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New nerfs to DKs - now featuring cooldowns on abilities.

  • Baphomet
    Yes, always when dealing single-target damage.
    - The Psijic Order
    - TKO
    - Dominant Dominion
    - The Noore
  • smercgames_ESO
    a GCD isn't really the same thing as a normal cooldown. I haven't tested the animations but they really should fix the whole weaving and spamming so everything hits at the same time. Makes haste and + attack speed pretty worthless when everything seems to just blow up at once regardless.
  • Tankqull
    Baphomet wrote: »
    After some more testing ('bout 6 hours of PvP) yesterday, I must be fair and say that lava whip felt a bit more responsive than it did the other day when I made this thread.

    However, fiery reach is such a mess right now that I don't even use it. If I pull people they can always break the 0.5 sec stun and dodge roll away before I can follow up with searing strike or lava whip - and this is during zero lag conditions and when I am spamming the next ability in the rotation even while the target is in the process of being pulled towards me. Also, if the target sprints, there is no pull (this is an old issue though).

    Searing strike I often have to press 2-4 times before it triggers. And this is after a shield assault where the target lies on the ground right in front of me.

    Standard is still the most slow ultimate to trigger of them all. As someone stated, it feels like you have to reach for the skies and wait for it to descend - apparently in a parachute.

    Did some testing in Craglorn yesterday, too, and sure enough, I could be standing right in front of enemies and my talons wouldn't trigger on them - face to face. It seems even worse in Cyrodiil where people are moving.

    Another thing that blew my mind in Cyrodiil was that players jumping can actually avoid ranged-instant hit abilities like forceful shock. Yes, I use spell weaving with crushing shock and light attack and this guy I had targeted seemed to panic so he jumped back and forth. I could see that my fire bolt flew and hit their target but some of the forceful shock abilities did not (according to the damage numbers) even though it depleted my magicka. Further, crushing shock will also trigger and deplete magicka if a target breaks the line of sight, but it will do no damage. Okay, not DK related by I wanted to share it anyways.
    you should try templars nova first - its an "instant" with 2 second casting time in wich you can be bashed, force shocked, venom arrowed setting you in an unstable status or beeing knocked down/back or cced with whatever completly neglecting the ultimate cast without regranting the used ultimat...
    spelling and grammar errors are free to be abused

    Sallington wrote: »
    Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"

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