Here are a list of bugs I experienced today on numerous occasions:
1) Lag - this is by far the biggest problem in Cyrodil. I have been on Wabbajack for a long time. From the first time I hit level 15 and said - well heck i'll go try out PvP and see what it's like!! But, I have never seen an amount of constant server based lag for abilities and what I see on the screen Vs what is actually happening in any MMO from POTBS to WoW. This must be a priority - like the priority to nerf the summoned bosses in Craglorn delves. The time is cannot be another week of this or you will basically lose the player base....and the fun of the game - which is the large scale battles.
2) Trying to place any piece of siege equipment - unable to. Relogging fixed this. I believe it was caused by being in the process of placing a piece of siege - getting a mass of lag - not seeing the siege deploy - and then being unable to place any kind of siege, mercs, camps nothing.
3) Ability graphics not appearing and not working correctly. This happens...due to lag and while the abilities cost stamina or magicka - they don't work. Nothing happens.
4) Bolt Escape does not move me forward. Bolt Escape moves me backwards (rubberband) due to lag. Bolt Escape moves me nowhere. I have had all of these instances. It seems when I get rooted then use bolt escape while at the same time someone is stunning me - it goes into a bugged mode where I cannot move with bolt Escape. I have also had an issue where the Character cannot move after Bolt escaping and having my ball of lightning absorb a spell projectile (that would have knocked me down) it seems like an overload of abilities going off and the system does not know how to prioritize the effects.
I presume all of the 2,3,4 bugs are caused - by the number 1 bug which is server based lag.
PvP populations are dropping and people are more frustrated than ever. Nothing is more frustrating than when you are fighting - your screen goes into lag mode - and then everything catches up and you are dead and surrounded by enemies that are looking around confused...saying "..wth just happened?" Because they killed you and are not even sure - usually facing the wrong direction.
I love the game when it works well. When the lag is not an issue the PvP is team work oriented, goal oriented - and rewarding. You have a great concept here. You absolutely must find a fix for this if this title has a chance to stay subscription based - and you must do it soon. Please....get this fixed. Take the servers down for two days. Make sure you have it right. Open up the servers to people who will test them. Do whatever is needed - pay back the customers for 1 week for going through this past 2 weeks of baloney and use their registered emails to get them to come back and try the fixes. I want this game to succeed because I love playing it. Right now, it's not on the right track. It's far better to say you made a mistake and fix it - and have it cost you a little money now - than to have a FTP, P2W title in 4 more weeks.
PvP Lead Officer for Einherjar
Member of Einherjar and associated guilds since 2001
A multi Gaming community of players.