The only assumption I draw to level 50's being the only Characters that can use the Champion points is because the system is replacing Veteran Ranks, which are level 50. If it does end up being similar to Rift's PA system, then level 50 also makes sense. I still hold to the belief that all Characters will earn the points at each XP threshold and that ALL level 50 Characters will be able to fully spend the total points the account has as they see fit, exactly like Rift's PA.why is everyone assuming that the champion points can only be spend by lvl 50+?
the way I read it, it's totally open and could just as well mean that also lower-lvl alts can spend them, they just can't earn them...
Um ok dude, you can stay confused and I will take it for how it reads exactly. To the OP, I guess you will have to make up your own mind since words directly from Paul Sage's mouth aren't good enough for some folks.
Alphashado wrote: »As far I understood you gain these points by doing average stuff in the gaming world. I assume quests, lore books maybe even pvp. Those points will actually be boosted if you didn't play for a while.
It could work like at Wows Beta, back then you had a 200% boost if you didn't play for a specific time, a 150% boost if you played an hour and a 100% boost (standard) if you played for a few.
Champion points gained will be added to your account and from this point on each of your Chars has access to them and could distribute them at level 50.
It works like at D3. You get 40 points and then each Char can decide in which perk these will go.
Yes and no. Each character will be able to spend the points individually. This is very clear to me anyways and it only seems outlandish if you assume it will be possible to earn 50+ points per character. If its more like 10 or 20, then it makes more sense.
Every character at lvl 50+ will be able to earn CP. You might be able to spend them at any lvl. This is unclear.
And they are earned via XP bench marks. They specifically use 100k XP as an example. The VR point system is being exchanged for regular xp like you earn from 1-50. So after lvl 50 you would get a point for every 100k XP.
When you are logged off for an extended period of time, your XP goes into bonus mode similar to a character in WoW being logged out inside an Inn for a while.
Ok I did it for you so you don't have to be confused anymore. Paul Sage said, starting at 44:55, and I quote:
"These bonuses won't just apply to one Character, but the Champion points you earn you'll actually earn them for all your Characters. This is going to be an account wide system so once you earn Champion points you'll be able to spend them on all your Characters."
why is everyone assuming that the champion points can only be spend by lvl 50+?
the way I read it, it's totally open and could just as well mean that also lower-lvl alts can spend them, they just can't earn them...
Ok I did it for you so you don't have to be confused anymore. Paul Sage said, starting at 44:55, and I quote:
"These bonuses won't just apply to one Character, but the Champion points you earn you'll actually earn them for all your Characters. This is going to be an account wide system so once you earn Champion points you'll be able to spend them on all your Characters."
why is everyone assuming that the champion points can only be spend by lvl 50+?
the way I read it, it's totally open and could just as well mean that also lower-lvl alts can spend them, they just can't earn them...
No, they said even before Quakecon (one of those Future of ESO panels) that all VR12's will receive 12 Champion points when the system switches over. What they didn't say is if that applies to ALL VR12's on one's account or just for one. I can only hope it's based on 1 CP per Veteran Rank per Character when the change hits. That way if a player has one of all 4 Classes to VR12 before the change, they would receive 48 CP to start with. This is the logical way to have it implemented, but we don't know questions is - Once you have 1 VR12 character on your account...have you earned all possible champion pts?
No, they said even before Quakecon (one of those Future of ESO panels) that all VR12's will receive 12 Champion points when the system switches over. What they didn't say is if that applies to ALL VR12's on one's account or just for one. I can only hope it's based on 1 CP per Veteran Rank per Character when the change hits. That way if a player has one of all 4 Classes to VR12 before the change, they would receive 48 CP to start with. This is the logical way to have it implemented, but we don't know questions is - Once you have 1 VR12 character on your account...have you earned all possible champion pts?
After the change, and by the way the Quakecon video reads, it seems that there is no actual limit to CP earned. At the very least it seems to be a very high number that will take a very long time and a ton of playing to reach. The example he used shows an unlocked passive at 100 CP 'Counterstrike' and this is only for ONE of the 9 shown Constellations. They may launch with more or less than 9 Constellations and it may not actually take 100 CP to reach the final uber passive, only time will tell.
I'm not sure if you even read my comment and I'm 99% sure you haven't even bothered to watch the Quakecon video where Paul Sage talks about the Champion system. They have already said VR12's will get 12 CP to start with the day the system changes from VR to CP. Any player who has spent the past several months playing like crazy to get all 4 Classes to VR12 absolutely deserves more CP to start off with than a player who has 1 VR12. And if you're seriously gonna rage quit over 36 points, then maybe MMO's aren't for you. BTW, I have only a single VR toon and he's VR8 and I have no issue with someone getting 48 CP over my 8 CP if they have 4 VR12's and I still only have a single VR8 when it hits.HELL NO! If an account with 4VR12's gets 48 champion points vs. an account with 1 VR12 getting 12 champion points, I will rage quit.
I am not leveling 4 toons for VR12 to get to the true max level...
We have a while, I'm guessing 1-2 months at least. Keep in mind all of us here are just speculating on what's going to happen based on the Quakecon video and previous 'Future of ESO Panels'.In what update will champion will be in? Sorry, I can not remember for sure. Just wondering how much time I have left to get to VR12?
