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Craglorn Anomaly Chests Nerfed Hard

  • Leesha
    BrassRazoo wrote: »
    SFBryan18 wrote: »
    And the neckbeards who play nonstop force them to fix another way to exploit, so that by the time us casual players get there, there won't be anything for us to find. Thus creating an even larger wealth gap between exploiter and regular player. :D
    ZoS needs to test stuff more before releasing so this doesn't happen, but it I guess that's just wishful thinking.

    The problem here is, even when things are tested, there are guilds that find things to exploit and keep it secret. How many of you remember the raid finder exploit in wow back in 2011 that allowed guilds to farm loot off the same bosses repeatedly in a single lock out period? That was thoroughly tested on the PTR but the exploit still made it to live.

    When I was beta testing The Secret World, the devs had the right idea. They understood that sometimes things need to be gutted while in testing and slowly buffed. They always said it is better to buff than nerf from the beginning before making it to live.

    People will always try to find the shortest path to their goal. Someone at Zenimax needs to think like a gamer when content is designed. They should ask themselves "is there any faster way to get loot or xp than the intended method?" If yes then it all needs to be taken into consideration and adjusted to be equal. VR zone questing does not feel very rewarding. I'm often left thinking "That's what I get for all of my effort?" Maybe more fun and unique little things like costumes that look amazing would encourage people to trudge through the questing and not feel like they are wasting their time.
    Edited by Leesha on June 10, 2014 2:41AM
  • Takeda_Shingen
    It is funny people who complain and disagree from the one side and people who agree with the developers and still are not happy. By the way always I was wondering why to help, agree and support the developers whom we pay, they don't pay us and in order for them to earn their real money they have to keep a hard community satisfied.

    So the developers have made a serial of Quests in many cases with sub-quests for the players to enjoy the game. At least that was their thought. As the players started to pass each quest they came across with no loot, no chest to be opened, not something to make them happy. They have started to pay repairs for armor in all the cases for earning in the majority nothing.

    So after many levels they found the Anomalies and enjoyed to earn loot. Where is the problem? Didn't Zenimax with ESO and any other who is involved in this game wanted to have happy players paying each month real money ? Have they given any alternative to the players to gain loot?

    I am really surprised how easy a Company is ready to punish actually the people who pay them. It just doesn't make any sense. The bots were farming in the dungeons so now the regular players cant earn anything from the dungeons more than 1 time, when a regular player advance in his area he pays for repairs from enemies 3 levels below but he doesn't earn anything, and he is still in his area where he tries to do the quests and the dungeons e.t.c. Fighting the bots by punish the players nice Philosophy..

    What I see and perhaps others will realize is that we want to play the game and be happy, not having broken crap classes (mine is NB), not spending everything in repairs, not to have broken quests which can hold you in a map for a week(Imperial Infiltration- Bangkorai), not passing a month and having nothing to say to your friends about what nice armor you found in a loot.

    So as there isn't anything that you earn from the game it makes you feel sad and I only hope they will fix it. Otherwise if we will continue to face the game, with sad faces yes then we will do as Maverick correct said:
    I've slightly reduced the amount of money I'm paying them from $15 to $0 a month.
    " Su'um ahrk morah. What will you burn? What will you spare?"
  • Ser Lobo
    Ser Lobo
    So in short, what your saying is, you're only in it for the loot?
    Ruze Aulus. Mayor of Dhalmora. Archer, hunter, assassin. Nightblade.
    Gral. Mountain Terror. Barbarian, marauder, murderer. Nightblade.
    Na'Djin. Knight-Blade. Knight, vanguard, defender. Nightblade.

    Ruze is a veteran of the PC Beta, lived through the year one drought, survived the buy-to-play conversion, and has stepped foot in the hells known as Craglorn. He mained a nightlbade when nightblades weren't good, and has never worn a robe. He converted from PC during the console betas, and hasn't regretted it a moment since.

    He'd rank ESO:TU (in it's current state) a 4.8 out of 5, loving the game almost entirely.

    This is an multiplayer game. I should be able to log in, join a dungeon, join a battleground, queue for a dolmen or world boss or delve, teleport in, play for 20 minutes, and not worry about getting kicked, failing to join, having perfect voice coms, or being unable to complete content because someone's lagging behind. Group Finder and matchmaking is broken. Take a note from Destiny and build a system that allows from drop-in/drop-out functionality and quick play.
  • Kingslayer
    Evandus wrote: »
    The majority of players in that zone were Farming one boss until no xp. Now they are farming Anamolies. Tomorrow it will be something else. This will continue until there isn't anything left for fast xp/fast loot. Because the players make it so...

    Seems to me that anything that catalyzes the available playerbase to do one thing excepting all others is definitely up for a change. And man, were they slow with that change.

