Is that an admission of gold buying? Or does your comment just not make sense?
Does the huge amount of bots equal a very popular game?
I think she means that "haters" take bots as another welcome scapegoat to spin their twisted views some more.Is that an admission of gold buying? Or does your comment just not make sense?
KhajitFurTrader wrote: »I think he means that "haters" take bots as another welcome scapegoat to spin their twisted views some more.
On topic: bots = money to be had. Go figure. <_< >_> ^_^
No, it means the games account management practices and client mechanics make it vulnerable to botting and therefore a lucrative target.
If you do have some magical way to make it harder without needing mayor rewrites of the codebase or stuff that puts too much load on the servers, every MMO designer on the planet would be all ears. It would propably make you a millionare overnight. Till then it is really just another half hidden "Zenimax programmers suck" message.AlexDougherty wrote: »No, the number of bots is proportional to the ease at which they can run them. If it was harder to run bots in the game, then the botters would go elsewhere.
What I was thinking but I was just gonna give him the benefit of the doubt that it he had no ulterior motives in saying it and let it slide...If you do have some magical way to make it harder without needing mayor rewrites of the codebase or stuff that puts too much load on the servers, every MMO designer on the planet would be all ears. It would propably make you a millionare overnight. Till then it is really just another half hidden "Zenimax programmers suck" message.
Till then we should asume they do anything feasible to make botting harder. There are two kidns of people: Those who don't know anything of game design or programming and should not cirtice Zenimax because they have really no idea about the thematic
And those that do and won't Criticie Zenimax becaue they understand. I am the later. Happens after you learned your 3rd programming language.
If you do have some magical way to make it harder without needing mayor rewrites of the codebase or stuff that puts too much load on the servers, every MMO designer on the planet would be all ears. It would propably make you a millionare overnight. Till then it is really just another half hidden "Zenimax programmers suck" message.
Till then we should asume they do anything feasible to make botting harder. There are two kidns of people: Those who don't know anything of game design or programming and should not cirtice Zenimax because they have really no idea about the thematic
And those that do and won't Criticie Zenimax becaue they understand. I am the later. Happens after you learned your 3rd programming language.