Error 328: Not entitled to be on this realm? Then 103's ...

I was doing Shades of Green (the part after talking to 3 skulls and accepting the NPC's next task ... but ...

Was dropped to login with a Error 328: You are not entitled to be on this realm :\

(I live in NC, USA!)

I tried to log back in and got 2x 103 Errors:

Error 103 (4:1:1279:0)
Error 103 (4:1:1279:0)

Your Ticket has been Submitted!
Thanks for submitting your question.
Your reference code is: 140529-020832.

I hope this gets resolved. Thank you ZOS!
Furyion - Altmer Sorcerer (Storm Caller/Destro/Resto & Vampo ;)

  • jerr350b14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    I just had the same thing happen. Kicked with error 328 then i got 103 every time i tried to log in. Tried 4 times then shutdown and reset my router and got back on in the first try.

    Hope i dont see this again or end up like some other poor people that still cant get on at all.
  • Taleof2Cities
    Same here ... both errors.

    I was in Grahtwood, however, near the Southpoint Shrine.
    Edited by Taleof2Cities on May 30, 2014 2:37AM
  • Appalachian
    I got back on.

    I believe it might have been related to the [EU] megaserver maintenance.

    (I.e., my account was interpreted as on EU?)

    Furyion - Altmer Sorcerer (Storm Caller/Destro/Resto & Vampo ;)

  • WetWilly00b14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    after na went down i try to get back in i am getting time out and error 301 i did all the troubleshooting tips they give.....still nothing
  • Appalachian
    I rebooted my PC (Win 7/64bit) & clicked "Check for Updates" under the little wheel icon on the login page. [Was after I had spent 4-7 minutes in the forums.]
    So maybe server-side needs to catch up to your being flagged EU ...

    Not sure if this will help you. Did you report your problem?

    If so, add your ticket number to this thread(?)
    Furyion - Altmer Sorcerer (Storm Caller/Destro/Resto & Vampo ;)

  • WetWilly00b14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    i did submit a ticket

    Edited by WetWilly00b14_ESO on May 30, 2014 4:01AM
  • Appalachian
    I have seen other threads and the moderators sometimes ask for a ticket reference. I thought you might like to add it in BOLD to this thread?

    Good luck! :'(
    Furyion - Altmer Sorcerer (Storm Caller/Destro/Resto & Vampo ;)

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