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Did you start out first as a TES fan or an MMO fan?

Saw this on another MMO forum, so thought it might be a swell idea to get an actual pulse of folks here:

"The thing with ESO that I've observed is that the only people I can find who like it are people who have either 1) only played MMO's and never an Elder Scrolls game, or 2) people who have only played a few Elder Scrolls games, but never an MMO.

A lot of people who play MMO's and Elder Scrolls games all seem to have the same reaction I had which was 'DON'T CROSS THE STREAMS!!!'"

Full disclosure: Started out playing Oblivion before messing with an MMO (SWTOR), and really thought ESO would be a great way to cooperatively play a TES game with my wife.
Edited by GreySix on June 17, 2014 9:11PM
Crotchety Old Man Guild

"Hey you, get off my lawn!"

Did you start out first as a TES fan or an MMO fan? 236 votes

Played TES before any MMO
IcyDeadPeopleZOS_EdLynchUdyrfryktedriosketchThe_DrexillOpioidLauraGallegoGwarokIagoJusticiarGilvothcauxiqColoursYouHaveSakiriWhitePawPrintsboilers61b14_ESOBraidasDarkstorn42ers101284b14_ESO 166 votes
Played an MMO before any TES game
WraithenKorereactorElloaMoiskormoimiPolskiBunny_ESONyteshadeVeeroNivzruo_ESOLeijonaAmesielAlphashadomonden1980b16_ESOFrcyrfrosth.darkomenb16_ESOLodestarforbarcusb16_ESOBarsBarazDorgonXozah 70 votes
This is my first experience with either an MMO or TES
  • magickats242cub18_ESO
    I don't see my option, I played both MMOs and TES games.
  • Sakiri
    Played TES before any MMO
    Started with Morrowind.
  • Laura
    Played TES before any MMO
    yeah missing my option too I should be in the don't cross the streams. Been playing MMOs since UO (EQ, EQ2, WoW, Lotro, Rift, FFXIV always went back to EQ) and literally my first single player game was Arena and I have played evey elder scrolls.

    In fact my rule of thumb has always been, "its time to upgrade my computer because a new ES is coming out"

    Please redo this poll with another option for those of us that fall into the mixed camp I think you would be surprised.

    For me this is a match made in heaven, other than the poor state of EP and some bugs I am into this game like no other.
    Edited by Laura on June 17, 2014 9:16PM
  • ebondeath
    Played TES before any MMO
    Oblivion was my first ES game, I played that for about a year before I picked up WoW and played that for 4 years. I only picked up Skyrim this February after I quit WoW, so my experience is sort of an ES-MMO-ES sandwich.
    Edited by ebondeath on June 17, 2014 9:17PM
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    ╚═════════════⌊VR 12 Breton NB⌉══════════════╝
  • Wolfaen
    Hmm my option is missing as well. I have been an avid MMO player since EQ and a TES player since Morrowind so it would be both for me.
    Wolfaen Moltencloak | Imperial Dragon Knight
    Wolfaen Bloodcloak | Dark Elf Nightblade
    Wolfaen | High Elf Sorcerer
  • KrisButtar
    Played TES before any MMO
    I don't see my option, I played both MMOs and TES games.

    Which did you play 1st a MMO or a TES game? Its clear your a fan of both if you play both but which came 1st
  • SFBryan18
    Played TES before any MMO
    Started with Oblivion on PS3. Skyrim on PC took it to a whole new level when I started adding mods and learned how to use the creation kit. I've played many multiplayer shooters before TES, but the whole WoW generic MMO is not really something I care about. I prefer the massive multiplayer without the game hopping neckbeards who care more about the genre than the franchise. I believe TES was amazing before they added MMO to it, so they should keep it as much like TES as they can, and only change what they absolutely must to make it a multiplayer game.
    Edited by SFBryan18 on June 17, 2014 9:22PM
  • oxylus
    This poll is missing the options to make it yield any real information
  • Tavore1138
    Played TES before any MMO
    Started at Daggerfall... Had a very very brief EQ experience and hated it enough that I never played online again until this.
    GM - Malazan
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  • Falmer
    Played TES before any MMO
    I have played both. My first TES game was Arena and at that point MUDs were about the only thing you could qualify as MMO.

    Have played every ES game, including Redguard and Battlespire.

    Loved EQ, DaOC, EQ2, Conan. Never played WoW and honestly wouldn't even try it.

