There is no such file path for the Mac ESO client install.ZOS_PierreL wrote: »If the above steps do not resolve your issue, please try the following:
- Open the game installation directory “Zenimax Online”
- Open the folder named “Launcher”
- Inside the “Launcher” folder, there is a folder named “ProgramData”
- Delete the “ProgramData” folder
- Open the launcher and download update
- Click “Play”
Contents/MacOS/ProgramDataThe full path is;
/Applications/ZeniMax Online/ follow the above instructions to delete the folder, close the window, launch the Launcher and try the Update again.
Glad it sorted things for you.When I received the email from support and it was the instructions for how to help the situation for ms windows even though I had reported I use a mac, I felt the best thing to do was retry things. Even though I had tried the repair function on the game launcher and it had failed, I tried it again and was very happy to see it work. My problem is solved. Thank you for your advice and consideration.