You know the saying "a picture is worth a thousand words"?
Well a video is worth a million.
Not much to say. Just reminding the devs and ppl WHY certain changes are being made.
Ok, seriously. wow. I will pay you to tell me what the name of the track is on video 3. awesome. simply great.
Oh yes, and I agree Bolt Escape is overpowered. Not that I would know, I am a PvPless sorcerer thanks to the continuous Mac Bleed Bug. just a liiiiiiiitle bit bitter lol.
I have just looked into the first video, so I'm only going to comment on that one. I can understand that it is frustrating that the sorc using bolt escape is "unkillable" because he can get away before enough damage could be done to him.
But I beg to remember that as soon as that BE sorc turns around and tries to kill you, he is minced meat. So BE allows to get away, fine. As long as it doesn't allow to simultaneously kill his opponents and get away, I'm fine with it.
BE was completely out of control as long as you could carry the scroll with it - that was a very stupid mechanic and got the axe pretty quickly.
The current state of BE? Fine with me. Let the sorcs get away, I'm not that corpse greedy I need to kill every single guy I spot - I'm not a good enough player for that anyways.
The whole BE discussion is kind of blown completely out of proportion anyways.
Oh yeah, I play Nightblade (V2, and yes: medium armor, DW + Bow, stam & magicka) and a DK (barely V1, but it's the dreaded Resto/Destro cookie cutter, just for sh*ts and giggles). So no, I'm not a sorcerer. And yes, I've not yet arrived at endgame.
I understand that. However, it's not the case of "killing everyone i spot" It's more along the lines of , IF he spots me, tries and fails to kill me, he gets a "GET OUT OF JAIL FREE" card. Every other class is penalized in this aspect. Try watching the other 2 videos too, and not just one.
In the first video, your statement regarding vampire...
The Weekend PTS folks, where there were huge PvP battles, did not have access to anything vampire. We got the first three zones (the two starter islands and the 5-10 zone). No vamps. Most folks didn't even hit level 12.
They apparently relied on this for the entirety of the PvP testing, since their aim was to make Cyrodiil stable for as many people as they expected to PvP. Oh, remember what I said about the level we were restricted to? What level does Bolt Escape unlock...
The Vampire Testing was private - and apparently mostly PvE. And poor PvE at that, considering the number of quests that break when you have MULTIPLE people attempt them simultaneously.
Sadly, the only thing I got from that post was "I'm a NB and crying because the sorc can escape me." Maybe it's because sorcs don't have self heals like every other class has. While on the topic of getting away free, please nerf Shadow Cloak, it is spammable and allows NBs to get away without being killed.
Sadly, your post wasn't even a "good try" Shadow cloak is UNUSABLE IF...
1: Your opponent has magelight
2: You have put a DOT on your opponent
3: Your opponent presses ONE AOE button when they see u disappear
4: You are still AROUND your opponent when u go invisible.
Sorc BE works......
1: As long as u have mana
2: regardless if u are rooted or not(lolz)
3: Can't think of a number 3 ...cos there ISN'T ANY OTHER downside.