    Honestly, the people I see that HATE ESO are the WoW players who thought it was going to be WoW in Tamriel. People who LOVE the lore and storyline aspect tend to like ESO a lot. The MMO crowd who thought racing to the end, because "that's where any MMO really starts"... those are the ones who hate it.
  • magickats242cub18_ESO
    Well they both came out around the same time, World of Warcraft, and the TES titles. I played both, not at the same time, but would alternate when I got tired of playing one or the other.
  • GreySix
    Played TES before any MMO
    I don't see my option, I played both MMOs and TES games.
    Which did you play first though?
    Crotchety Old Man Guild

    "Hey you, get off my lawn!"
  • rorcusb16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Played TES before any MMO
    Played TES since Arena, as it felt like a massive upgrade from Dungeon Master and Eye of the Beholder at the time :) and MMO's didn't really take off until 5 years later.
  • Fuzzylumpkins
    Played an MMO before any TES game
    Was an mmo player that had enjoyed Morrowind and Oblivion. This experience though has pretty much not felt like either. Not an epic ES single player game or the experience you get from an mmo. Unless you only focus on inability to balance abilities, stop gold spam and inability for the product to stay true to it's own lore, then I guess its similar to either.
    Edited by Fuzzylumpkins on June 17, 2014 9:29PM
  • driosketch
    Played TES before any MMO
    GreySix wrote: »
    "The thing with ESO that I've observed is that the only people I can find who like it are people who have either 1) only played MMO's and never an Elder Scrolls game, or 2) people who have only played a few Elder Scrolls games, but never an MMO.
    Like the game, never played an MMO RPG before it, been playing every TES since Arena. You can now say you've found someone who fits beyond the limits of bracket 2.
    Main: Drio Azul ~ DC, Redguard, Healer/Magicka Templar ~ NA-PC
    ●The Psijic Order●The Sidekick Order●Great House Hlaalu●Bal-Busters●
  • GreySix
    Played TES before any MMO
    driosketch wrote: »
    GreySix wrote: »
    "The thing with ESO that I've observed is that the only people I can find who like it are people who have either 1) only played MMO's and never an Elder Scrolls game, or 2) people who have only played a few Elder Scrolls games, but never an MMO.
    Like the game, never played an MMO RPG before it, been playing every TES since Arena. You can now say you've found someone who fits beyond the limits of bracket 2.

    Yeah, don't credit me with that quote. I pulled it from another popular MMO's forum. :)
    Crotchety Old Man Guild

    "Hey you, get off my lawn!"
  • driosketch
    Played TES before any MMO
    GreySix wrote: »
    driosketch wrote: »
    GreySix wrote: »
    "The thing with ESO that I've observed is that the only people I can find who like it are people who have either 1) only played MMO's and never an Elder Scrolls game, or 2) people who have only played a few Elder Scrolls games, but never an MMO.
    Like the game, never played an MMO RPG before it, been playing every TES since Arena. You can now say you've found someone who fits beyond the limits of bracket 2.

    Yeah, don't credit me with that quote. I pulled it from another popular MMO's forum. :)
    Ah, well then sadly we will never meet, and the limited exposure will forever lock the original poster into that view point.
    Main: Drio Azul ~ DC, Redguard, Healer/Magicka Templar ~ NA-PC
    ●The Psijic Order●The Sidekick Order●Great House Hlaalu●Bal-Busters●
  • Lalai
    Played an MMO before any TES game
    I'm a fan of both MMOs and TES games. MMOs since Shadowbane, and TES games starting with Morrowind. Technically I played MMOs first, but I hardly see how that's relevant if I've been playing both things for years, and actually like both. I don't mind at all that they "crossed streams".
    Fisher extraordinaire!
    Send me your worms, crawlers, guts, and insect parts.
    Templar Healer
    Daggerfall Covenant, NA
  • Armianlee
    Played TES before any MMO
    Started with Arena back in the day. MMOs weren't a thing, unless you considered MUDs, MMOs.
    Basic circle of complaints on ESO Forums:
    1) Users: Fix game/class/bug
    2) Zenimax Online: Brings servers down and fixes issues and deploys patches.
    3) Users: OMG SERVERS ARE DOWN!!!!!
    4) Zenimax Online: Brings servers back up!
    5) See 1)

    VR10 Sword and Board Templar (Heavy Armour), Ebonheart Pact
    LVL 25 Sorcerer, Daggerfall Covenant
    LVL 28 DK, Ebonheart Pact
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  • Bloodfang
    You forgot an option "BOTH".

