GrimMauKin wrote: »I've died a shed load of times due to bugs; lag plays a part but the biggies for me are that the skills keys (1-5) simply stop working, skills animate but don't do damage, the weapon swap key stops working and melee blows pass through a MOB; even when keys do work they often seem unresponsive.
coryevans_3b14_ESO wrote: »I've had it happen a ton lately. It's not lag. My healing spells will be grayed out even at full magicka until i die. There's no d-buff on me and no "blue dome of no magicka usage". I can still use my offensive spells, but the defensive spells on the same action bar are grayed out. Then it randomely comes back. Happens against all kinds of mobs, some mele, some ranged.
I've noticed that it'll be randomely grayed out when i'm targeting the npc. While in the same fight, if I turn away from the npc so I'm not targeting him, the spells are usable agai
This is what i experience right now.
100% of my deaths since Craglorn have been due to being beaten to death by things I cannot see! Literally, 100%. I have not done Cyrodiil so you guys haven't had a shot lately, but I will be wandering in my area, get dismounted, my health stays full, I wander around, then I insta-die, rez with a gem, and a few minutes later I see mobs. Craglorn has ruined this game. Don't get me started on loading screens every ten to fifteen seconds...
@coryevans_3b14_ESO: This is a known bug. It's because there is a critter near. To confirm this, go near a critter, hover mouse over it, watch healing abilities lock out. I hear it's even when the critters are far away behind stuff (walls etc.). This is killing people everywhere, especially in delves. I do think ZOS mentioned they have a fix ready for it.
@coryevans_3b14_ESO: This is a known bug. It's because there is a critter near. To confirm this, go near a critter, hover mouse over it, watch healing abilities lock out. I hear it's even when the critters are far away behind stuff (walls etc.). This is killing people everywhere, especially in delves. I do think ZOS mentioned they have a fix ready for it.
I use 7 light armour & staffs (Destruction Staff/Restoration Staff) on all my toons. Are your saying there is other weapons besides staffs? Really, I tried one once but this thing called 'stamina' is broken.And if you played DK 99.99% of your deaths would likely be caused from not using destrostaff
All the bugs I have encountered in ESO.
In the beginning of my ESO experience i had massive lag issues only to find out that a program used by the game named AwesomiumProcess.exe was causing massive lag spikes every 30 seconds to a minute make the game unplayable. Pull up the task manager and end process, make the game run great.
The blocking bug, I block a bunch of mobs and my keys become unresponsive. Results in a death and a relog.
2nd Blocking bug, block mobs and become stuck and cannot move around but can cast. Results in a relog most of the time but death still can occur.
Mouse bug, at random times my mouse stops responding so you can't block or bash. Results is death and a relog.
Keyboard bug, sometimes it just stops working all together. Complete restart of the game fixes it, rare but happens once a day.
These bugs still happen just not at the frequency as the past. This game is by far the most bugged game I've ever played. Not to mention that your screen name is visible by everyone and accessible by everyone in game with the mail functions. So if someone wants to hack they already have your login name, they just need to crack your password. When you write a ticket they ask for your secret question in an email to prove ownership. So your secret question as most people probably use the same or similar answers is just floating around on the internet for someone to grab. ESO is actually violating its own rules.