    There is a serious lack of metagame content in VR levels. This too needs to be addressed. However the behavior of players makes leaving a boon available durning that time to be mission impossible.

    Sadly, this is their surgery via chainsaw method of stopping the bleeding. If we as players stop giving them reasons to do it - it will stop. But how likely is this?

    Because if we weren't doing these grinds from the different bosses most would of quit by now. Vr content is Tedious The 1-50 xp should of just been adjusted in terms of amount to include the vr levels. I don't want to have to go through the other two factions storylines when i have picked one faction. Whatever the reason Cadwell may have for us doing this. Its a joke, I can see it now all we will have are veteran rank increases no increase in level 50+
  • LonePirate
    Erock25 wrote: »
    Not worth reading another whine thread but you opened 12 whole chests?!? WHOA THAT IS A PROPER SAMPLE SIZE FOR SURE.

    The sample size was more than enough to give indications of what is happening today when compared to the behavior from yesterday and earlier. Before today, I had never received a chest with only gold in it. Today, about half of them have been gold only. I did not receive a purple item in around 20 chests when they were dropping every 2-3 chest previously. Those two data points are enough to draw a pretty good picture of how hard the chest have been nerfed now.
  • LordEcks
    I've slightly reduced the amount of money I'm paying them.


    You're not allowed to give specific numbers in the notes. You were doing it wrong.

    They have to log in and find out how bad their bottom line got nerfed for themselves.

    Edited by LordEcks on June 10, 2014 3:47AM
  • Requiemslove
    A lot of neat stuff has been said here, but no one it seems will bring up colour coding. OK, so ESO implements a colour code for the rarity of loot, as all surely knows, the rarer an item is, the better it will be. In this game its white, for absolutely common place, green, for not as common, a bit better, yet still common enough, blue, for fairly uncommon good quality item, purple, for RATHER uncommon, very high quality item, and Orange, for "oh my God, how the eck did you get that you lucky [beep]". This is actually a rather common system, a game series I play called borderlands has it. And in that game believe it or not you can go through whole zones sometimes and move on, without seeing a purple. So my point here is, Purple, is supposed to be rare, so rare in fact that getting a purple item should make you feel happy about doing so. I am glad that ZOS has nerfed the drop rate of purples from Anomalies. Players should expect not to see one at all, for hours and hours and hours as that is the way it should be. Don't get me wrong, they should not be as uncommon as orange rarity gear is, but in reality, the drop rate for purples should not exceed 10-15%. Blues would be 25-40%. Greens should be 40-65% and white should be 65-80%. Suffice to say the rarity of orange, should NEVER exceed 5%
    Edited by Requiemslove on June 10, 2014 4:20AM
  • LordEcks
    Ouch, watch out for that wall of text.

    Its not the lack of purples most people have a problem with IMO.

    Its the fact that an option was taken away. The "status quo" was changed.

    If it had been that way on release, very few people would be whining right now. It'd be like people complaining that they never found a single purple item on the starter islands or something.

    Unfortuanetly through lack of testing it was put into the game, people were allowed to enjoy it .. and benefit from it.

    Now its been nerfed. Honestly, the people who already got VR12 off the xp could care less, and the people who have made zillions off of the rare drops have all the mats and money they could want.

    Heres the part that sucks. Now the rest of us.. who have yet to reach that content, or were in the middle of doing it.. feel handicapped.

    Its almost like they had access to some premium portion of the game where motiffs dropped like candy, exp practically made itself and all abilities were insta-gib 1shots.

    Those who chose to remain get 1 purple drop per week, half damage abilities with cooldowns and other penalties, and well...two months of grinding horrible content to reach max level.
  • Crisscross
    The problem with ESO right now (and honestly most mmo's period) is that there is no content. What I mean by content is, well... content. I'm not sure where this quest to level came to be (actually I do know.. WoW) but the crap is dull and boring. What happened to grind groups? Camps? Named mobs dropping items that will have a use for a long time? What happened to named mob spawns? What happened to QUALITY gaming?

    Somewhere between WoW and now we as a genre of players have let something like quality, slip right through our hands. Nobody gives a *** anymore about a REAL gaming experience. It seems the latest generation (and I know its not ALL of the latest generation) is only in it for the quick fulfillment. Quite frankly, It SUCKS!

    Call me nostalgic, call me whatever you want. The fact is, MMO's are dying. That my friends, is the cold hard truth. It's pathetic....had so much hope for this game and all there is, is a bunch of damn quests and some crap dungeons that suck to repeat.

    Honestly, as I watched this change, it was mostly player requested.

    Old-school, Golden Era MMO's had many mechanics that were essentially abused (or opportunistically appreciated, your pick) by a vast margin of players which generally rendered all the hardworking content the developers made useless.

