Thought I would make an attempt to do a constructive thread about what I would love to see in game.
As for now, I have come to the point where I rarely log in any more, and I wont be renewing my sub this time around, but I think I owe Z-Max a big thank you for the nice setting you created for the game. I have enjoyed it, but sadly not enough (much due to almost all friends left the game and various issues with "unknown error"-boots AND the big pie at the table:
All the features I feel the game is missing and its those I want to adress here, so here i go, this is what i want to see:
* Phasing system - really not a good one. You should consider to make it possible for groups to share someones stages of the phasing, like that group leader can be "dominant" and rest follows regardless if they have completed the area or not or similiar.
* Stuff to hunt for - I kind of feel there is not much to hunt at all. I suggest you make lots of more unique looking really really rare items for pve-folks to try get from the vet dungeons, I mean, where are those exeptional looking weapons or stuff with that little extra? I remember back in wow when game was still pretty young someone got waving it around in pvp. That was a sight! I know it is a bit extreme, and I dont want the game to have exactly those cartoony stupid looking things, but atleast stuff that really look exeptional and unique.
* Titles, this also goes under "stuff to hunt for" really... Anyway the few titles that are around are not enough. You have a achievment system, wich to me has no meaning or really interest me the slightest. Have hidden achievments like if you find the highest point of the game you could earn the title "Mountain Climber" etc, well you get the grip. Make use of the creativity I know your dev team have. there should be lots of stuff to find or collect out there.
* more RP features - Housings, guild houses, chat bubbles, social clothing and dye system etc, even so i dont RP myself I love to be around people that do since I think it enchance the immersion of the game. And I know some of these features will get implemented pretty soon and i think thats awesome. Keep them coming!
* Crafting - While the system is rather good, I kind of hate that everyone is able to craft anything. If people instead where forced to specialize more you would see a more fluid and richer economy. And while we are at it, how come that you cant keep on crafting older tiers of, lets say cloth armor to higher levels? As it is now you can use jute to lvl 14 then bye bye, time for flax. I suggest you make it so you dont earn much or any xp for crafting with a low lvl material once you done with the tier BUT make possible to create all the way to rank 12 pieces, this way you both increase numbers of armor looks used in the game and a market for all collected low lvl tier materials, This would be especially good for new players that might pick up the game and be able to participate in the markets selling stuff.
Creating a demand for low level materials will enrich economy further I think.
Tie this up with "stuff to hunt for" aswell; make really rare style books of various singel weapon & armors to drop around areas of the world or in the dungeons of the areas. this would make high level crafters go back there and search for those recepies and bring more life to "done" areas..
* Consequences - This game suffers alot from lack of consequences. You choosed to give aid to faction x to get their favor and use their stuff? Well faction z wont like that one bit. In this game not much have any impact at all, your char is everyones best buddy. Did you choose to go vampire? Well then fighters guild should say "Goodbye your not welcome! next time you show your face here we will bury you". You really should implement such features to make the game more interesting.
Well that is what I can pull out of my hat at this moment.
All that I have enlisted here is ofc very subjective and I encourage all that want to post in the thread to do the same, what do you think would enrich the game for you?