No to name plates, it clutters up the UI.
Sorry if you're unable to notice that the name of player, their Alliance rank, level, and title are there. They're just not above their head like in other games.
The only info the game doesn't give on a character is which guild they are in and being you can be in 5 at once, there is zero need for that.
rudimentxb14_ESO wrote: »The OP suggest that we should have the option to turn it on and off. Just because one person comes here with his firm opinion on not having it because it clutters up his precious UI space. I will state my firm opinion that we need it. As a healer this is *** annoying. I need to see names.
rudimentxb14_ESO wrote: »The OP suggest that we should have the option to turn it on and off. Just because one person comes here with his firm opinion on not having it because it clutters up his precious UI space. I will state my firm opinion that we need it. As a healer this is *** annoying. I need to see names.
No. Nameplates should not be enabled even with an addon unless I have the option to prevent others from seeing my name in a nameplate.
Allowing this would give those who have the option to see names a huge advantage in PvP. Plus with the plethora of inane names out there the last thing I want to see is that garbage running around in my world.
joshdarovitz wrote: »Would you emphasize how this would create such a huge advantage over those who choose not to use it? I do not understand this.
joshdarovitz wrote: »However, especially for those who have to run on lower graphics, it is almost impossible to distinguish between who is an enemy in PvP encounters
TieFighter wrote: »forget about nameplates- we dont need them on players in pvp or pve and neither do you, on players OR npc's
in pvp the alliance colors are clear and present so you know if its friend or foe and the health doesn't need to be in your face, just beat them till they dont move anymore.
pve? really? this is the least place we *need* nameplates. if youre a templar like i am now(hence my sig) there are awesome add-ons that display the grp's health bars(any direct heal or HoT will auto heal lowest health) and there are add-ons to display buff timers.
but eso implementing this as a norm is unnecessary and unwanted
Finally while this is an MMO this is also an Elder Scrolls game. No Elder Scrolls game has ever had floating billboards over every character's head.
daneyulebub17_ESO wrote: »Finally while this is an Elder Scrolls game this is also an MMO. No MMO game has ever NOT had floating billboards over every character's head. (as an Option).There--fixed it for you.
From what I have heard they had them in beta but removed them. The excuse was something about them spoiling the player immersion in the game...or some rubbish like that.
Personally I would much rather they switched them back on and let players decide for themselves if they wanted to see them, in the same way we do with healthbars.
joshdarovitz wrote: »Would you emphasize how this would create such a huge advantage over those who choose not to use it? I do not understand this.
Sure. Currently in PvP a character can hide behind a tree or rock and not be seen. Nameplates add another layer of visibility in that often the nameplate extends far beyond the character avatar. I've seen this in other games, like LOTRO monster play, where a character was trying to hide behind a tree but I could see their nameplate. Without the nameplate being visible the character might have been able to remain undetected.
Also nameplates allow players in PvP environments to more easily identify another player. This can be a bad thing in that some players feel the need to try and pick on another character for whatever reason. Nameplates make this behavior that much easier.
Finally while this is an MMO this is also an Elder Scrolls game. No Elder Scrolls game has ever had floating billboards over every character's head. That mechanic kills immersion and is needlessly unsightly. With regards to healing most healing does not require you to target a person and if it does the group interface shows you the members and their health bars which is more than enough UI clutter to get the job done.