One of my characters is stuck in limbo.
I was zoning from Greenshade to Malabal Tor (you run towards the gate and it loads you into the next area) and got the extra long loading page. I relogged but when I came back into game, I was stuck against the gate (loading page said I'm on Greenshade side but my map said Malabal Tor) and could not move nor type at all (would've done the ol' /stuck trick if I could). A UI Error message (typed it out below). The 'Dismiss Error' and the 'x' close out buttons do not work.
I don't have any addons, I've restarted my game, logged onto another character just fine. I can type keys like 'm' and the map comes up fine but I can't navigate within the map by scrolling or tabbing - so can't even hearth. I can press 'esc' but can't navigate within the menu. I tried to get a friend to add me so I could maybe 'travel to player' but couldn't even tab through friends. Nor can I see any chat going on.
After about 5 minutes sitting at this message, the screen goes black but you can still hear music and see the mouse cursor. After another 5 minutes, I get booted from the game 'error, an unknown error has occurred'.
I put in a ticket but just reaching out to folks here to see if anyone has experienced this? if there is an F-key or something that will perform the same function as /stuck? am I being a dumb dumb girl and missing something?
I'm Veteran lvl 5 if it makes any difference /shrugs.
Message is as follows:
UI Error
ESOUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/ChatSystem.lua:2010: attempt to index a nil value
stack traceback:
ESOUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/ChatSystem.lua:2010: in function 'ChatSystem:StartTextEntry'
ESOUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/ChatSystem.lua:2056: in function 'StartChatInput'
:1: in function '(main chunk)'
Dismiss Error (button that does not work)