This is how ESO should have looked from the beginning!

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  • Dekkameron
    I prefer the graphics with all the fog personally.

    Mistral at Dusk.

    - Veteran Combat Librarian -
  • reggielee
    my sister would love it, I am on the fence. While I do enjoy more color and brightness it would be annoying to have it everywhere. As it is now you have those wonderful moments when the storm passes and the sun comes out for a minute and lights up the land around your character, you get those sun flare moments and stop playing in awe to watch. Then the greyness comes back and you continue to fight. this mod would ruin those moments as it would remove those grim dark foggy days.

    however, each to their own i say, wouldnt hurt to have choices but it is a bit worrisome that he put it up on his own domain and wouldnt let esoui take a look at it. its already a risk to download addons, i want some sort of protection and at least esoui has a good rep of watching them for nastiness
    Edited by reggielee on July 13, 2014 1:00PM
    Mama always said the fastest way to a man's heart is through his chest.
  • DanteVFenris
    I play on low with high resolution and grass. But I'm using a laptop not a desktop. I wish my laptop could play max
  • Ley
    Some nice screen shots.

    I am not willing to sacrifice performance for graphics in pvp so I turn mine almost all the way down. I don't care how good your machine is, things start slowing down, when you have 200 people on your screen spamming skills. Since all I do is pvp these days, I don't really get to enjoy the scenery.
    Leylith - MagSorc | Leyloth - StamPlar | Leynerd - MagPlar | Leylit - StamBlade | Ley Eviticus - StamDK | Leydor - MagDen | Leylum - StamSorc | Leylux - MagBlade
  • Reevster
    Ya well ship me a few grand so i can buy a computer that i can run that on, some of us cant jack up the grafix that high... :'(
  • Istyar
    Your game looks amazing OP!

    I'm playing in a I5 3337U - GT 730M laptop, with everithing on max (excep for Shadows and Water to sustain a good amount of FPS 40+) and I think the graphics are pretty cool the way they are now.

    It would be great if ZOS launch a high-res texture pack for those who have a great gaming PC to use all their processing powers, and let it optional for people like me, who have a modest PC :smiley:

    Istyar ~ Sorcerer - Aldmeri Dominion - Savior of Nirn - Hero of Tamriel

    Istyar, the old sorcerer from Summerset Isles, Master of the Old Ways of the Psjiic Order and Grand Master of the Illusion and Mysticism Divison of Aldmeri Dominion Army.

    Check the UESP and learn more about TES universe:
  • Cyanhide
    I'v been reading up on the thread of the creator, apart from some filters that might reduce your FPS most of the settings have no effect on your FPS. The only problem I see, is that when the game gets a patch, your separate launcher needs to be updated. But other then that, amazing stuff really.
  • crislevin
    Cyanhide wrote: »
    I'v been reading up on the thread of the creator, apart from some filters that might reduce your FPS most of the settings have no effect on your FPS. The only problem I see, is that when the game gets a patch, your separate launcher needs to be updated. But other then that, amazing stuff really.

    I have problem believing somehow increased graphic details and depth will "not" affect fps.

    Yeah, when you have highest hardware and fps is maxed, 100 to 80 doesn't mean much, but for many of us, it's a bad exchange.
  • Cyanhide
    Well this thing really is for us who are capped at ultra and still have some room for improvement.

    And most of this stuff like increasing contrast and tweaking colors will have zero effect on your fps.

    Fogdistance, yeah that's a given .
  • xaraan
    I wish there was a middle ground between what the game is now and the distance fog removal. No fog or distance haze looks odd and unrealistic, but as it is now in the game it seems a bit over done.
    -- @xaraan --
    nightblade: Xaraan templar: Xaraan-dar dragon-knight: Xaraanosaurus necromancer: Xaraan-qa warden: Xaraanodon sorcerer: Xaraan-ra
    AD • NA • PC
  • pborerb16_ESO
    Faustes wrote: »
    Looks way to bright/saturated.
    Fully agree. Doesn't look "natural" enough for my taste.
  • ers101284b14_ESO
    I couldn't figure out how to get it working :( is there a link to a tutorial or something?

    Nevermind got it working
    Edited by ers101284b14_ESO on July 13, 2014 3:46PM
  • seneferab16_ESO
    Phantax wrote: »
    Agree, the moody aesthetic feel that ESO currently has is great. In fact the only problem I currently have with any ESO environment is that I wish the bad weather conditions were a little more intense !
    Just be nice to have heavier rain and harder snow every so often,

    Imagine an early morning sneak attack in Cyrodiil.. with fog so thich you can barely see two feet in front of you.

    Would be great to have weather muffle/distort the sound as well... So you'd hear people fighting but not 100% sure where.

    Aerin Treerunner, pre dinner snack
  • Slash8915
    You can still use the normal launcher to log in when you want to. That's what I do when I want to PvP. No way am I going to use this mod with the current FPS issues in Cyrodiil...
  • Kayira
    Before they implement more light and graphic options they should fix the gameplay and content first. It looks nice I agree but I wouldn't be able to run it like that anyway. I am not bothered. I think the graphics are already pretty good for an MMO.

    Don't forget that if you upscale the graphics the hard ware required might need to be upped as well. That leaves people with old computers, potential subscribers, out of the game because their computer is unable to run it.

