doubtful they are hiding them because they don't know how to fix the FPS issues.
Which MMOs routinely publish notes before the update happens?Bollerlotte wrote: »
I see your sense of humour bypass is functioning
I see your sense of humour bypass is functioning
Possibly, or the person can be, like many others on the forums, be one of the people that spread vitriol at every given chance. Its hard to tell with written words. And that kind of thing spreads poison slowly through the community and literally drives players away. Maybe a smiley would help
Granted if they were trying to be funny then my apologies to the poster, if they were being a jerk then my comment stands. I understand frustration breeds anger, heck the fps situation annoys me too, but those kinds of comments, if I interpreted correctly, are flat out lies and really wrong to be jsut throwing out there.
fromtesonlineb16_ESO wrote: »Which MMOs routinely publish notes before the update happens?Bollerlotte wrote: »
And of course it makes sense for the developers to publish "days ahead" about fixes and other stuff they're doing and trying to roll out as soon as they can.
Honestly, whining about when patch notes are published it just sad.
Ah, of course, if WOW does it everyone else should.Bollerlotte wrote: »fromtesonlineb16_ESO wrote: »Which MMOs routinely publish notes before the update happens?Bollerlotte wrote: »
And of course it makes sense for the developers to publish "days ahead" about fixes and other stuff they're doing and trying to roll out as soon as they can.
Honestly, whining about when patch notes are published it just sad.
i compared to world of warcraft.
Bollerlotte wrote: »i compared to world of warcraft.
Thanks Gina...but ugh...Respectfully, those are depressing...still no fix to Restore the Silvenar quest, still no fix to Cyrodiil lag ('may marginally' is corporate speak for 'will probably not address in any way')...damn...we're losing people left and right...
@ZOS_GinaBruno are there any plans for more hotfixes in the next day or two to address the lag in Cyrodiil?
Thanks very much...
- Fixed an issue where some visual effects and abilities were reducing your game’s performance.
- Fixed an issue where some self-targeted ability effects were sticking around permanently.
As of 1.2.5:
- The client version is still showing 1.2.4.x
- Hirelings do not deliver materials unless the player is online. They should deliver materials twice a day (3/3 Hireling says every 12 hours) regardless if the player is online or not.
- Also, all in-game mail should be time & date stamped for delivery, with the localized timestamp of the player. Currently, it is not.
- Ta runes should not be found on any Rune harvesting node nor lootable item nor delivered via Hireling. Jejota+ only. Players can decon storebought glyphs to get Ta runes, if, for some insane reason, they want them.
- Storebought essence runes should not be found on Essence rune harvest nodes nor Heavy Bags, nor delivered via Hireling. Again, if players want these, they can deconstruct storebought glyphs, of which there is an infinite cheap supply for even a level 3 player.
- Two handed weapons & staffs should count as two of a crafted set.
- As Tomatos are only found via Hireling, at least one per day should be delivered.
- Finally, items sold from guild stores should, in the in-game mail, state at very least the name of the item sold.
- Snared NPC's, in combat, should not be able to move at a normal rate, ever. Today, if they're "moving" as part of an animation sequence, they ignore snare. This makes all abilities that snare kind of pointless when NPC's just ignore the snare.
- Potency Runes should all stack up into stacks of 100, like Aspect runes and Essence runes. Today, they do not.
- Elemental Drain (Morph of Weakness to Elements) does not return Magicka. Ever.
- Sea of Flames (Morph of Inferno) does not return Magicka. Ever.
- Deep Breath (Morph of Inhale) does not interrupt or stun. Ever.
- The stamina return from Whirlwind (Morph of Whirling Blades) stops returning Stamina if combat ends or a target dies. This makes the morph completely useless/pointless/broken.
- Given the progression of boosters required to improve crafted gear is 2,3,4,8 , the corresponding increase in power of gear should reflect this progression (there should be a massive jump from Epic to Legendary) or the progression should be changed to be 2,3,4,5 to reflect the current linear progression. Either way, something needs to change.
Which one of these is working as intended?Fairydragon3 wrote: »... I think you misunderstand some game functions
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »We just wrapped these up and published them here: