So after reading several werewolf guides and finally getting mine to level 10 and morphed its abilities I thought I would share information and tips I gleaned along the way, this may not be helpful for everybody I know but if it helps some at least its done its job.
Firstly getting your bite is hard enough, and then the quest resulting in you entering the Hunting Grounds in order to take down a large enough prey to feed your brothers, you can get bitten by rare mobs in the last zone before Coldharbour in each alliance, they mostly come out at night and seem to be when vampires are not out, ALTHO there have been reports they can randomly spawn in daylight and even when vampires are around, you can also be bitten by someone with werewolf at level 6 in front of Hircines Shrine to get infected too (but most players will charge a gold fee for this) I know some people want to do this quest at lower level, its hard, depending on what mob spawns in the Hunting Ground, you can keep exiting and re-entering the Hunting Ground to try and spawn different boss mobs, I did my quest at 38 and could not beat the Troll, it took many many times to finally spawn the Mammoth - which for me was a whole lot easier to kill, im not going to show you how to defeat the boss there are a multitude of videos of it on Youtube. Nice little guide found here:
Anyways, getting your werewolf to level 10 is a pain in the ass, you have to score kills to advance your levels, critters and wildlife do count - finding an area with plentiful level 1 wildlife is helpful (certain quest in EP involving rabbits is a good one, but only if people aren't actually trying to do said quest. If AD a helpful little guide here: go to
@Kyubi_3002b16_ESO)), however I found my most effective method by far was when you are about to meet Molag Bal and have the hint of godlike powers, as you progress towards the arena to meet Molag Bal you have to steam through waves of mobs, Titans and suchlike, as you have the godlike powers you destroy these waves with ease, if you start returning to the beginning of the paths these mobs respawn over and over again, your Ultimate builds up incredibly fast if you keep running between two respawn points and destroying the waves, also when you transform you rack up an incredible amount of kills very quickly, I levelled my werewolf from level 2 - 10 in about half an hour.
Now, to levelling the abilities, these are special abilities only available to use when you transform, usually you have to gain exp while in werewolf form for your abilities to level, but this is incredibly slow, also you can do several quests in same area but do not turn them in until you have 3 or 4 with rewards ready to pick up then charge your ultimate and transform and hand in the quests and get exp that way, BUT THERE IS AN EASIER WAY! I found that if you are like me and keep 2nd weapon set for levelling other skill lines and weapon trees apart from my main set on weapon 1, you can go into the world skill tree and into the werewolf skill line and from there add the abilities manually to your 2nd bar, you can then burn quests on main weapon and when go for reward switch to 2nd set and it will gain exp too, just as long as a skill is on the weapon set you are using when you hand a quest in, it will gain experience - even if unable to use werewolf skills outside of transformation, the slotted ability will still gain exp.
Ok, there you go, hopefully you find this helpful, good luck and have fun with your werewolf
Guild Master of Lost Prophecies, small group of friends playing in Ebonheart Pact, recruitment only accessible through playing with us and making a good impression.
Want to know more on how to increase forum stars and achievements, check my guide here:
Can't seem to level Werewolf or its abilities? check this:
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