Arsenic_Touch wrote: »For all intents and purposes, it was a nerf. Unintended or otherwise.
There are now more items that are rolled for when you loot a container which will reflect on the drop rate of the items that you do want to find.
Arsenic_Touch wrote: »For all intents and purposes, it was a nerf. Unintended or otherwise.
There are now more items that are rolled for when you loot a container which will reflect on the drop rate of the items that you do want to find.
That depends entirely on how the loot table is setup. Most games don't use one as simplistic as what you're describing. Maybe this one does, but I doubt it.
Arsenic_Touch wrote: »Arsenic_Touch wrote: »For all intents and purposes, it was a nerf. Unintended or otherwise.
There are now more items that are rolled for when you loot a container which will reflect on the drop rate of the items that you do want to find.
That depends entirely on how the loot table is setup. Most games don't use one as simplistic as what you're describing. Maybe this one does, but I doubt it.
Actually, most games do use a simplistic RNG for loot when it comes to base items that have no variations.
I'll admit I haven't been actively farming them, but I would have seen one by now before they added all garbage you see now. There was already enough stuff to sort through before and tough dealing with inventory when your trying to level up 3 trades and hang on to stuff. Having to sift through all the extra garbage they added really takes the enjoyment of searching for items, for me.
I don't spend all my time farming for motifs, but when I get too tired of vet trash, I'll do it, every now and then. Perhaps RNG hates me, but rate sure seem lower for me. Blue recipes used to drop like candy, now I think I've only found 4 since the patch. And 2 motifs, but that was after quite some farming.
So now I'm back to vet trash:)
Oh, and I prefer to give my motifs away, anyway xD
Hate filling my bags with 100% worthless garbage I can't sell or deconstruct. Not sure why it was put it, do the Role Players really enjoy it?