I cannot enter wabbajack tonight. I get the message " you are already queued for that campaign.." Yet I cannot unqueue and it still shows up after logging completely out of the game for >10 min. Any ideas? thank you.
I have the same problem. I quit the game while queueing and now it's broken. They suggested I do a "soft reset" procedure, which is essentially logging out and restarting the game. I did this and it is still broken. Has anyone found a solution? PS porting was a nice thought, but didn't work, unfortunately.
Same bug here for Thornblade "already in queue... bla bla bla". In queue when it's not full? C'mon!
Delog - Relog 20min. Delog - Relog 1h. Waited an hour in game... Nothing works! I can enter into the veteran campaign (guest campaign), cancel, quit and enter again and quit again with no bugs.
I had same problem. I completely shut down PC, did a repair on installer, jumped to another campaign, etc.
What worked: I joined a group in the campaign then left the group and got the message saying do you want to join campaign (accept or decline). I declined, and it reset itself.