@neighbor - Since we have made a change for your previously we are unable to make an additional forum name change.
@haruspex - Unfortunately this name is taken. Let us know if there is another adequate name.
@colec74 - You will be PMed so that we can get the process underway.
@Pinesy @FlapjackSerious @Gamplyr613 @FastBen @Sanyetta @Arsonal @DargusMaximus @Jymster @Teridaxus @CrusaderNINE @Kupoking @Teaspoonies @Balgost @Hayato @CyberOnEso @Reylliam @Triggie208 @Noms @KaptenJava @MasterShadow @Aiydem -- Your names have been changed.
@Reylliam -- The extra numbers at the end of your name represent "pre-beta 18".
@ZOS_CoriJ Thanks for getting to this. Slight error, It was supposed to be Jmyster not Jymster.
ZOS_PierreL wrote: »Hello all,
Could you tell us the name you would like, please ?
If these follow our Community Code of Conduct, we will be happy to change your username.
Edit (3/2/2016):
Just as a general reminder of restrictions for new name changes:[Edited to update information]
- Spaces and hyphens are not permitted.
- The more basic the name, the more likely the name will be taken.
- Remember that this is a one-time change so be sure of your choice.
- In a situation where you need an immediate name change (for example, your name contains your real name) Please message one of our active mods on duty or one of the mods on this thread. (Preferably one of the more recent ones near the end or one who is currently online)