I'm not sure if you even read my comment and I'm 99% sure you haven't even bothered to watch the Quakecon video where Paul Sage talks about the Champion system. They have already said VR12's will get 12 CP to start with the day the system changes from VR to CP. Any player who has spent the past several months playing like crazy to get all 4 Classes to VR12 absolutely deserves more CP to start off with than a player who has 1 VR12. And if you're seriously gonna rage quit over 36 points, then maybe MMO's aren't for you. BTW, I have only a single VR toon and he's VR8 and I have no issue with someone getting 48 CP over my 8 CP if they have 4 VR12's and I still only have a single VR8 when it hits.HELL NO! If an account with 4VR12's gets 48 champion points vs. an account with 1 VR12 getting 12 champion points, I will rage quit.
I am not leveling 4 toons for VR12 to get to the true max level...
As Paul Sage and the system he presented eludes to there is likely to be many HUNDREDS of CP that will take players MONTHS to acquire to "max" it out. People need to understand the Champion system is replacing Veteran Ranks to be a lateral advancement instead of the current vertical advancement. It's sad that we live in this gaming society where people think they're automatically entitled to everything everyone else has/gets without doing the same work to get/earn it.We have a while, I'm guessing 1-2 months at least. Keep in mind all of us here are just speculating on what's going to happen based on the Quakecon video and previous 'Future of ESO Panels'.In what update will champion will be in? Sorry, I can not remember for sure. Just wondering how much time I have left to get to VR12?
Then I take back that you didn't read my comment and point to more that you didn't fully read what we've all been discussing. Some of us take what Paul Sage said to mean that any Character on your account can earn CP (Champion Points) but only level 50 Characters on that account can spend them into the new Constellation passives.The point is this. If there are 100 champion pts to acquire...and it is going to take YEARS to do, that's fine.
as long as I can do it with one character
But if I have to do exactly the same content four times, to level up my one character, then nope, sorry, flawed, goodbye.
Ok I did it for you so you don't have to be confused anymore. Paul Sage said, starting at 44:55, and I quote:
"These bonuses won't just apply to one Character, but the Champion points you earn you'll actually earn them for all your Characters. This is going to be an account wide system so once you earn Champion points you'll be able to spend them on all your Characters."
why is everyone assuming that the champion points can only be spend by lvl 50+?
the way I read it, it's totally open and could just as well mean that also lower-lvl alts can spend them, they just can't earn them...
But the outstanding question is - Can one character acquire all possible champion points without having to use alts?
What if I have been playing just as "crazy", or crazier, on my one V12 ?... Any player who has spent the past several months playing like crazy to get all 4 Classes to VR12 absolutely deserves more CP to start off with than a player who has 1 VR12....
Ok I did it for you so you don't have to be confused anymore. Paul Sage said, starting at 44:55, and I quote:
"These bonuses won't just apply to one Character, but the Champion points you earn you'll actually earn them for all your Characters. This is going to be an account wide system so once you earn Champion points you'll be able to spend them on all your Characters."
why is everyone assuming that the champion points can only be spend by lvl 50+?
the way I read it, it's totally open and could just as well mean that also lower-lvl alts can spend them, they just can't earn them...
What if I have been playing just as "crazy", or crazier, on my one V12 ?... Any player who has spent the past several months playing like crazy to get all 4 Classes to VR12 absolutely deserves more CP to start off with than a player who has 1 VR12....
What if my play time far exceeds theirs? Because I chose to PvP and run Dungeons instead of grinding out 3 alts, I don't absolutely deserve it?
I'm not sure if you even read my comment and I'm 99% sure you haven't even bothered to watch the Quakecon video where Paul Sage talks about the Champion system. They have already said VR12's will get 12 CP to start with the day the system changes from VR to CP. Any player who has spent the past several months playing like crazy to get all 4 Classes to VR12 absolutely deserves more CP to start off with than a player who has 1 VR12. And if you're seriously gonna rage quit over 36 points, then maybe MMO's aren't for you. BTW, I have only a single VR toon and he's VR8 and I have no issue with someone getting 48 CP over my 8 CP if they have 4 VR12's and I still only have a single VR8 when it hits.HELL NO! If an account with 4VR12's gets 48 champion points vs. an account with 1 VR12 getting 12 champion points, I will rage quit.
I am not leveling 4 toons for VR12 to get to the true max level...
As Paul Sage and the system he presented eludes to there is likely to be many HUNDREDS of CP that will take players MONTHS to acquire to "max" it out. People need to understand the Champion system is replacing Veteran Ranks to be a lateral advancement instead of the current vertical advancement. It's sad that we live in this gaming society where people think they're automatically entitled to everything everyone else has/gets without doing the same work to get/earn it.We have a while, I'm guessing 1-2 months at least. Keep in mind all of us here are just speculating on what's going to happen based on the Quakecon video and previous 'Future of ESO Panels'.In what update will champion will be in? Sorry, I can not remember for sure. Just wondering how much time I have left to get to VR12?
The point is this. If there are 100 champion pts to acquire...and it is going to take YEARS to do, that's fine.
as long as I can do it with one character
But if I have to do exactly the same content four times, to level up my one character, then nope, sorry, flawed, goodbye.
I'd like to see an advancement system that does not reward grinders or exploiters--points that can't be gained by farming, but by accomplishing a broad range of things in the gameworld. Not that grinding is wrong per se, but that it's a lesser level of engagement with the game world and its systems.
I think there needs to be a way to distinguish, for instance, between those high ranked players who did the quests, explored the world, have genuinely mastered the mechanics of the game, and have made sizable contributions to PvP, or Trials, or Crafting, or whatever game disciplines they favor, and those who got their rank by rushing to Craglorn to farm.
I'm hoping that Champion Points (we're not going to call them "CP" are we? That verges on the creepy...) will turn out to encourage genuine engagement.
I'm aware that some will object strenuously to this, but, well, there you have it.