Just an hour or so ago I've been unable use 'split stacks' to organize my materials. It's kind of a game killer for me since I'm so into crafting/selling.
Is there a fix for this? I've relogged several times and quit the game completely twice/restarted it, but the issue is still there. The option to 'split stack' doesn't even show up when I right click.
(I'm not sure what triggered it but I do know the problem first showed up earlier this afternoon when the PTS began to download something. The download is finished but the problem remains.)
PC/NA, Level 50 * Current Champion Points: 1600+
Cyndril - Bosmer Vampire Nightblade - Dual Wield Blades and Bow
***Member of the closed early beta group, The Psijic Order***
Guest on first ESO LiveMy ESO fan art and comics