I'v been reading up on the thread of the creator, apart from some filters that might reduce your FPS most of the settings have no effect on your FPS. The only problem I see, is that when the game gets a patch, your separate launcher needs to be updated. But other then that, amazing stuff really.
Agree, the moody aesthetic feel that ESO currently has is great. In fact the only problem I currently have with any ESO environment is that I wish the bad weather conditions were a little more intense !
Just be nice to have heavier rain and harder snow every so often,
fog is part of reality, i dont see how removing fog is more realistic.
btw, it maybe a tiny fps drop on your machine, it could be huge on others, im tired of then making cosmetic changes at the expense of the performance.
MrDenimChicken wrote: »
You think the fog in this game is realistic?
Maybe in Ireland in the early morn, or in incredibly polluted cities. In most places around this world, once you get to mid day, you can see past half a mile of visibility.
I'm not saying the fog needs to be like real life, because I'm sure you need to keep some fog to make sure people can't see the nothingness outside of the map zones. But it would be great if it was more like Skyrim's (maybe an unrealistic expectation). This world is too beautiful to hide it so blatantly. I want to be able to see what's around me when I climb up a hill, or mountain, or tower.
I want to feel like I'm part of a vast world, and not some fog bubble with a certain radius that moves with me. And just increasing the view distance by even just 30% would be a huge improvement towards achieving that.
MrDenimChicken wrote: »
You think the fog in this game is realistic?
Maybe in Ireland in the early morn, or in incredibly polluted cities. In most places around this world, once you get to mid day, you can see past half a mile of visibility.
I'm not saying the fog needs to be like real life, because I'm sure you need to keep some fog to make sure people can't see the nothingness outside of the map zones. But it would be great if it was more like Skyrim's (maybe an unrealistic expectation). This world is too beautiful to hide it so blatantly. I want to be able to see what's around me when I climb up a hill, or mountain, or tower.
I want to feel like I'm part of a vast world, and not some fog bubble with a certain radius that moves with me. And just increasing the view distance by even just 30% would be a huge improvement towards achieving that.