Race Change Service - How Much Money do you find Acceptable?

Personally, 14.99$ seems reasonable to me as you're basically paying to skip the leveling which amounts to roughly a month of gametime unless you aoe grind your way to VR12. Race change is one service I'd like to see very soon because leveling is a real drag atm.
Edited by tordr86b16_ESO on July 5, 2014 12:17AM

Race Change Service - How Much Money do you find Acceptable? 121 votes

GilvothAyreSeliqueferdokerb16_ESOguybrushtb16_ESONeizirArmianleeNebthet78Anath_QDarkeusjeradlub17_ESOmsawwan2ub17_ESOsevcik.miroslaveb17_ESONukeAllTheThingsRangerChadSwordguySurinenJunkogenNemorosussImBatman 20 votes
from 5 to 10$
The_Drexillandre.roques.3b14_ESOMaverick827ArtwolfouLuisenThisOnePostskherzaheb17_ESOArchieShagrethUPrimeKenthrosWolfsheadHeracleaCervenyhk11rekina 16 votes
from 10 to 20$
OpioidNewBlacksmurfDarkstorn42RatatouilleWizzo91tordr86b16_ESOb92303008rwb17_ESOgolem75eb17_ESOKarikinShunraviBlackwing_SoulJLBMoxanDeLindsayglaviusdsalterZinrokhSorisbsodLogan9a 20 votes
from 20 to 30$
indytims_ESOBelitseriAeratusMeowGinger 4 votes
from 30 to 40$
wrlifeboil 1 vote
I'm against race change.
ZOS_EdLynchKaynlorDevolusItsMeTooGalenLrdRahvinnerevarine1138Chatoyancyreagen_lionelxaraanZyffyrzulikab14_ESOMelufeySeroczynskikwisatzSoupDragonZebugShareeInnocenteWebBull 43 votes
Show me the results.
AmbersongKingFloaiveriMalavarTCOne 4 votes
Tabbycatvicviper0_ESOers101284b14_ESOAlienSlofCorewThatRedguardGuyjelliedsoupSlovenian_GamerCogoAuraliaMordriaSFBryan18emeraldbay 13 votes
  • rekina
    from 5 to 10$
    I don't need race change I need appearance change.
  • ers101284b14_ESO
    Barber shop. F2P has cash shops. We don't need cash shops in our sub based game. *cough*Wow*cough*
  • Tabbycat
    I can't see them offering a race change that would change your faction and certainly not one that lets you change race to a race in another faction while remaining in your current faction unless you have the Explorer's Pack on your account.
    Founder and Co-GM of The Psijic Order Guild (NA)
  • tordr86b16_ESO
    from 10 to 20$
    Barber shop. F2P has cash shops. We don't need cash shops in our sub based game. *cough*Wow*cough*

    Barber shops should be free or be accessible with ingame currency. I honestly don't know the technicalities with race changes but I would imagine it would take some manpower to keep the service up and running, hence the cost.

    Edited by tordr86b16_ESO on July 5, 2014 12:25AM
  • tordr86b16_ESO
    from 10 to 20$
    Tabbycat wrote: »
    I can't see them offering a race change that would change your faction and certainly not one that lets you change race to a race in another faction while remaining in your current faction unless you have the Explorer's Pack on your account.

    I got explorer's pack but yes, they would need limitations what you can change from and to unless they also want to add faction change as a paid service... but that is for another topic / poll. :p
  • Mordria
    I don't think there should be a race change service. It would be nice to have a way to change appearance though.

  • Corew
    I don't really care about a race change, I'd rather have a re-customization option.. mostly because of the bugged char creation at launch, now my most played char looks kind of odd :neutral_face:
  • tordr86b16_ESO
    from 10 to 20$
    Corew wrote: »
    I don't really care about a race change, I'd rather have a re-customization option.. mostly because of the bugged char creation at launch, now my most played char looks kind of odd :neutral_face:

    If you are wearing a costume then that is the reason for the erroneous body changes. Tbh I kinda like it, one of my costumes changes my looks at random.
    Edited by tordr86b16_ESO on July 5, 2014 12:42AM
  • Corew
    Corew wrote: »
    I don't really care about a race change, I'd rather have a re-customization option.. mostly because of the bugged char creation at launch, now my most played char looks kind of odd :neutral_face:

    If you are wearing a costume then that is the reason for the erroneous body changes. Tbh I kinda like it, one of my costumes changes my looks at random.

    Costumes does indeed make it worse but it's bad enough without, I couldn't zoom in on my char at creation so things got a bit.. messed up :)
  • tordr86b16_ESO
    from 10 to 20$
    Corew wrote: »
    Corew wrote: »
    I don't really care about a race change, I'd rather have a re-customization option.. mostly because of the bugged char creation at launch, now my most played char looks kind of odd :neutral_face:

    If you are wearing a costume then that is the reason for the erroneous body changes. Tbh I kinda like it, one of my costumes changes my looks at random.

    Costumes does indeed make it worse but it's bad enough without, I couldn't zoom in on my char at creation so things got a bit.. messed up :)

    We are getting dyes sometime this year, so there is hope for character customization eg barber (skin changer?). ;)
  • Slash8915
    Sorry, I don't see the correlation between changing your race and level grinding?
  • ers101284b14_ESO
    Barber shop. F2P has cash shops. We don't need cash shops in our sub based game. *cough*Wow*cough*

    Barber shops should be free or be accessible with ingame currency. I honestly don't know the technicalities with race changes but I would imagine it would take some manpower to keep the service up and running, hence the cost.

