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Loot system for trials is not satisfactory

  • SteveRuimy
    Tbh @cogo I'm not really talking about me, I'll have my full set by this week I'm really trying to make a point for soft core, casual players or even hardcore players that can't beat it yet, (my guild can beat AA in 9min02 seconds and HR in 13min) they'll stick to crafted gear (which is amazing i'm not saying it is not) but they won't have the chance the wear something different. Dye is nice yeah but this mage set looks amazing.

    Btw you're talking about future content, the max level will be V13 or V14 I forgot, so yeah those trials items will be useless by then, which is in 2-3 weeks as I've already said. You'll farm for new different items.

    I calculated the drop rate, posted it on previous comment,

    Edited by SteveRuimy on June 13, 2014 8:15AM
    Light You Up
    Member of Alacrity
    World rank #1 Trials timers
  • ganja.mullarwb17_ESO
    Dude - Imperial heavy - Main colour black, outline color green - SHOTGUN
  • SteveRuimy
    Oh ganja sorry i'm in NA btw!
    Light You Up
    Member of Alacrity
    World rank #1 Trials timers
  • ganja.mullarwb17_ESO
    Ahhh no prob steve - keep the grind going and gluck with getting your set :)
  • SteveRuimy
    Light You Up
    Member of Alacrity
    World rank #1 Trials timers
  • Audigy
    How long is it gonna take the normal player to get his set done? I'm pretty sure more than the 6 weeks before the next patch.

    A normal player wont do Trials every day anyways, so I doubt they are actually interested in those set´s.

    They do it once or twice maybe to see the story behind it, but normal gamers do not farm raids like nerds do. Not at WoW and especially not at ESO.

    Therefore any type of "give more loot" always has the intention to give those more who already have more.

    Its the same funny occasion we had with level xp. The nerds always said "the poor casuals cant level to 90 as it takes too long", but the truth was the Casuals didn't care if it took long, as the level content was their game. Its always been the nerds who wanted more and more.

    And I believe the same situation we have with loot at ESO. A Casual doesn't care about it at all, just like he doesn't care about the difficulty of VR´s etc. For such people items and xp are not important - they play for fun.

    So if you want more and easier loot, then not for them but for you - lets be honest at least ;)

    In my opinion crafting should be the top way how someone gets items. Make the mats hard to obtain but realistic and nobody has to care about a boss not dropping his item that day.
    Edited by Audigy on June 14, 2014 3:02PM
  • SteveRuimy
    I have my full set, we're done but thanks for worrying about me.

    You haven't read what i'm saying the drop rate after a lot of talk with different people is 3.3%, and the 2 boss from each different trials drop the exact same items, if we divide the loot table between the 2 of them or just make items bound to raid (so people can swap them between them only during during the period of the raid) it's still better than how it is right now.

    1) dividing will change drop rate to 6.66% (do you call that easy? No it's just fair and square) since the 2 bosses are different.

    2) swapping between guild members / only the people inside your raid/instance is also a nice tool that could make "everyone" happy.

    Btw I said casual, soft core and hardcore player, so get your *** straight and read everything carefully next time.
    Edited by SteveRuimy on June 14, 2014 5:29PM
    Light You Up
    Member of Alacrity
    World rank #1 Trials timers
  • Inco
    Yea.. Templar Heals here. . I'd LOVE to complete AA at least once, but PUG's don't seem to need/want Templar Heals as much due to our crap DPS. Yea - seems we have plenty of Temp Heals in the community and only a few spots on AA runs that are full of DK/SORC and token Nightblade.

    So while I agree with OP on gear drop sucking.. well I'd love to just get that gear a couple times to have the option to complain about it's RNG.
  • ARtChi
    SteveRuimy wrote: »
    I think it's time to do some maths: 1 items, over a loot table of 28 items [...] which is 1/28 = 0.0357 = 3.57%
    You got also a reward for weekly trial and I think some items are only available this way (but not sure)

    Anyway, would it be 10% chance, problem with probability on loot is tail of distribution.
    Some players will get the item they want on their first run
    50% of players will drop the item after 10 runs
    But 5% of players still won't drop it after 50 runs...

