DG, Oh, I don't know. 14 years playing MMOs should be enough, I think. ESO has more in common with Call of Duty and Modern Warfare than it does with World of Warcraft or EQ2 or WildStar.
DG, Oh, I don't know. 14 years playing MMOs should be enough, I think. ESO has more in common with Call of Duty and Modern Warfare than it does with World of Warcraft or EQ2 or WildStar.
Well, the actual gameplay is closer to FPS than it is to traditional MMO. But that is not what I am referring to. In CoD and MW, you go into a 'Lobby' and then are placed in an instanced game session. That is actually what is happening in ESO, although you don't see the Lobby. Whenever you enter an instance, the engine places you into one with a random selection of people.
You have probably noticed going into some public dungeons that there are many folks inside, but on entering or exiting, you see no one. The 'funnel effect' of the mega-server tech is why. Zenimax has basically turned all of ESO into a giant WoW type Dungeon Finder game.
I am happy that you are getting the ESO game that you want. I am sure that, eventually, Craglorn and all the current group content will also be available to you as solo content. And, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. It is the game that Zenimax has chosen to make out of ESO.
It could have gone the other way very easily. Zenimax could have put in large incentives to group: more experience when grouped, more loots when grouped, better loots when grouped, more power when grouped. Heck, they could have spent the time to make grouping actually work in the phased out world of ESO!
But, they did not. No matter what anyone tells you, ESO is not an MMO. Sure, it has lots of subscribers. There are lots of random people tossed into the countless instances in the game. But what makes an MMO - the heart of an MMO, group play, is just gone now.
The MMO players have been leaving ESO in large numbers, a trend I expect to continue. Eventually, the solo players will tire of it all; there will be no social bond to keep them here either.
But, for now, enjoy the game that Zenimax has given you. I am sure that most of you will be happy to see the so called 'elitist' MMO crowd go away. There could have been room for all of us. Sad that there is not.
I am sure that most of you will be happy to see the so called 'elitist' MMO crowd go away. There could have been room for all of us. Sad that there is not.
There is plenty of group content. Cyrodil. Group and Public dungeons. Sorry to disappoint you, but I do feel that I actually need content that I can solo as not everyone is on all the time.
I want to keep playing and that's what MMOs are going towards- whatever keeps players playing. I much prefer playing all day and when all my friends are online, "Hey guys, want to go run a dungeon or conquer a world boss or Dolmen?" Great! Let's group up and go do something harder.
Instant group play when I want it and not necessary when I can't have it.
-Because I lived in Japan for 5 years and it was impossible to find friends in my timezone.
-Because my friends have different work schedules.
-Because I want to play when *I* have the time, not when I schedule it.
This isn't a tabetop game. We don't have to cling to old ways of having that one person in the group get up at 4 in the morning just to play with friends if they want in.
Is nice that some players want forced grouping all the time but that meant you either PUG or don't play. DDO had that I believe and it was absolute garbage.
DG, Oh, I don't know. 14 years playing MMOs should be enough, I think. ESO has more in common with Call of Duty and Modern Warfare than it does with World of Warcraft or EQ2 or WildStar.
indytims_ESO wrote: »Guilds in ESO, that I've seen so far, are not 'social'. They are more 'economic'-driven because of guild stores. While I am not really against that, I have yet to find a guild in ESO that reminds me of guilds in EQ1 or 2, or even WoW or GW2.
Quoted for truth.indytims_ESO wrote: »What I find most ironic is that the hardest content I've faced yet in ESO - *requires* that you face it solo.
I can't help but think that most people are putting group and solo content in different categories.... Why can't the content just be content, achievable by both "solo" players and "group" players?
The benefit of being in a group then would be that the content is easier, I don't think there is a need to alienate one group or the other to be quite honest, but this game does that. A game where both methods are possible would be nice, solo players are very well catered for at the moment but group players are being preventing from playing with friends because of phasing, people aren't able to help friends in need because of phasing. If someone wants to play in a group with a friend at the moment they have to make sure that they never get ahead in quest lines at all otherwise they make it impossible to play together; which I think is ludicrous for an mmorpg to do. Why should I have to play with strangers because they are conveniently in the same phase when I pay my subs? I want to play this with my friends not a stranger only.