    Yeah in game currency is fine but they are doing the WoW crap where they charge a sub then charge money in a cash shop too which I am against. Final Fantasy does it too. Cost $20 to have a character switch servers. So if you wanted to play and your friends where on one server but it was locked you could play on another server then when the population evened out they charged you $20 to transfer. Same with this PC to PS4 transfer they are technically charging you $5 for the transfer which i guess isn't too bad but still it should be a free transfer since they haven't had the consoles up and running. Same with the Palamono horse and the imperial edition. It's a sub based game meaning you should get all the content and not have to buy it from a shop.
  • tordr86b16_ESO
    from 10 to 20$
    Barber shop. F2P has cash shops. We don't need cash shops in our sub based game. *cough*Wow*cough*

    Barber shops should be free or be accessible with ingame currency. I honestly don't know the technicalities with race changes but I would imagine it would take some manpower to keep the service up and running, hence the cost.

    Yeah in game currency is fine but they are doing the WoW crap where they charge a sub then charge money in a cash shop too which I am against. Final Fantasy does it too. Cost $20 to have a character switch servers. So if you wanted to play and your friends where on one server but it was locked you could play on another server then when the population evened out they charged you $20 to transfer. Same with this PC to PS4 transfer they are technically charging you $5 for the transfer which i guess isn't too bad but still it should be a free transfer since they haven't had the consoles up and running. Same with the Palamono horse and the imperial edition. It's a sub based game meaning you should get all the content and not have to buy it from a shop.

    The Palamono horse is no better than the Imperial Edition mount, if anything they are doing people a service saving money.

    Edited by tordr86b16_ESO on July 5, 2014 1:53AM
  • ers101284b14_ESO
    Barber shop. F2P has cash shops. We don't need cash shops in our sub based game. *cough*Wow*cough*

    Barber shops should be free or be accessible with ingame currency. I honestly don't know the technicalities with race changes but I would imagine it would take some manpower to keep the service up and running, hence the cost.

    Yeah in game currency is fine but they are doing the WoW crap where they charge a sub then charge money in a cash shop too which I am against. Final Fantasy does it too. Cost $20 to have a character switch servers. So if you wanted to play and your friends where on one server but it was locked you could play on another server then when the population evened out they charged you $20 to transfer. Same with this PC to PS4 transfer they are technically charging you $5 for the transfer which i guess isn't too bad but still it should be a free transfer since they haven't had the consoles up and running. Same with the Palamono horse and the imperial edition. It's a sub based game meaning you should get all the content and not have to buy it from a shop.

    The Palamono horse is no better than the Imperial Edition mount, if anything they are doing people a service saving money.

    Not the point but ok. Just saying cash shops are for F2P. But the sub is to pay the devs for content, patches, fixes, and in game items.
  • Fleymark
    I don't think it's outrageous for your choice of race to stick with you forever considering there are only 4 classes, but it would be nice if we could buy more character slots to try new builds. By the time you use 4 slots for mules the others go fast.

    I've never been opposed to paying for extra accounts for games I'm really into but expanded bank space has value and, honestly, while I like eso I'm not THAT into it LOL so extra slots would be really great.
  • FadedJeans
    I'd simply like to change one of my character's voices. But yeah, changing appearance for an in-game cost would be nice.
  • Shagreth
    from 5 to 10$
    A face sculptor where you can change the way you look for gold would be nice, awesome gold sink as well. Then sex change for 5$ and race change for 10$ sounds reasonable, I think.
  • emeraldbay
    Honestly, I don't want a race-change, I want a appearance change. And I think the price should scale off of how much you want to change. Also, I'd rather not pay for it with real money- in-game gold is fine, isn't it? It'd be a nice gold sink, for people who really wanted it.
  • SFBryan18
  • Auralia
    Don't think they will have a race change. I would not change my characters race anyway. I would like a change appearance more and that is probably going to be likely.
  • MalavarTCOne
    Show me the results.
    "To steal from a god is most unwise" -Nocturnal
  • Cogo
    I think people should pay 15$ per poll they post.
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • Evergnar
    I'm against race change.
    Can't endorse it. About as far as I'd go is a slight cosmetic or sex change.
    Edited by Evergnar on July 5, 2014 5:34AM
  • jelliedsoup
    In game money for all changes, class, race, appearance, hair cut what ever the customer wants.

  • xaraan
    I'm against race change.
    There should be appearance changes, but not race or class changes.
    -- @xaraan --
    nightblade: Xaraan templar: Xaraan-dar dragon-knight: Xaraanosaurus necromancer: Xaraan-qa warden: Xaraanodon sorcerer: Xaraan-ra
    AD • NA • PC
  • golem75eb17_ESO
    from 10 to 20$
    I really can´t get why anybody is against race change. it is purely personal (and mostly cosmetic) and I really do not want to level another char just because I did choose the "wrong" race.
    To me it is a question of satisfaction within the game. Changing my race (within my creation options) does not change anything to you, but much to me and the joy I can get out of the game.
    Edited by golem75eb17_ESO on July 7, 2014 6:16PM
  • Surinen
    free. I'm not a masochist.
  • Swordguy
    as long as the game is subscription based, those services should be free, but obviously with time restrictions (i.e. - once per month)

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  • nerevarine1138
    I'm against race change.
    Swordguy wrote: »
    as long as the game is subscription based, those services should be free, but obviously with time restrictions (i.e. - once per month)

    Name one subscription-based game that offers free race changes.
  • Kaynlor
    I'm against race change.
    They already have a race change for free. It is called DELETE.
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