Alliance Selection

When creating a new character, if I start from scratch I can pick any Alliance. However, if I select the Craglorn template the Alliance defaults to DC and I can't change it. Similarly, if I select the Fungal Grotto template the Alliance defaults to EP and I can't change it. Is this intentional?

Yes, I realize Fungal Grotto is in an EP zone. However, I'm confused re: why the Craglorn template doesn't allow Alliance selection (unless it's determined separately for each account). If we're supposed to test PvP in Cyrodiil, and everyone is in the same alliance...
  • SirPuppingtonVonHat
    The "everyone is DC" Craglorn template is a leftover from the previous Craglorn test, where the majority of testers where just too spread out to properly test the content. Still, good point about the inability to PVP test the changes.

    I also have no idea why the Fungal Grotto template even exists right now, since it gives you a level 12 character. Maybe its a place holder for Vet Crypt of Hearts?
    The Psijic Order
  • sParkSnare
    The "everyone is DC" Craglorn template is a leftover from the previous Craglorn test, where the majority of testers where just too spread out to properly test the content. Still, good point about the inability to PVP test the changes.

    Thanks for the insight.
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