steinbergmanub17_ESO wrote: »So just send in ticket off an alt and wait for response in email?
steinbergmanub17_ESO wrote: »hmm, i sent in a ticket but doesnt show me that i have. dont know if it went through. checked my email and no response.
steinbergmanub17_ESO wrote: »Just got a response to my ticket- said my char has been moved to cyrodil gate- going to try to log on him now
steinbergmanub17_ESO wrote: »An easy fix for that: Never, ever, log out.
Hlaren_shortsheath wrote: »Hlaren_shortsheath wrote: »is very sad that its true that people spam cheated to vet 12 and kinda ruined game for others. if i race to them and meet them at thier level then as soon as there is a new patch with content intended for fun they will again spam thru it and rule in pvp cause they will be vet 15 and many of us still stuck lower level then they because we actually played the game as was intended. while they cheated and got thier level from exploits. i dont see a way out of allways being behind unless we join them in thier spaming content just to be higher level.
I'm v12 and didn't cheat/exploit. Its actually not very long at all to get there. But to call everyone a cheater because they have more free time is a bit silly.
Edit: What was this thread about again?
yeah, good luck with that.
Good luck with what? Asking you to think logically and not accuse other people of cheating because they are higher level than you?
steinbergmanub17_ESO wrote: »Just got a response to my ticket- said my char has been moved to cyrodil gate- going to try to log on him now
They said mine was moved to Deshaan... Still stuck.