in Cyrodiil pops me out of Dark Cloak, ffs.

    Zos, really... when are you going to fix the passives/skills NBs currently have!? (..let alone make the class viable).
  • Zorgon_The_Revenged
    I get this on one NB character I have and not on the other, very weird. They both use Shadowy Disguise although each have different morphs of Veiled Strike, the Concealed Weapon user has the no damage problem.

    The second attack from stealth doesn't need to be Concealed Weapon, a heavy attack has the same effect of applying no damage.
    Edited by Zorgon_The_Revenged on July 28, 2014 5:30PM
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Hey guys, we're going to take a look at these issues and try to pinpoint what's going on, and why enemies aren't taking damage when they're supposed to.

    Thanks for the video, @kieso!
    Gina Bruno
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  • Phinix1
    Hey guys, we're going to take a look at these issues and try to pinpoint what's going on, and why enemies aren't taking damage when they're supposed to.

    Thanks for the video, @kieso!

    Thanks! While you are looking at this please also look at the ability Surprise Attack. Lately it happens frequently that I sneak up behind something, am totally hidden, and when I use Surprise Attack the animation and sound plays and the monster IS stunned, but no damage is done whatsoever.

    This is on the first hit of combat.

    I tend to think this might be a larger problem as I have started to see this with Snipe out of hiding with the bow as well. Most times these abilities work, however they have been doing the stun with no damage enough lately to warrant mentioning.
    Edited by Phinix1 on July 29, 2014 4:12PM
  • reften
    heh, yeah, not sure why I've never reported this, but happens all the time. To get around the bug, I've learned that Mob #2 needs to be attacked with a regular attack, maybe to get their attention or something...then stealth/attack works.

    nice job op
    Bosmer (Wood Elf)
    Moonlight Crew (RIP), Misfitz (RIP), Victorem Guild

    VR16 NB, Stam build, Max all crafts.

    Azuras & Trueflame. Mostly PvP, No alts.

    Semi-retired till the lag is fixed.

    Love the Packers, Bourbon, and of those will eventually kill me.
  • Kartalin
    I'm currently VR3 (8% exp away from 4, yay!), so when I see a standard VR3 mob, roughly 2000 hps, I can tag it for 1600 damage with Concealed Weapon and get the other 400 with a heavy attack. Occasionally I do notice that I only do 3-400 damage with Concealed Weapon, but in most of these instances I thought it was because I got too close to the mob (I generally don't keep Shadowy Disguise on my skill bar) or because the mob was facing me. I've always thought that's what kept me from doing my usual damage, so I try to circle around when possible and at least come at it sideways (velociraptor style) if not from behind. I didn't think it could be a bug but it's an interesting possibility. May have caused me a few deaths, then, but between Sap Essence, Steel Tornado, and a stamina food buff, I generally handle groups okay. The stamina benefits from full medium armor are nice too.

    For a group of two, I use Concealed Weapon on the first mob, heavy attack the second mob, Steel Tornado to kill off the first, then use Blood Craze, additional Concealed Weapon and Steel Tornado attacks, and finish with Impale. I save Sap Essence/Steel Tornado for groups of 3+.
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  • Zorgon_The_Revenged
    Just went and tested it on both my NB's and couldn't get it to bug out with no damage.
    Can't be bothered to try anymore, took veiled strike morphs of both NB's bars when the skills reached lvl iv to level some other skills, add a bit of challenge to the fights and save myself some magicka.
    Forgot what an effective skill it was......ah, those were the days.
  • Zorgon_The_Revenged
    kieso wrote: »
    This bug makes me sad in the pants fyi. :sob:

    Damn, that made me laugh....

    Hold on, one has a racial stealth damage bonus and the other one doesn't,, nevermind.
    Edited by Zorgon_The_Revenged on July 28, 2014 7:14PM
  • makkon
    kieso wrote: »
    As you can see here the NB is stealthed, goes for the surprise attack on the first enemy takes the enemy down and restealths using shadowy disguise then goes for the surprise attack on the second enemy and although this attack hits and stuns the opponent as it should no damage is done. This bug occurs about 15% of the time and only after you've killed one opponent beforehand.
    at least it doesn't deal damage to you >:) surprisingly in fact
  • Halke
    This happens to me so much. I was operating under the assumption that it was due to the stealth. That I was hitting the mob, but the mob was then instantly 'resetting' and finding me in its aggro range and low on magic :/ I think the super crits we get are based on being behind the target (the ones that Mithalas mentions) but that doesn't explain getting zero damage. In my guild we have a lot of nightblades, so it has actually become somewhat of a game for us :( I have stopped using my cloak and stopped using snipe because this is such a problem. Nothing like aggro'ing a boss by doing no damage to him.
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