Dear Zenimax. I wrote in support to solve my problem but they could not, I wrote a proposal in its request about my vision to solve the problem and have no idea whether it was transferred to responsible people or not, whether they guessed tell them. The fact that the game each time I log requests one-time password, indicating that I come from an unknown IP address, but my IP address is static and does not change. These requests authorization code is very annoying and you need to think seriously about the possibility of manual control whitelist IP addresses or entire networks and/or subnets in a private user cabinet, you must enter a binding to the mobile phone number if you are so much worried about the security of your user accounts. Personally, I am not a lamer and hack my password is practically impossible, given that it is not stored anywhere, except the manager passwords in a database file using AES 256 bit encryption. Therefore, these measures I personally only hinder rather than help the security of my account, but the measure of binding to a phone number - a more efficient solution than the issuance of one-time passwords without restrictions on the number of login attempts (or I did not notice it).