Cannot enter pvp - "already queued"

I cannot enter wabbajack tonight. I get the message " you are already queued for that campaign.." Yet I cannot unqueue and it still shows up after logging completely out of the game for >10 min. Any ideas? thank you.
  • exterminator1
    Soul Shriven
    I have had the same problem since last night. i put a ticket in and i still can't get in almost 30 some hours later. frustrated and irritated.
  • Columba
    here's a suggestion. port to a friend or guild mate into the server you want to enter.
  • ForeignerAUS
    I have the same problem. I quit the game while queueing and now it's broken. They suggested I do a "soft reset" procedure, which is essentially logging out and restarting the game. I did this and it is still broken. Has anyone found a solution? PS porting was a nice thought, but didn't work, unfortunately.
    Edited by ForeignerAUS on June 29, 2014 5:11PM
  • Columba
    log off for 20 min. apparently it takes that long for the game to reset. If not, log a bug while in game and someone will move you.
  • arturblch
    Soul Shriven
    I have this problem now. Relog/quit/teleport doesn't help. What should I do next?
  • Columba
    I let it time out. Took about 20 min
  • WebSlayer
    Soul Shriven
    Same bug here for Thornblade "already in queue... bla bla bla". In queue when it's not full? C'mon!

    Delog - Relog 20min. Delog - Relog 1h. Waited an hour in game... Nothing works! I can enter into the veteran campaign (guest campaign), cancel, quit and enter again and quit again with no bugs.
    Edited by WebSlayer on August 17, 2014 10:44PM
  • arturblch
    Soul Shriven
    8 hours of logoff doesn't help. "you are already queued for that campaign". Campaing Thornblade. Please do something.
  • Columba
    Contact them from in game. They will cancel it, alternatively, queue to a differnt one.
  • ZOS_TristanK
    There are a few things that you can try.
    1. Entering the campaign as a group.
    2. Find someone who is in the campaign already and use Travel to Player
    If those steps don't get you into your campaign, please reach out to our Support Team either in-game using /help or on our website here.
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  • arturblch
    Soul Shriven
    It doesn't help. I can travel to players in other campaigns, not in Thornblade. I sent mail to support and they working on this issue. Ty
  • Oreyn_Bearclaw
    I had same problem. I completely shut down PC, did a repair on installer, jumped to another campaign, etc.

    What worked: I joined a group in the campaign then left the group and got the message saying do you want to join campaign (accept or decline). I declined, and it reset itself.
  • Vanzen
    Try to trade something with someone, weirdly its the only thing that worked for me few weeks ago, it kind of erase your "notification".
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