    Spam through quests till you get to a good grind zone. Grind mobs till you peak on gain. Spam through quests till next zone. Complain because game is repetitious and boring and needs more to do.

    The irony of this is so thick I'm choking on it. Asian MMO's took that and focused on it. Grinding mechanics and 'fetch' missions became the norm. Storyline, lore, and immersion completely put on the wayside for holiday events (focused on grinding) and minute percentage loot in dungeons and raids (to focus on grinding).

    Games are now going the other way, due to player feedback. ESO takes this further than most, completely taking away from the common grind tactic more than any game I've seen before. They go WAY further than UO or EQ or AC did. They've almost removed grinding entirely.

    And of course, this is backlashing on them. Because for some reason, there is a huge portion of the MMO playerbase (some would even say a majority) who prefer micro-managing stats, creating macro's, and maximizing output efficiency through repetitive tasks better handled by the M1 button on our Logitech keyboards.

    I don't disagree with ESO, and love what they've done. But even I recognize that it's a losing battle. Far more will say 'you suck cause you force me to GRIND quests' than those that will say 'thank you for finally focusing on storyline and immersion'.

    Is this really a surprise? That's exactly what Bioware did with SWTOR, to the letter, and do you remember the thanks they got for that? The bottom line is that no one wants to pay 15 dollars a month for a single player game.

    MMOs are not and should not be about storyline or immersion. I'm quite frankly perplexed as to where this idea came from. Seriously, where did it come from? MMOs are about large, online communities, and doing large, online activities with said community. Dungeons, raiding, social activities and competitive activities should be the focus. This is a truth for any multiplayer game. If you want a good story then, I don't know, buy a story based game? I'm not just talking about Mass Effect and Skyrim. Do you know how many artistically written and potentially brilliant indie games are selling on steam right now? There are options a-plenty for the story-motivated gamer, and they'll certainly be cheaper than what ESO demands of you.

    If an MMO comes with a good story, then great - fantastic even - but ESO has done this to the absolute exclusion of everything else. The bitter irony is that at least SWTOR rewarded you for repeating dungeons and doing PVP during the levelling phase. ESO just shoves its quest content in your face at every turn, and only dangles alternative playstyles at you from the very top of the level cap. It's bad design, and makes for bad story pacing. It pressures the player into thinking they have to speed through the quests to be able to keep up with everyone else, instead of allowing them to enjoy the story at their leisure.
  • Slash8915
    Leave our purples and blues. Just switch out the greens, glyphs, and soul gems for gold. I'd be happy.

    Damn it, I KNEW I should have farmed them while I had the chance.
    Edited by Slash8915 on June 10, 2014 6:11AM
    VR12 Templar Tank
    VR6 Dragonknight DPS
    VR3 Templar Healer
  • Kililin
    The problem with ESO right now (and honestly most mmo's period) is that there is no content. What I mean by content is, well... content. I'm not sure where this quest to level came to be (actually I do know.. WoW) but the crap is dull and boring. What happened to grind groups? Camps? Named mobs dropping items that will have a use for a long time? What happened to named mob spawns? What happened to QUALITY gaming?

    Somewhere between WoW and now we as a genre of players have let something like quality, slip right through our hands. Nobody gives a *** anymore about a REAL gaming experience. It seems the latest generation (and I know its not ALL of the latest generation) is only in it for the quick fulfillment. Quite frankly, It SUCKS!

    Call me nostalgic, call me whatever you want. The fact is, MMO's are dying. That my friends, is the cold hard truth. It's pathetic....had so much hope for this game and all there is, is a bunch of damn quests and some crap dungeons that suck to repeat.

    It is because questing hides actual gameplay, as do short dungeons and fast fights, and no downtime.
    With mob grinding and camps coupled with class interdependence you had to have a strategy for the fights, you could improve your tactics and try different strategies. You had to communicate even in levelling groups.
    Nowadays people think its grouping when 6 people dps some world "boss" together...
    Since about WoW leveling strategy mainly involves thinking about the most efficient way to run to the quest markers.
  • Vacerias
    Not just the chests and xp are nerfed. The anomalies respawn timer became so much slower since 1.1.4. But they still make sense for low-level enchanters to farm them since you get now vet glyphs... but finding now an anomaly group can become difficult in the next days.
  • bugulu
    I thought people said they did anomalies for the experience boost and not the loot.
    Anomalies shouldn't give any loot at all except for the first time you complete it or a set loot timer of an hour.
    Want epics? Go do veteran dungeons.

    The amount of epics that you got for doing nothing except riding to a new spot was over the top.
    Edited by bugulu on June 10, 2014 7:46AM
  • Hilgara
    glad to see this. Stop exploiters from ruining the game ecconomy for the rest of us.
  • Ojustaboo
    I gave the anomalies a go last night on EU before the patch.

