I really do not want random weapons added for the sake of looks. I hope ZOS creates new sets based entirely upon the need to fill a function.
We do not have a melee healing weapon (perfect fit for a quarter staff style weapon). We only have one ranged weapon using stamina (thrown weapons or xbow perhaps. I'd love to see polearms but also would like some realism behind them. ZOS failed to make 2h realistic like every single game ever made before them.
I'd love 2h reworked to reflect the real combat style which was far more defensive and close ranged when not used in formation (most were only sharped near the tip, were grabbed on both the handle and blade for blocking, trapping and bludgeoning with the weighted guard and handle. A sharpened blade is meaningless with such mass through length when swinging. Physics is on your side. A dull edge will cut through a pig. This is more a mass thing than a weight thing but won't go more into it). It had a dual nature where it's added range was utilized in formation the style abruptly changed in close range. It was even mixed in with take down techniques with the killing blow a precise stab to a prone opponent).
Did one charge with a large 2h sword? Likely no (I love the charge in game though)! It was used in ranks but in personal combat pulled out when all ranged and mounted options diminished. The core concept of zweihander (granted a more modern reference) sword combat was likely to get your enemy prone so you could accurately bypass their armor with the weighted piercing of the sharpened tip. The vast majority of kills vs armored foes was likely through stabbing downed opponents ... not swinging slicing. Impacts with the weapon prior to the kill were likely bludgeoning attacks against shield, weapons and armor which was the benefit of using such a heavy weapon.
I can only imagine what this sword could do to horses legs too.
The weapon was a reflection of the arms race at the time and nothing more but it was it's own unique weapon style every bit as masterful as traditional asian styles we are more aware of today. Western martial styles died out due to the industry focused western culture. Asian arts only exist today because of the art being preserved due to isolationist political direction after contact with western cultures (China earlier followed by Japan).
Even High Fantasy games would be so much more fun if more realism were added. Obviously game artists spend tons of time research the right look for designing visuals but so little research seems to be done on other fantasy items and we are stuck with the usual tropes over and over again.