Prison added to Justice system

Edited by Gilvoth on December 2, 2018 6:13PM
  • Rodario
    I'll have what he's having
    Victoria Lux - Templar Tank
  • Innocente
    Dream on.
  • SaibotLiu
    I enjoyed that a great deal. By all means, proceed.
  • Corew
    Don't drop the soap..
  • Etharian
    i read earlier a developer said that they are looking into making a Prison or "jail" for those who are caught stealing. (justice system) and or refuse to pay the fine, or dont have the gold to pay the fine. for random item's stolen within eso.
    i am requesting that there will be put inplace a full Prison System. not a jail but a real LIVE Functioning Prison system, this will also include Riot's, meal time, and courtyard duels and/or fights.
    including the ability to break out of prison and become a Fugitive. and also this Prison will be global and for ALL three alliances to share exactly like it is in cryodiil that will include PvP if you do try to escape.
    the PvP system will be automatic while you are within the confines of the prison, and will also label you as a "Fugitive" thus allowing not only the Guards to capture and kill you but also ANY other person you may see or bump into while you are attempting to escape.
    but ofcourse if you wish to sleep off your sentence then you will remain in your cell untill meal times and manditory courtyard excersize times.
    if you steal from elderscrolls society and the shops and stores then you diserve to go to a court and be proven guilty and then sentenced to prison for thiefts and that should be a serious offence punishable by none other then serving your time in Prison!
    if you have commited the crime then you must serve your time!
    and you can read it for yourself in the photostetic copy printed below

    I, the undersigned phorfiet all rights, privileges, liscences, herein and herein contained, ect ect Tax Mendus, gloryiah, complimentis Catum!


    some people smoke too much weed.

  • XanadoX
    Eta 2018
  • Gilvoth
    you break the law then pay the FINE!
    the guards love it when they never pay the fine.
  • Nox_Aeterna
    Well , by the looks of this system , if they catch me , i can cancel my sub for the month and come back eventually when they finally let me go lols.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • demenzia
  • cracker81
    That would be so badass.
  • Gilvoth
    cracker81 wrote: »
    That would be so badass.

    thank you for the compliment, i do pride myself on the idea of a Prison system and complete caos and fighting by all of us who try to escape and if we DO manage to escape then we are labeled "fugitive" untill we iether pay the fine or atleast find a bribe some guard or judge.

  • cracker81
    I would go to jail just to see what it was like then escape. I believe it soak a lot of play time, ppl would do it on purpose. Lol
    Edited by cracker81 on July 5, 2014 7:19PM
  • Slash8915
    Can we also add the requirement to pay troll tolls? I see trolls under bridges in Reaper's March. I feel it should be a bit more difficult to get to those little boys' souls.
    Edited by Slash8915 on July 5, 2014 8:36PM
  • Gilvoth
    you ever played and remember oblivion? where was sooo awesome i would spend all day long stealing stuff out in the open so the whole town filled with guards and allways rushing to try take me off to jail. those are awesome memories.
  • cracker81
    Yea, lol fun times.
  • Gilvoth
    Slash8915 wrote: »
    Can we also add the requirement to pay troll tolls? I see trolls under bridges in Reaper's March. I feel it should be a bit more difficult to get to those little boy's souls.

    indeed! i love fun side games they allways put into elderscrolls single player games. so why not here in eso? seems to be a perfect fit and a true elderscrolls staple of the series.
  • SratPrincess
    Slash8915 wrote: »
    Can we also add the requirement to pay troll tolls? I see trolls under bridges in Reaper's March. I feel it should be a bit more difficult to get to those little boy's souls.

    indeed! i love fun side games they allways put into elderscrolls single player games. so why not here in eso? seems to be a perfect fit and a true elderscrolls staple of the series.

    Edited by SratPrincess on July 5, 2014 7:29PM
  • Gilvoth
  • Samadhi
    i read earlier a developer said that they are looking into making a Prison or "jail" for those who are caught stealing. (justice system) and or refuse to pay the fine, or dont have the gold to pay the fine. for random item's stolen within eso.

    Do you have a link to the source for this?
    I'd be quite interested in reading it. =)
    "If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion." -- the 14th Dalai Lama
    Wisdom is doing Now that which benefits you later.
  • kaosodin
    Awsome...... once prison system is in place, im going to roll my selt a hard core DMX crack pipe hitting homie and do some straight dirt up in the cell block...... you roll in my cell block......I be like........ gimme yo sky shards &$#@*..... and stabem in the gut...... go shank-o-potamus on his @##
  • Winke
    Slash8915 wrote: »
    Can we also add the requirement to pay troll tolls? I see trolls under bridges in Reaper's March. I feel it should be a bit more difficult to get to those little boy's souls.

    now i can't get this image out of my head :smiley:

    :: Winke::Breton Templar::Merchant::
    ::Koke::Argonian Dragon Knight:: Bard::
    The Obsidian Brotherhood
    "Eldest, that's what I am...he remembers the first raindrop and the first acorn...he knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless — before the Dark Lord came from Outside.."
  • Gilvoth
    Samadhi wrote: »
    i read earlier a developer said that they are looking into making a Prison or "jail" for those who are caught stealing. (justice system) and or refuse to pay the fine, or dont have the gold to pay the fine. for random item's stolen within eso.

    Do you have a link to the source for this?
    I'd be quite interested in reading it. =)

    i read some here, but this isnt the one i was thinking of, i know i read it elsewhere and ill look for it.

  • Blackwidow
    I hate to break this to you, but it will probably be a 5 minute timer or something along those lines.

    I like your idea, but there will be too many complaints about having a "unplayable" character who is stuck in jail.
  • Surinen
    I oppose this idea, reason: lore. Why would noble Aldmeri Dominion send their convicts of Altmer blood to some mob prisons where all lesser races reside.

    Aldmeri Dominion have Thalmor for a reason! Reeducation!
  • Gilvoth
    im sory that would be incorrect.
    in morrowind, oblivion and even skyrim we did have jail that we were sent to for stealing items or fighting or murder and various other crimes as well. has nothing to do with the thalmore or the aldmeri dominion.
  • WraithAzraiel
    Shendell De'Gull - V14 Vampire Nightblade

    Captain of the Black Howling

    "There's no such thing as overkill..."

    "No problem on the face of the Earth exists what can't be fixed with the proper application of enough duct tape and 550 cord."

  • cracker81
    Can't wait till jail system lol
  • Surinen
    im sory that would be incorrect.
    in morrowind, oblivion and even skyrim we did have jail that we were sent to for stealing items or fighting or murder and various other crimes as well. has nothing to do with the thalmore or the aldmeri dominion.
    look here:
    and also this Prison will be global and for ALL three alliances to share exactly like it is in cryodiil that will include PvP if you do try to escape.
    and please, in the future assume that I'm always right. thank you

  • Evergnar
    Fun idea but like Blackwidow said it will probably just a be timer or pay up. It would be years before Zos would implement anything more complicated than that. They couldn't even come up with a single new quest for vet levels in other factions so I doubt we are going to see anything that unique in the justice system.
  • cracker81
    Maybe you right but some ppl will run. Lol. Have music bad boys or breaking the law.
    Edited by cracker81 on July 5, 2014 8:49PM
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