"You will get a rested XP for not playing in a certain length of time to allow you to catch up to players who play more."
Are... are you serious? The above quote is a future update for the game unfortunately. Are we just getting trolled or is this serious? Why on earth would this be necessary?
"Oh, I see you only played this game 1 day this week and put minimal effort into leveling your character. HERE! Have free experience!"
I understand that Zenimax is trying to cater to the "I want everyone now with no effort" generation, but seriously? This is going a bit too far IMO.
EDIT 7-23-14:
I just also wanted to point out that I am very excited about the justice system. The fact that you can't get rid of the bounty without actually paying it and that you will be constantly killable by other players until you do is amazing.
It is one of the very few parts of this game that will actually punish you for decisions made and make the game feel real.
shanersimms_ESO wrote: »
God forbid you have a job and kids someday (or some other heavy time commitment) that doesn't allow you to play as often as your friends. Are you too blind in your youth to see the issue here? Many people play the game WITH their friends. How long are the people with heavy time commitments going to keep playing when their friends far out level them and they don't have any chance of catching up to share in the same content?
Your actual complaint is that you feel cheated that someone who plays less often can get to max level in half the time it took you who got to play everyday (or nearly). Those who get to play often still have the added benefit that they will get to max level, through new content, etc. before their friends, so your point is mostly moot. It's merely a childish form of resentment.
The system is an excellent addition for the overall health of the game and to help keep a strong and well-rounded subscriber base. Anyone who has advanced beyond the period of life where their parents (or perhaps welfare) take(s) care of everything for you allowing you to be a gamer 24/7 realizes this is a great addition.
"Are they trolling" Are you serious?? Unbelievable....
If you like small group PvP (2-4 players) and solo PvP check out my videohttps://youtube.com/watch?v=jechGImtFio
SPOILER: The first 40 seconds of the video contains a scene from the final Molag Bal boss fight!
*Puts on sunglasses* DEALT WITH IT!
....Games weren't about giving everyone max level/money/anything in the game instantly.
Guess I just need to get over it since this new generation of gamers is obviously different.
I probably sound "elitist", but that is how games were when I was growing up. Games weren't about giving everyone max level/money/anything in the game instantly.
Bleakraven wrote: »I like it, this way I can catch up to my friends. I work full-time so I often fall in a couple of levels behind every week.
Kronosphere wrote: »the new generation of gamer is a cancerous scourge upon gaming. and the masses or, majority are idiots. problem is majority is majority after all and they have money. gaming will be pulled down by these people until its dead (the likes of candy crush etc will remain for them), and then hopefully be reborn back to how it was for a while. i blame society and bad parenting. as for this particular addon i dont see it a problem, as it lets you keep up with a group of friends easier and play together which is a good thing
FYI I most likely work many more hours per week than you do (I'm a tax accountant, yay tax season!). I am also married and own a house so I have plenty of commitments.
I guess I'm just used to how games used to be. It used to be about the competition against players and "showing off" which is diminished by things added to the game like this. I probably sound "elitist", but that is how games were when I was growing up. Games weren't about giving everyone max level/money/anything in the game instantly.
Guess I just need to get over it since this new generation of gamers is obviously different.
*Puts on sunglasses* DEALT WITH IT!
Oh, I'm sorry, I must have been living in a hole all this time, I hadn't realised games were all about ''competition'' and ''showing off'', I thought they had something to do with ''having fun'', thank you for correcting our mistaken impressions.
If you like small group PvP (2-4 players) and solo PvP check out my videohttps://youtube.com/watch?v=jechGImtFio
SPOILER: The first 40 seconds of the video contains a scene from the final Molag Bal boss fight!
I understand. You are used to playing games with little emphasis on competition and that is fine. I am just a type of player that enjoys playing with a little competition. In fact, the reason I play online games is to compete with other people among other things.
If I didn't want any competition in the game then I would just play a single player game.
And since I already know what your response will be. Yes, I like the ability to play with other players as well obviously.
I understand. You are used to playing games with little emphasis on competition and that is fine. I am just a type of player that enjoys playing with a little competition. In fact, the reason I play online games is to compete with other people among other things.
If I didn't want any competition in the game then I would just play a single player game.
And since I already know what your response will be. Yes, I like the ability to play with other players as well obviously.
I understand. You are used to playing games with little emphasis on competition and that is fine. I am just a type of player that enjoys playing with a little competition. In fact, the reason I play online games is to compete with other people among other things.
If I didn't want any competition in the game then I would just play a single player game.
And since I already know what your response will be. Yes, I like the ability to play with other players as well obviously.
Pretty sure it will be account based, not character based.
vyndral13preub18_ESO wrote: »
I wouldn't say never. Maybe usually? I have actually played a game where rested xp was removed because of the crying on the forums. The complaint was that they felt forced to play the character with rested xp, because if they weren't they were somehow missing out on something. So they felt forced into rotating around their characters, when maybe they just wanted to play one.
Pretty sure it will be account based, not character based.
Why would be account base that make no since at all beside it is a lot easy make char base that all char get rest exp and not the account.
I guess I'm just used to how games used to be. It used to be about the competition against players and "showing off" which is diminished by things added to the game like this. I probably sound "elitist", but that is how games were when I was growing up. Games weren't about giving everyone max level/money/anything in the game instantly.
Guess I just need to get over it since this new generation of gamers is obviously different.