    I'm not really a dedicated TES fan, more like an RPG fan. Though sometimes I prefer MMOs, and ESO seems to be just the best mix of the two.

    It's kinda weird pool as you are asking how did we start first, instead of asking us what do we prefer. So to answer your question I began with RPGs - though never really spent as much of my time as in the MMO genre, which is obvious.
    Edited by Bloodfang on June 17, 2014 9:49PM
  • FrauPerchta
    I played The Elder Scrolls: Arena ('94) before there were any mmos to play unless you count MUDs. But Richard Garriott, Ultima Online, coined the term MMORPG in '97. Pre- UO they were called graphic MUDs. At any rate I played them all because I'm a PC game junkie.
  • stabbykitteh
    Played TES before any MMO
    Started TES with Morrowind. Doubt I would have ever played an MMO if this one hadn't been made.
  • Ragekniv
    Played an MMO before any TES game
    Missing some options...

    Been playing MMOs since EQ and Ultima Online. Hell I remember MUDs and playing D&D and Gamma World with pencil, paper and dice.

    Yes, that means I'm an old fart that still enjoys MMOs and TES!
  • ers101284b14_ESO
    Played TES before any MMO
    Like a lot of people I started with Morrowind. I tried the Major MMo's WoW, SWTOR, Aion,Rift,GW2,Every F2P asian one that came out, couldn't find any that I actually enjoyed. Until FF14 1.0. That game may have had its problems but it had a lot of great mechanics in it just held back by the lack of content and the lag. Then they remade it and well.....Now I enjoy this one. I don't care about lack of endgame, or bugs, or glitches or anything else because I like the actual combat and upgrade system. I also think this has one of the best crafting systems in an MMO. But thats just me.
    Edited by ers101284b14_ESO on June 17, 2014 9:59PM
  • UrQuan
    Played TES before any MMO
    To all the people saying "where's the option for both" you clearly didn't understand the question. Unless you're trying to say that you literally first played your first MMO and your first TES game at the exact same time. On 2 computers side by side maybe?
    Caius Drusus Imperial DK (DC)
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    Hrokki Winterborn Breton Warden (DC)
    Basks-in-the-Sunshine Argonian Temp
    Someone stole my sweetroll
  • Swordguy
    Played an MMO before any TES game
    I honestly can't remember whether I played morrowind before I started playing Anarchy Online, but I'm sure it was after.

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  • PBpsy
    Played TES before any MMO
    TES first.
    I kind of stopped playing mmos some time ago. I think they are the worst type of game . If it wasn't a TES game I wouldn't have touched it. I love the TES part dislike the unavoidable mmorpg mechanics but manage to tolerate them.
    ESO forums achievements
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  • kimboh
    Played TES before any MMO
    I'm a TES fan first but I'm no stranger to MMOs.
    Status: offline
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  • Lalai
    Played an MMO before any TES game
    Ur-Quan wrote: »
    To all the people saying "where's the option for both" you clearly didn't understand the question. Unless you're trying to say that you literally first played your first MMO and your first TES game at the exact same time. On 2 computers side by side maybe?

    To be fair.. the subject title question and the poll question are kinda different. The question doesn't actually have much to do with the quoted paragraphs of text right before the poll either. If the poll was reflective of the quoted text, it would have simply asked if we'd played a TES game prior to ESO, or an MMO prior to ESO.. or both... two options for each to say something like:

    ESO is my first TES game, but I've played other MMOs. I like the mix.
    ESO is my first TES game, but I've played other MMOs. I dislike the mix.
    ESO is my first MMO, but I've played other TES games. I like the mix.
    ESO is my first MMO, but I've played other TES games. I dislike the mix.
    I've played both TES games and MMOs. I like the mix.
    I've played both TES games and MMOs. I dislike the mix.
    I've played neither a TES game, nor an MMO prior to ESO. I like the mix.
    I've played neither a TES game, nor an MMO prior to ESO. I dislike the mix.

    The confusion is probably coming in because people actually read the whole thing, rather than not reading it at all.

    If you were doing what you're a fan of first, the poll question would also need to be changed a bit.. as just because you played something first doesn't mean you were a fan of it first. You could have played it and found it mediocre, or disliked it.

    Edited because I forgot the option for neither.
    Edited by Lalai on June 17, 2014 11:02PM
    Fisher extraordinaire!
    Send me your worms, crawlers, guts, and insect parts.
    Templar Healer
    Daggerfall Covenant, NA
  • CaffeinatedMayhem
    Played TES before any MMO
    TES fan, and still not an MMO fan.
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