Hello Pups, as many of you may have already heard from Quakecon Werewolves are getting an overhaul!
Werewolves are in need of updates. Are there changes in places for werewolves?
Nick: Yes, absolutely. There are two phases of changes. For starters, we are going to balance the ultimate – decrease cost, increase damage etc. In the second phase we are going to add in more active abilities.
I personally have always been a werewolf in Elder Scrolls games; at least when I tried. They have always seemed plain and boring to me and the ESO WW did nothing to change that for me.
But now it seems the steams of feedback on Werewolves has finally caught the Dev's attention and we can be something more than a light and heavy attack machine.
So down to business...
What new abilities do you think Werewolves will receive and how do you think the new spellcrafting system will affect Werewolves?