    I was vet 1 with 350,000 out of 456,000 ( figure required might not be totally correct, cant remember)

    I had 80 empty inv slots.

    I joined a group.

    I very very quickly filled up my inv, half of items blue or purple. I had to empty my bags 3 times.

    In that time I went from vet 1 to 770,000 out of about 912,000 of vet 2

    Had I known about this before late last night, I would probably be vet 12 with a crap load of money.

    So it doesn't surprise me that they nerfed it.

    I want to create alts for AD and EP and start from scratch and slowly experience their quest lines. At the moment, I've been going through AD quests as quick as possible, not reading the details simply to level up, but of course I still get to see a lot of it which will spoil my alt fun.

    So play for about 8hrs and wreck my alt questing experience to gain about 50K xp


    100k xp in about 10 to 15 mins of farming anomalies, what to Zenimax really think people will do?
  • Generic_08_15
    DeLindsay wrote: »
    The only people crying about this are the ones who were abusing the system to begin with.

    *ding ding ding* We have a winner!
  • Seroczynski
    As long as I will be able to grind them for EXP I am fine either way. I don't care about the loot, but I am not feeling like re-doing the entire VR1 to VR10 quest grind again.
    “To alcohol! The cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems.” ― Homer J. Simpson
  • XanadoX
    LordEcks wrote: »
    Ouch, watch out for that wall of text.

    Its not the lack of purples most people have a problem with IMO.

    Its the fact that an option was taken away. The "status quo" was changed.

    If it had been that way on release, very few people would be whining right now. It'd be like people complaining that they never found a single purple item on the starter islands or something.

    Unfortuanetly through lack of testing it was put into the game, people were allowed to enjoy it .. and benefit from it.

    Now its been nerfed. Honestly, the people who already got VR12 off the xp could care less, and the people who have made zillions off of the rare drops have all the mats and money they could want.

    Heres the part that sucks. Now the rest of us.. who have yet to reach that content, or were in the middle of doing it.. feel handicapped.

    Its almost like they had access to some premium portion of the game where motiffs dropped like candy, exp practically made itself and all abilities were insta-gib 1shots.

    Those who chose to remain get 1 purple drop per week, half damage abilities with cooldowns and other penalties, and well...two months of grinding horrible content to reach max level.


    Is there going to be a rollback to solve the impact this bug had? or ar we still testing the game for the Xbox One and PS4 launch?
    Edited by XanadoX on June 10, 2014 1:24PM
  • Tankqull
    XanadoX wrote: »
    LordEcks wrote: »
    Ouch, watch out for that wall of text.

    Its not the lack of purples most people have a problem with IMO.

    Its the fact that an option was taken away. The "status quo" was changed.

    If it had been that way on release, very few people would be whining right now. It'd be like people complaining that they never found a single purple item on the starter islands or something.

    Unfortuanetly through lack of testing it was put into the game, people were allowed to enjoy it .. and benefit from it.

    Now its been nerfed. Honestly, the people who already got VR12 off the xp could care less, and the people who have made zillions off of the rare drops have all the mats and money they could want.

    Heres the part that sucks. Now the rest of us.. who have yet to reach that content, or were in the middle of doing it.. feel handicapped.

    Its almost like they had access to some premium portion of the game where motiffs dropped like candy, exp practically made itself and all abilities were insta-gib 1shots.

    Those who chose to remain get 1 purple drop per week, half damage abilities with cooldowns and other penalties, and well...two months of grinding horrible content to reach max level.


    Is there going to be a rollback to solve the impact this bug had? or ar we still testing the game for the Xbox One and PS4 launch?

    pretty much this we are paying to be the beta testers for consoles...
    spelling and grammar errors are free to be abused

    Sallington wrote: »
    Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"

  • Ser Lobo
    Ser Lobo
    Crisscross wrote: »
    The problem with ESO right now (and honestly most mmo's period) is that there is no content. What I mean by content is, well... content. I'm not sure where this quest to level came to be (actually I do know.. WoW) but the crap is dull and boring. What happened to grind groups? Camps? Named mobs dropping items that will have a use for a long time? What happened to named mob spawns? What happened to QUALITY gaming?

    Somewhere between WoW and now we as a genre of players have let something like quality, slip right through our hands. Nobody gives a *** anymore about a REAL gaming experience. It seems the latest generation (and I know its not ALL of the latest generation) is only in it for the quick fulfillment. Quite frankly, It SUCKS!

    Call me nostalgic, call me whatever you want. The fact is, MMO's are dying. That my friends, is the cold hard truth. It's pathetic....had so much hope for this game and all there is, is a bunch of damn quests and some crap dungeons that suck to repeat.

