Is there a way to exit a solo instance (main story)?

I am in over my head dealing with Manimarco in Sancre Tor :D and would like to come back in another level or two-- but I can't leave! Tried "stuck". I was also not able to abandon the quest. I have quit the game to see if I get a soft reset-- but that is frustrating!
  • chaosme
    I'm not sure if you can exit the place by walking back to the entrance? If not, you could also try traveling to a friend or guild or party member.
  • Anoras
    I just fast traveled out. Will go back when I get a few lvls further along.
  • rrood41828
    Yeah, just bring up the map and expand it. Then you can jump to any way shrine where you have already been.
  • Eryndae
    Will give that a shot if I am still standing around with Lyris and the guys when I log in-- thanks! (In this case you can't walk back to the entrance, that I can tell.)
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