OK so to swap between Fullscreen > Windowed you have several choices!tomjuergens wrote: »Maybe a stupid question...when I want to switch back from a window mode to full screen, there are two options:
1. Toggle Full Screen
2. Enter Full screen
What is the difference and what are the consequences ? Is there a difference at all ?Or in other words....what should I use ??
Thanks !
OK, that's clearertomjuergens wrote: »Thanks both of you. I see, that I maybe have not been clear. I am aware of different ways to switch to Full Screen. I was just puzzled about the different verbs used. When I am in window mode of ESO and click "Window" on top of the screen, I get this two options: Toggle and Enter Fullscreen. I a just wondered, wether there is a "technical" difference between them, since they are both specified ?
(maybe this is outdated as each OS X version seems to vary but gives an idea of how the function can be set for an application)When a window goes into full-screen mode, the styleMask changes to NSFullScreenWindowMask to reflect the state of the window.The setting of the styleMask goes through the setStyleMask: method. As a result, a window can override this method if it has customization to do when entering or exiting full-screen.
A window can be taken into or out of full-screen mode using the toggleFullScreen: method. If an app supports full-screen mode, it should add a menu item to the View menu with toggleFullScreen: as the action, and nil as the target.