    Honestly, as I watched this change, it was mostly player requested.

    Old-school, Golden Era MMO's had many mechanics that were essentially abused (or opportunistically appreciated, your pick) by a vast margin of players which generally rendered all the hardworking content the developers made useless.

    Spam through quests till you get to a good grind zone. Grind mobs till you peak on gain. Spam through quests till next zone. Complain because game is repetitious and boring and needs more to do.

    The irony of this is so thick I'm choking on it. Asian MMO's took that and focused on it. Grinding mechanics and 'fetch' missions became the norm. Storyline, lore, and immersion completely put on the wayside for holiday events (focused on grinding) and minute percentage loot in dungeons and raids (to focus on grinding).

    Games are now going the other way, due to player feedback. ESO takes this further than most, completely taking away from the common grind tactic more than any game I've seen before. They go WAY further than UO or EQ or AC did. They've almost removed grinding entirely.

    And of course, this is backlashing on them. Because for some reason, there is a huge portion of the MMO playerbase (some would even say a majority) who prefer micro-managing stats, creating macro's, and maximizing output efficiency through repetitive tasks better handled by the M1 button on our Logitech keyboards.

    I don't disagree with ESO, and love what they've done. But even I recognize that it's a losing battle. Far more will say 'you suck cause you force me to GRIND quests' than those that will say 'thank you for finally focusing on storyline and immersion'.

    Is this really a surprise? That's exactly what Bioware did with SWTOR, to the letter, and do you remember the thanks they got for that? The bottom line is that no one wants to pay 15 dollars a month for a single player game.

    MMOs are not and should not be about storyline or immersion. I'm quite frankly perplexed as to where this idea came from. Seriously, where did it come from? MMOs are about large, online communities, and doing large, online activities with said community. Dungeons, raiding, social activities and competitive activities should be the focus. This is a truth for any multiplayer game. If you want a good story then, I don't know, buy a story based game? I'm not just talking about Mass Effect and Skyrim. Do you know how many artistically written and potentially brilliant indie games are selling on steam right now? There are options a-plenty for the story-motivated gamer, and they'll certainly be cheaper than what ESO demands of you.

    If an MMO comes with a good story, then great - fantastic even - but ESO has done this to the absolute exclusion of everything else. The bitter irony is that at least SWTOR rewarded you for repeating dungeons and doing PVP during the levelling phase. ESO just shoves its quest content in your face at every turn, and only dangles alternative playstyles at you from the very top of the level cap. It's bad design, and makes for bad story pacing. It pressures the player into thinking they have to speed through the quests to be able to keep up with everyone else, instead of allowing them to enjoy the story at their leisure.

    Me and you obviously play MMO's for different reasons. While I did take part in spin groups in SWG and world boss trains in EQ, these were small windows into the vast majority of my real gameplay: questing and leveling.

    Personal opinion, but I equate boring repetitive processes with work. And while I've played EvE for over 10 years now, I still don't like my MMO's to be work. Thus, despite those vaunted SWG spin groups and my TKM, I loathe grinding mechanics.

    I play MMO's because they are the only games on the market that last for decades, while still getting new content and development. Pick up Skyrim, get three or four DLC and no more new content, finish the game 'slowly' in three weeks and done. Player mods are all you have left.

    My preferences are obvious, too. I will give MMO's that don't have good backstory or lore a much more negative review than those that do. One of the reasons I hate asian MMO's so much, despite their success. No lore, no backstory, all about grinding to level. Lineage being a great example of my 'bleh' feeling when I play them. Final Fantasy as well (though some would argue FF does have lore, it changes every generation, kinda like Warcraft).

    I'm essentially a roleplayer at heart. Even when I'm running on console FPS games. I prefer the games with the better stories and more involved content over the ones that skip all that and claim it's for the sake of better gameplay.

    In the end, both games are perfectly playable. But one has a type of player I like, the other doesn't.

    This of course is why I've been missing MMORPG's, and stuck with so many cookie-cutter MMOG's. Glad ESO is an MMORPG.
    Ruze Aulus. Mayor of Dhalmora. Archer, hunter, assassin. Nightblade.
    Gral. Mountain Terror. Barbarian, marauder, murderer. Nightblade.
    Na'Djin. Knight-Blade. Knight, vanguard, defender. Nightblade.

    Ruze is a veteran of the PC Beta, lived through the year one drought, survived the buy-to-play conversion, and has stepped foot in the hells known as Craglorn. He mained a nightlbade when nightblades weren't good, and has never worn a robe. He converted from PC during the console betas, and hasn't regretted it a moment since.

    He'd rank ESO:TU (in it's current state) a 4.8 out of 5, loving the game almost entirely.

