bots = popular game?

Does the huge amount of bots equal a very popular game?
  • ebunts14_ESO
  • Allyah
    gronbek wrote: »
    Does the huge amount of bots equal a very popular game?
    All it means is that some dumb*** is buying.
  • Asasinka
    All it means is that some haters don't have better things to do than hate.
    I'm fighting for a higher purpose
  • gronbek
    But there must for sure be a lot of folks buying
  • Allyah
    Asasinka wrote: »
    All it means is that some haters don't have better things to do than hate.
    Is that an admission of gold buying? Or does your comment just not make sense?
  • Asasinka
    Allyah wrote: »
    Is that an admission of gold buying? Or does your comment just not make sense?

    Sorry, you're not selling coke then?
    I'm fighting for a higher purpose
  • liquid_wolf
    Wherever there is profit, there are bots.

    Someone is making a profit botting gold in this game. We don't know the actual subscription numbers for ZoS, but with the "healthy" bot population, and the decent numbers of players in most cities in the game... you can surmise the MMORPG is doing well enough.

    1 Million? probably worldwide. $15 Million a month isn't a bad take.

    More than 500K subscribers based on the volume of complaints you see on the forums.


    You can tell the game is doing well based on the number of complaints in the forums, and the bots in the game.
    Edited by liquid_wolf on May 30, 2014 2:42PM
  • AlexDougherty
    gronbek wrote: »
    Does the huge amount of bots equal a very popular game?

    No, the number of bots is proportional to the ease at which they can run them. If it was harder to run bots in the game, then the botters would go elsewhere.
    People believe what they either want to be true or what they are afraid is true!
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  • KhajitFurTrader
    Allyah wrote: »
    Is that an admission of gold buying? Or does your comment just not make sense?
    I think she means that "haters" take bots as another welcome scapegoat to spin their twisted views some more.

    On topic: bots = money to be had. Go figure. <_< >_> ^_^
    Edited by KhajitFurTrader on May 30, 2014 2:44PM
  • Asasinka
    I think he means that "haters" take bots as another welcome scapegoat to spin their twisted views some more.

    On topic: bots = money to be had. Go figure. <_< >_> ^_^

    You got it :) but instead of he there has to be she, but you couldn't know :)
    I'm fighting for a higher purpose
  • gronbek
    More cowbell is what is needed. Just ring the bell when you see a bot and puf the magic dragon strikes from the sky
  • aleister
    gronbek wrote: »
    Does the huge amount of bots equal a very popular game?

    No, it means the games account management practices and client mechanics make it vulnerable to botting and therefore a lucrative target.
  • KhajitFurTrader
    Asasinka wrote: »

    You got it :) but instead of he there has to be she, but you couldn't know :)
    Sorry, no offense meant. Fixed it. :blush:
  • liquid_wolf
    aleister wrote: »
    No, it means the games account management practices and client mechanics make it vulnerable to botting and therefore a lucrative target.

    Lucrative only if you have buyers.

    Bots do not collect gold then store it in some magical vault somewhere. They lose about as much gold as they make with the bans.

    Which means they have to make the gold, and immediately sell it to a player. If it sits too long, they will lose it.

    So you could say that the sheer number of bots is proportional to the number of Gold Buyers we have.

    The Gold Sellers have a long list of purchase orders they are trying to fill as fast as possible, so have a hefty number of bots to fill those orders.

    The Account Bans are just the cost of doing business. And apparently business is good if the botters are not being subtle and don't appear to care about being banned by the dozens.
    Edited by liquid_wolf on May 30, 2014 2:51PM
  • Cybrdroyd
    I would think so, because who's buying all the in game gold they are farming? Somebody must be.
    The road leads ever onward...

  • zgrssd
    No, the number of bots is proportional to the ease at which they can run them. If it was harder to run bots in the game, then the botters would go elsewhere.
    If you do have some magical way to make it harder without needing mayor rewrites of the codebase or stuff that puts too much load on the servers, every MMO designer on the planet would be all ears. It would propably make you a millionare overnight. Till then it is really just another half hidden "Zenimax programmers suck" message.

    Till then we should asume they do anything feasible to make botting harder. There are two kidns of people: Those who don't know anything of game design or programming and should not cirtice Zenimax because they have really no idea about the thematic
    And those that do and won't Criticie Zenimax becaue they understand. I am the later. Happens after you learned your 3rd programming language.
    Elana Peterson (EU), Dominion, Imperial Sorc, Rune & Alchemy Crafting Char
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    Kurga Peterson (EU), Ebonhart, Ork Dragonknight, Provision Mule
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    Incendia Peterson (EU), Dominion, Dunmer Dragonknight, fire DPS & healer
    Haldor Belendor (EU), Ebonhart, Breton Sorcerer, Tank
    Fuliminictus Peterson (EU), Ebonhart, Altmer Sorcerer, Electric DPS

    Me babbling about PvE roles and Armor, Short Guide to Addon Programming (for Programmers)

    If you think anything I or somebody else said violates the Rules of this Forum, you are free to flag my posts. Till I get any notifcaion from this, I just asume you know you have no case against me or Zenimax disagrees with you.
  • Allyah
    zgrssd wrote: »
    If you do have some magical way to make it harder without needing mayor rewrites of the codebase or stuff that puts too much load on the servers, every MMO designer on the planet would be all ears. It would propably make you a millionare overnight. Till then it is really just another half hidden "Zenimax programmers suck" message.

    Till then we should asume they do anything feasible to make botting harder. There are two kidns of people: Those who don't know anything of game design or programming and should not cirtice Zenimax because they have really no idea about the thematic
    And those that do and won't Criticie Zenimax becaue they understand. I am the later. Happens after you learned your 3rd programming language.
    What I was thinking but I was just gonna give him the benefit of the doubt that it he had no ulterior motives in saying it and let it slide...

    After all, his statement is true no matter his motives for saying it.
  • doggie
    Gold sellers will always exist, if it's too hard to bot, then the gold sellers will just buy gold from normal players and sell at a higher price. That's what they do in Age of Conan now and gold sellers still exist even with 20k players.

    What Zenimax should do is to place the new players on the load queue server which has not been used since beta btw. Incase there was a log in queue players could choose to play on a special server without access to groups/friends/guild and pvp.

    Untill the card is verified, if it's a stolen card, account is deleted and bot could never trade farmed stuff to anyone.
    Edited by doggie on May 30, 2014 2:53PM
  • AlexDougherty
    zgrssd wrote: »
    If you do have some magical way to make it harder without needing mayor rewrites of the codebase or stuff that puts too much load on the servers, every MMO designer on the planet would be all ears. It would propably make you a millionare overnight. Till then it is really just another half hidden "Zenimax programmers suck" message.

    Till then we should asume they do anything feasible to make botting harder. There are two kidns of people: Those who don't know anything of game design or programming and should not cirtice Zenimax because they have really no idea about the thematic
    And those that do and won't Criticie Zenimax becaue they understand. I am the later. Happens after you learned your 3rd programming language.

    Oh, I get that, I wasn't criticising Zos, I was Critiquing the situation, there is a difference. I understand that Zos will be trying everything short of a rewrite to shore up against Bots, but no use pretending the situation isn't what it is.
    People believe what they either want to be true or what they are afraid is true!
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