    But whoever modded it like this: Well done, pretty impressive!
    EU PC
    In Game Tag: @Silthoras

    Raid Mains: Warden and Templar Heals
    DDs: Mag Sorc and Mag Necro
  • thorntk421
    Overall I think the graphics are great for an MMO. If I would change anything, it would be the constant fog bank. Not totally get rid of it, just move it back some. Having a totally clear sky once in awhile would be nice.
  • Mordria
    Those pictures look great, but then the regular settings look really good also.


    Edited by Mordria on July 13, 2014 10:30PM
  • poodlemasterb16_ESO
    I don't like the mod much. I play at 2560x1600 and it's very pretty.



    Lyriss you useless ***, get back to work:


  • Mordria
    X-Men "Storm" impersonation. :D

    Edited by Mordria on July 13, 2014 9:27PM
  • indytims_ESO
    This game is already the best-looking MMO out of the box, in my opinion. Absolutely gorgeous.

    I love the idea of mods like the one discussed in this thread, though. More options for different folks in this regard can't hurt. Personally, I am in the 'fog' crowd. I prefer it, as it gives a more mystical quality to the game in my opinion.
  • Tabbycat
    That just seems too bright for TES. I guess I am used to the darker and grittier feel from the single player games.

    ZOS themselves are supposed to brighten the game up a bit. I'll wait and see what that does.

    I'm of the opinion that the game looks amazing as it is.
    Founder and Co-GM of The Psijic Order Guild (NA)
  • danno8
    Yes I wish there was a way to push the fog back more without disabling it completely.

    If you use the mod to disable the fog, you are stuck looking at some very ugly distant textures. If you have Depth of Field enabled then they are blurry as opposed to foggy. Either way I end up turning fog back on.

    The mod does add some nice shader changes though. The level "4" shader adds some darker darks, and brighter brights that give the game a better contrast.

    Also the FoV change is nice, however I wish the FoV slider for 3rd person was just a greater zoom-out function, and not a combined zoom-out+FoV, as it causes major distortion in your periphery at the 1.20+ level.

    Edit : Ah and also the EnableLowQualityModels=false does look great, but like the mod creator warns it causes significant FPS loss. For me it was around 25% loss.

    Edit2: Last thing. The mod can also be easily run on Windows 8.1 in DX11 mode. I have tried without success to get sweetfx to do that and it just won't. Even if I get sweetfx to load it actually changes the game to dx9 mode in the ini file. Tried efx also, no dice.
    Edited by danno8 on July 13, 2014 10:49PM
  • MrDenimChicken
    crislevin wrote: »
    fog is part of reality, i dont see how removing fog is more realistic.

    btw, it maybe a tiny fps drop on your machine, it could be huge on others, im tired of then making cosmetic changes at the expense of the performance.

    You think the fog in this game is realistic?

    Maybe in Ireland in the early morn, or in incredibly polluted cities. In most places around this world, once you get to mid day, you can see past half a mile of visibility.

    I'm not saying the fog needs to be like real life, because I'm sure you need to keep some fog to make sure people can't see the nothingness outside of the map zones. But it would be great if it was more like Skyrim's (maybe an unrealistic expectation). This world is too beautiful to hide it so blatantly. I want to be able to see what's around me when I climb up a hill, or mountain, or tower.

    I want to feel like I'm part of a vast world, and not some fog bubble with a certain radius that moves with me. And just increasing the view distance by even just 30% would be a huge improvement towards achieving that.
    Edited by MrDenimChicken on July 14, 2014 12:05AM
  • Mordria

    You think the fog in this game is realistic?

    Maybe in Ireland in the early morn, or in incredibly polluted cities. In most places around this world, once you get to mid day, you can see past half a mile of visibility.

    I'm not saying the fog needs to be like real life, because I'm sure you need to keep some fog to make sure people can't see the nothingness outside of the map zones. But it would be great if it was more like Skyrim's (maybe an unrealistic expectation). This world is too beautiful to hide it so blatantly. I want to be able to see what's around me when I climb up a hill, or mountain, or tower.

    I want to feel like I'm part of a vast world, and not some fog bubble with a certain radius that moves with me. And just increasing the view distance by even just 30% would be a huge improvement towards achieving that.

    Do you have "Depth of Field" turned OFF in your graphics setting? I turned it off and it makes a huge difference.
  • SFBryan18

    You think the fog in this game is realistic?

    Maybe in Ireland in the early morn, or in incredibly polluted cities. In most places around this world, once you get to mid day, you can see past half a mile of visibility.

    I'm not saying the fog needs to be like real life, because I'm sure you need to keep some fog to make sure people can't see the nothingness outside of the map zones. But it would be great if it was more like Skyrim's (maybe an unrealistic expectation). This world is too beautiful to hide it so blatantly. I want to be able to see what's around me when I climb up a hill, or mountain, or tower.

    I want to feel like I'm part of a vast world, and not some fog bubble with a certain radius that moves with me. And just increasing the view distance by even just 30% would be a huge improvement towards achieving that.

    The fog represents loading limitations. View distance doesn't just increase forward, it increases in a 360 degree radius, so when you increase it, it multiplies. Not only does this take more virtual memory, but also much more processing power. Still, I believe the best computers can tweak their view distance in the ini. Try setting it past 2 and see what happens.
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