    This is an multiplayer game. I should be able to log in, join a dungeon, join a battleground, queue for a dolmen or world boss or delve, teleport in, play for 20 minutes, and not worry about getting kicked, failing to join, having perfect voice coms, or being unable to complete content because someone's lagging behind. Group Finder and matchmaking is broken. Take a note from Destiny and build a system that allows from drop-in/drop-out functionality and quick play.
  • fromtesonlineb16_ESO
    What happened to grind groups? Camps? Named mobs dropping items that will have a use for a long time? What happened to named mob spawns?
    FFXI has been running since 2002 and provides all the last-century MMO goodness you seem to be craving:

    1) forced-group camping with groups fighting each other for camps.

    2) HNMs camped to death with alliances using claim-bots against you while you sit there for 18 hours at a stretch waiting for the mob to spawn in a 72-hour pop window.

    3) LFG for weeks at a time if your job (class) isn't one of those 'required' by the min/maxers.

    Square Enix would love your monthly fee I'm sure.

    Edited by fromtesonlineb16_ESO on June 10, 2014 2:02PM
  • Ojustaboo
    XanadoX wrote: »
    LordEcks wrote: »
    Ouch, watch out for that wall of text.

    Its not the lack of purples most people have a problem with IMO.

    Its the fact that an option was taken away. The "status quo" was changed.

    If it had been that way on release, very few people would be whining right now. It'd be like people complaining that they never found a single purple item on the starter islands or something.

    Unfortuanetly through lack of testing it was put into the game, people were allowed to enjoy it .. and benefit from it.

    Now its been nerfed. Honestly, the people who already got VR12 off the xp could care less, and the people who have made zillions off of the rare drops have all the mats and money they could want.

    Heres the part that sucks. Now the rest of us.. who have yet to reach that content, or were in the middle of doing it.. feel handicapped.

    Its almost like they had access to some premium portion of the game where motiffs dropped like candy, exp practically made itself and all abilities were insta-gib 1shots.

    Those who chose to remain get 1 purple drop per week, half damage abilities with cooldowns and other penalties, and well...two months of grinding horrible content to reach max level.


    Is there going to be a rollback to solve the impact this bug had? or ar we still testing the game for the Xbox One and PS4 launch?

    Of course there isn't else you would loose an awful lot of players including many that didn't take advantage of this, but have achieved other things.

    Look at it like this.

    I went out, found a magical anomaly, I attacked it, it spawned a boss, I attacked that, I received XP, I received a chest.

    I got on my horse, I rode to another magic anomaly, I attacked that, it spawned a boss, I killed it, it gave me XP and gave me a chest.

    I then rode back to the other one and a few secs after I got back, it re spawned and I went through the process again.

    There was no taking advantage of an exploit. Zenimax set the timers for the respawns.

    Before I realised there was more than one, I spent 30 mins hanging about at one, waiting for it to respawn. I have also found a group of 3 treasure chests iin DC and after collecting them, also hung about waiting for them to re-spawn, it's no different.

    It's no different from me riding around the starter island in AD on my Vet 1 main, along the beach, opening treasure chest after treasure chest containing vet stuff, it's literally non stop. If they want to remove some, that's up to them. I did this for a few hours, didn't even bother checking what I picked up, I simply sold all armour and all weapons as soon as my inv filled up and went back. This allowed me to afford my expensive horse in a few hrs playtime and anyone vet level who has AD as their 2nd island, can easily still do this to their hearts content (and judging by the people I meet running the same circles as me, many others are doing exactly this)

    It's also no different to say you finding a circle of mining nodes in the game where you gather one, move onto the next etc and get back to the first to find it's re-spawned.

    They have since realised they need to adjust the magical anomalies as people are getting too much XP, so they have altered them. They should have got it right before releasing it.

    It's not like this is some underhand, not east to spot thing. I could have simply stayed without moving at one magical anomaly and waited for the respawn and still got about 50K vet xp every 10 to 15 mins, (which is exactly what I started doing until I kept seeing this huge train of horses riding down just before they re-spawned and realised there must be another one and went to investigate) if the devs didn't work that out, it's not really my fault, it's not as though we have been taking advantage of some unexpected, unforeseen game mechanic, they set the timers, we killed the boss.

    From what I gather from the patch notes (might have misunderstood), instead of me getting 100k XP in about 10 mins, as now only the boss gives XP and not the anomaly, I will now still get about 50k xp (about 200 - 300k per hour) by continuing to do this, was never doing it for the loot anyway.

    Compare that to levelling up my vet ranks in AD (which I really want to save for an alt to start there with) , where after about 8 hrs I'm lucky if I've got 50K.

    I know which option I'm going to choose

    I like hard challenging content, I don't want the content to be nerfed at all. But going to vet dungeons with four vet ones, we are simply getting wiped over and over again, maybe it's a learn to play issue, but part of what attracted me to ESO was the promise that we could get away from the "if you play this class, you must have skills x,y and z else you will get nowhere " attitude.

