For over three weeks, my character has been unplayable because of a bug that stacked the sanctuary buff over 50 times and rendered my healing spells (I played as a specc'd sorcerer healer) invalid. I contacted customer support. I submitted a bug report. I understand that a game of this size encounters many bugs - and I have been generally pleased with the speed with which patches have addressed issues. However, my main character is unplayable - the best responses I have received have stated that they are aware of the issue with no ETA for a fix; and to level an alt character.
I find both these responses to be understandable - but ultimately fruitless. I do not want to level an alt. I have two jobs and a wife - I shouldn't be playing as much as I do! And I had to let my subscription lapse - because I cannot play. Now, I bough when the game launched, and subscribed until my subscription lapse last week - and I will ask one more time as I asked customer service in the bug reports - can a GM please meet up with me in game to remove the active effects? I have seen this happen for others. I have destroyed the armor, I am willing to accept the loss and move on, but I cannot play.
I will resubscribe the day I am contacted that says when I can meet with an administrator to remove these bugged stats that are preventing me from playing - and I can move on. But as a loyal subscriber who has spent over a hundred bucks on the game and game time, I do not feel I am asking too much out of five minutes of an administrator's time.
Thank you.