    I don't understand how ZOS can be so blind to this problem.
  • Cep
    Soul Shriven
    SteveRuimy wrote: »

    For your information maybe you don't know it yet but RINGS and some other set pieces (like boots for example) can only be found in the daily bag (only once per week).

    I have 7/7 of the aether set peices but i didn't pay attention to how i got every peice. I do remember getting the boots in a weekly bag though.

    Any idea if its the same thing for belt and legs? I'm having a hard time finding the last peices for my heavy and medium sets (missing boots, legs and belt)
    No Mercy
  • SteveRuimy
    belt boots are in daily bags, I'm not sure for legs
    Light You Up
    Member of Alacrity
    World rank #1 Trials timers
  • Cep
    Soul Shriven
    I don't understand why you would limit players to 2 chances a week to get some of the set pieces they are missing

    something needs to be changed here...
    No Mercy
  • Wifeaggro13
    SteveRuimy wrote: »

    I'd like to point out a fact after almost 3 weeks of constant farming of Hel Ra and AA trials that could be interesting for the devs and for the community.

    After having completed the trials a good 100+ times I still haven't completed the set I'm looking for (I have only 2 pieces) and here is the reason why:

    Only the LAST boss from each trials drop ONE set piece, their loot table is composed of Weapons (1h/2h) + Armor set pieces (heavy/light/medium) + Necklaces. 28 ITEMS total = 1/28 = 0.3571 = 3.57% drop chance for the item you want

    For your information maybe you don't know it yet but RINGS and some other set pieces (like boots for example) can only be found in the daily bag (only once per week).

    I understand the point of Zenimax that it should be hard to get your stuffs and I'm completely in favor of that, but considering the time and effort put by the PVE players I think the reward is not here at the end of the line. It is more frustrating than anything right now. There's is no satisfaction knowing that a new patch will be present every 6 weeks and those items will be outdated.

    The other bosses in trials drops set pieces (blue) and 1 purple that is useless, let's be honest they are only good for deconstruct.

    I think you should see things differently and maybe think it this way (updated solutions found thanks to this post):

    - Differentiates the loot table between Hel Ra and AA by dividing the loot table of 28 items of each boss (for example: Only heavy + light and or necklaces sets can drop in Hel Ra's last boss and only Medium + weapons and or necklaces can drop in the last boss of AA)

    - Make items bound to raid for a short period of time so people can switch the drops they had with the people in the raid. (Please do NEVER make them bound on equip, terrible idea, killed Neverwinter)

    - Each boss could drop a set piece, for example 1st boss can drops only gloves or belt, 2nd boss (boots or shoulders), 3rd boss (necklace or legs), last boss (weapons or head or chest)

    PVE is my main interest in most of the game I play, the time and effort we put in our character should be rewarded by an easier way to get stuff in trials, Crafted items are amazing and I love the way it is right now but I want to have the possibility to also use those beautiful set you made. Right now the loot table on the final bosses are way too big to make it possible to get the items I want.

    I hope a dev will come this way and read my post,


    honestly everything about trials is pretty poorly thought out not just itemization.
  • thompson.rob23_ESO
    I'm just tired of only getting soul gems when i beat a boss in a dungeon... is this a bug? I did get a green sword once but other than that its just soul gems and potions....
  • SteveRuimy
    No it's the way it is, craft items are better than drop items (even trials set), and drop rate is really bad..
    Light You Up
    Member of Alacrity
    World rank #1 Trials timers
  • SteveRuimy
    After testing most of the trials (dps) set: they have a GCD of 30 seconds which makes them under powered compared to Crafted items.
    Light You Up
    Member of Alacrity
    World rank #1 Trials timers
  • Frenzypanda
    This is a fantastic post that ZOS shld look into. This will make raiding more fun and more rewarding. It also promotes group cohesiveness like one member giving extra pieces to other group members that needs it.

    Kudos to Steve for a well thought out post. If this is implemented it will be great. I think casuals will be happy to get something they could use when they do get it completed so I dont know what Audigy's gripe is.
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