    I take it as being vet1 simply being a little too low level for them, hence I need to raise my level to take part in anything properly really.

    I've done the AD starter island and most of Auridon with my vet 1. Every mob is 50. I have almost facerolled it, it's not really that challenging, just got to make sure you don't pull too many at once. Far far less challenging than it would be experiencing it with a brand new alt.

    On Auridon, I've done Defs Claim, Ondil, Entilias Folly and a couple of other quest related dungeon like places, by myself, sometimes there's been the odd couple of players in a place too. And I have had zero trouble (apart from doing silly things which we all do now and again) . Get to the boss, use my ultimate and 20 secs later the boss is dead without me raising a sweat.

    If I wasn't planing on going through the other two factions on alts, it would be better as I would pay the story line much more attention , but I'm trying not to spoil it for my alts (although that's almost impossible not to do) , but as every mob I meet seems to be exactly the same difficulty, it is becoming a bit of a faceroll grind.

    Faceroll might be a bit of an exaggeration, especially if there's a group, but I don't feel there's the challenge like I felt levelling up my main through DC, I don't think this is because I'm used to the game, I simply think it's because of my level and the mobs level (hence I think it will be a much better experience on my alts)

    Don't get me wrong, I love this game and will hopefully be here for years to come, I'm simply trying to explain why some players like myself am really glad there's a faster way to get xp

    There's not anything I can think of that we really need money for in this game apart from repairs and horses (until their levelled). I have never bought off another player and doubt I ever will as being in a guild where we share things, , there isn't any real need.

    Anyone can go harvest treasure chests if they want to get 50K quickly and don't find spending a few hours riding from one chest to another boring. Simply look at one of the many map sites that show exactly where they are located (or use an addon).

    So with that essay, I don't see how you can even begin to justify claiming a roll-back is required or claim you have been disadvantaged (and it would never happen anyway).
    Edited by Ojustaboo on June 10, 2014 3:41PM
  • SinisterJoint
    Kililin wrote: »
    The problem with ESO right now (and honestly most mmo's period) is that there is no content. What I mean by content is, well... content. I'm not sure where this quest to level came to be (actually I do know.. WoW) but the crap is dull and boring. What happened to grind groups? Camps? Named mobs dropping items that will have a use for a long time? What happened to named mob spawns? What happened to QUALITY gaming?

    Somewhere between WoW and now we as a genre of players have let something like quality, slip right through our hands. Nobody gives a *** anymore about a REAL gaming experience. It seems the latest generation (and I know its not ALL of the latest generation) is only in it for the quick fulfillment. Quite frankly, It SUCKS!

    Call me nostalgic, call me whatever you want. The fact is, MMO's are dying. That my friends, is the cold hard truth. It's pathetic....had so much hope for this game and all there is, is a bunch of damn quests and some crap dungeons that suck to repeat.

    It is because questing hides actual gameplay, as do short dungeons and fast fights, and no downtime.
    With mob grinding and camps coupled with class interdependence you had to have a strategy for the fights, you could improve your tactics and try different strategies. You had to communicate even in levelling groups.
    Nowadays people think its grouping when 6 people dps some world "boss" together...
    Since about WoW leveling strategy mainly involves thinking about the most efficient way to run to the quest markers.

    Yep, this was my point exactly. I don't see why mmo's now a days are "This is the single method needed to level up"

    MMO's used to be about grind groups (for a MUCH MUCH better social experience), quests, raids, dungeons, named spawns, loot that meant a damn, and the list goes on.

    Now its all about quest, quest, quest, quest, hey a dungeon, quest quest, quest...it's pretty sad.
  • pecheckler
    Took them too long to fix this and now the game is ***, economy and player levels. Too many bored V12 players no longer log on and won't go back do all the quests they skipped.
    End the tedious inventory management game.
  • XanadoX
    Ojustaboo wrote: »
    XanadoX wrote: »

    Is there going to be a rollback to solve the impact this bug had? or ar we still testing the game for the Xbox One and PS4 launch?

    Of course there isn't else you would loose an awful lot of players including many that didn't take advantage of this, but have achieved other things.

    Look at it like this.

    I went out, found a magical anomaly, I attacked it, it spawned a boss, I attacked that, I received XP, I received a chest.

    I got on my horse, I rode to another magic anomaly, I attacked that, it spawned a boss, I killed it, it gave me XP and gave me a chest.

    I then rode back to the other one and a few secs after I got back, it re spawned and I went through the process again.

    There was no taking advantage of an exploit. Zenimax set the timers for the respawns.

    Before I realised there was more than one, I spent 30 mins hanging about at one, waiting for it to respawn. I have also found a group of 3 treasure chests iin DC and after collecting them, also hung about waiting for them to re-spawn, it's no different.

    It's no different from me riding around the starter island in AD on my Vet 1 main, along the beach, opening treasure chest after treasure chest containing vet stuff, it's literally non stop. If they want to remove some, that's up to them. I did this for a few hours, didn't even bother checking what I picked up, I simply sold all armour and all weapons as soon as my inv filled up and went back. This allowed me to afford my expensive horse in a few hrs playtime and anyone vet level who has AD as their 2nd island, can easily still do this to their hearts content (and judging by the people I meet running the same circles as me, many others are doing exactly this)

    It's also no different to say you finding a circle of mining nodes in the game where you gather one, move onto the next etc and get back to the first to find it's re-spawned.

    They have since realised they need to adjust the magical anomalies as people are getting too much XP, so they have altered them. They should have got it right before releasing it.

    It's not like this is some underhand, not east to spot thing. I could have simply stayed without moving at one magical anomaly and waited for the respawn and still got about 50K vet xp every 10 to 15 mins, (which is exactly what I started doing until I kept seeing this huge train of horses riding down just before they re-spawned and realised there must be another one and went to investigate) if the devs didn't work that out, it's not really my fault, it's not as though we have been taking advantage of some unexpected, unforeseen game mechanic, they set the timers, we killed the boss.

    From what I gather from the patch notes (might have misunderstood), instead of me getting 100k XP in about 10 mins, as now only the boss gives XP and not the anomaly, I will now still get about 50k xp (about 200 - 300k per hour) by continuing to do this, was never doing it for the loot anyway.

    Compare that to levelling up my vet ranks in AD (which I really want to save for an alt to start there with) , where after about 8 hrs I'm lucky if I've got 50K.

    I know which option I'm going to choose

    I like hard challenging content, I don't want the content to be nerfed at all. But going to vet dungeons with four vet ones, we are simply getting wiped over and over again, maybe it's a learn to play issue, but part of what attracted me to ESO was the promise that we could get away from the "if you play this class, you must have skills x,y and z else you will get nowhere " attitude.

    I take it as being vet1 simply being a little too low level for them, hence I need to raise my level to take part in anything properly really.

    I've done the AD starter island and most of Auridon with my vet 1. Every mob is 50. I have almost facerolled it, it's not really that challenging, just got to make sure you don't pull too many at once. Far far less challenging than it would be experiencing it with a brand new alt.

    On Auridon, I've done Defs Claim, Ondil, Entilias Folly and a couple of other quest related dungeon like places, by myself, sometimes there's been the odd couple of players in a place too. And I have had zero trouble (apart from doing silly things which we all do now and again) . Get to the boss, use my ultimate and 20 secs later the boss is dead without me raising a sweat.

    If I wasn't planing on going through the other two factions on alts, it would be better as I would pay the story line much more attention , but I'm trying not to spoil it for my alts (although that's almost impossible not to do) , but as every mob I meet seems to be exactly the same difficulty, it is becoming a bit of a faceroll grind.

    Faceroll might be a bit of an exaggeration, especially if there's a group, but I don't feel there's the challenge like I felt levelling up my main through DC, I don't think this is because I'm used to the game, I simply think it's because of my level and the mobs level (hence I think it will be a much better experience on my alts)

    Don't get me wrong, I love this game and will hopefully be here for years to come, I'm simply trying to explain why some players like myself am really glad there's a faster way to get xp

    There's not anything I can think of that we really need money for in this game apart from repairs and horses (until their levelled). I have never bought off another player and doubt I ever will as being in a guild where we share things, , there isn't any real need.

    Anyone can go harvest treasure chests if they want to get 50K quickly and don't find spending a few hours riding from one chest to another boring. Simply look at one of the many map sites that show exactly where they are located (or use an addon).

    So with that essay, I don't see how you can even begin to justify claiming a roll-back is required or claim you have been disadvantaged (and it would never happen anyway).

    If it was a exploit --> Ban players. I don't think this can be an exploit as it was made to work like players were doing. How do they test the game? oh, in fact we are testing the game.

    If it was a bug --> Prevent the impact in economy it had. If you can't, made a rollback or open another server. Or assume economy is broken, legendary gear is broken and crafting too (blacks, wood and clothing).

    I agree the rollback would never happen, but you have 2 player base.

    The ones that gains benefit of exploits, and the others that didn't had time or wanted to use it.

    It's clear there is a disadvantage. Some people has got max lvl (without quest grinding), 3 crafting skills, all legendary gear (best gear of the game), and as much money as they wanted.

    Try to kill them at Cyrodill.
    Edited by XanadoX on June 10, 2014 11:28PM
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