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Would you like CLASS CHANGE? +++

Classes: enemies, enemies, enemies, friends or bystanders? Choose for yourself OR listen to your wiser cousin and follow the way of cutheart: 3
Edited by Surinen on May 28, 2014 8:32AM

Would you like CLASS CHANGE? +++ 71 votes

yes Sir, I would love to be able to change my class, experience new abilities and animations. reroll is not for me!
ComaInducedIlawyndeTeargrantsbigscoothb14_ESObloodenragedb14_ESOcorbyoneBeeftipsJeggredsven.scheel99b16_ESOZolyokdavidetombab16_ESOerwinkuikenb16_ESOdafraorb16_ESOpatrykplawskib16_ESONortarclubraf2ub17_ESOdc1509golem75eb17_ESOkhele23eb17_ESOczar 34 votes
lul naah Sirrah Kaptin, I ain't no changeling yo. yo know, balancez, issues and such system abuzez. haha rofl spoiled internet kids wunt sum more entitlement
driosketchErock25starstruckmoXroxEliteZplaxy186Nightman'ComethUPrimeMKLSAlexDoughertyHazardousNovexRagnar_LodbrokHakureiTr1cksh0timobiusSilkeshxSakuyaxNathair 18 votes
*but my Lord! by all what is sophisticated, superiority's fragnance cannot be achieved without total deconstruction of the class system. I demand freedom for skill lines. no more senseless oppression!*
Wintersagesmercgames_ESOdenmj_ESOGeeYouWhyAKSb16_ESO2BSGDevastatorcris13crossb16_ESOKorprokAnzerinf.toniceb17_ESORosveenSidrathjimmulvaneyStill_MindRangerChadAltusVenifusSurinentwnakitaLaranoye 19 votes
  • Surinen
    *but my Lord! by all what is sophisticated, superiority's fragnance cannot be achieved without total deconstruction of the class system. I demand freedom for skill lines. no more senseless oppression!*
    *note* fragnance is an Altmer way, pure way of spelling.
    and do not ask why 'by all what is' instead of 'by all that is".
    you are not a heretic, are you?
    Edited by Surinen on May 28, 2014 8:45AM
  • Khazaad
    I would... but everybody knows class mobility is almost impossible in today's society.

    ... wait. what was the question?
  • Gwarok
    Surinen wrote: »
    Classes: enemies, enemies, enemies, friends or bystanders? Choose for yourself OR listen to your wiser cousin and follow the way of cutheart: 3
    yes Sir, I would love to be able to change my class, experience new abilities and animations. reroll is not for me!
    lul naah Sirrah Kaptin, I ain't no changeling yo. yo know, balancez, issues and such system abuzez. haha rofl spoiled internet kids wunt sum more entitlement
    *but my Lord! by all what is sophisticated, superiority's fragnance cannot be achieved without total deconstruction of the class system. I demand freedom for skill lines. no more senseless oppression!*

    Somewhere in the real World a 4th grade English teacher just shed a tear.
    Edited by Gwarok on May 29, 2014 2:32AM
    "Strive for balance of all things. When the scales tip to one side or the other, someone or somethings gets short-changed. When someone gets short-changed, unpredictability and strife unbalance the world around us...To achieve freedom from greed, from want, and from strife, all parties in any exchange MUST find balance." -House Hlaalu's Philosophy of Trade

    "I am ALWAYS very busy, so I KNOW what's best. You need to stay away from the waterfall. TRUST ME, you're better off keeping busy than playing in the stream....Do you know how to swim, Little Scrib?"

    "I am but a simple farmer". -Rags'nar LodesBroke


    (Juliet): is nor hand, nor foot,
    Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part
    Belonging to a man.
    O, be some other name!
    What's in a name?
    That which we call a rose?
    By any other name would smell as sweet.
    Retain that dear perfection to which he owes...
    (Act II, Scene II -William Shakespeare's: Romeo & Juliet -1595 A.D.)

  • Jeremy_gelber_ESO
    where's the "yes, i would like a danish with my coffee" option. because thats what im voting for.
  • Surinen
    *but my Lord! by all what is sophisticated, superiority's fragnance cannot be achieved without total deconstruction of the class system. I demand freedom for skill lines. no more senseless oppression!*
    I appreciate your sense of humour, but please, stay on topic
  • AlexDougherty
    lul naah Sirrah Kaptin, I ain't no changeling yo. yo know, balancez, issues and such system abuzez. haha rofl spoiled internet kids wunt sum more entitlement
    Giving the options silly language doesn't distract from the fact we don't need a change class option, we have three factions, reroll and play a different faction.
    People believe what they either want to be true or what they are afraid is true!
    Wizard's first rule
    Passion rules reason
    Wizard's third rule
    Mind what people Do, not what they say, for actions betray a lie.
    Wizard's fifth rule
    Willfully turning aside from the truth is treason to one's self
    Wizard's tenth rule
  • Nox_Aeterna
    yes Sir, I would love to be able to change my class, experience new abilities and animations. reroll is not for me!
    Giving the options silly language doesn't distract from the fact we don't need a change class option, we have three factions, reroll and play a different faction.

    Yeah ... you see , im almost vet10 on my templar , i already did those quests and no , im not doing them again , so nah dont think so.

    Even more , because that would my guild would then turn useless since it is linked to my faction and that is where everyones keeps their mains.

    This game is trully limited when it comes to lvling , that is all there is to it.
    Edited by Nox_Aeterna on May 29, 2014 9:10AM
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • Tannakaobi
    where's the "yes, i would like a danish with my coffee" option. because thats what im voting for.

    Yep, that makes more sense than the thread!

  • Surinen
    *but my Lord! by all what is sophisticated, superiority's fragnance cannot be achieved without total deconstruction of the class system. I demand freedom for skill lines. no more senseless oppression!*
    Giving the options silly language doesn't distract from the fact we don't need a change class option, we have three factions, reroll and play a different faction.
    silly? the most accurate I say.
    'we'? pluralis maiestatis or it happens that you speak on behalf of TES players, Mister Hist?
    Why rerolling if you experience other factions quests during veteran leveling?

    Lord Surinen says: keep TES pure, even, NO, especially if it is an mmo. class presets should be optional, just like it was pre TES V. building your own hero, freedom of choice is of numidian proportions. never forget that!
    Tannakaobi wrote: »
    where's the "yes, i would like a danish with my coffee" option. because thats what im voting for.

    Yep, that makes more sense than the thread!
    please, do not offtopic. if this thread is beyond your understanding, then please, simply refrain from commenting.

    Edited by Surinen on May 29, 2014 9:17AM
  • InspectorGanja
    yes Sir, I would love to be able to change my class, experience new abilities and animations. reroll is not for me!
    Good Idea, altough it will never come
    There are 10 kinds of people in the world: Those who understand binary and those who don't
  • Ragnar_Lodbrok
    lul naah Sirrah Kaptin, I ain't no changeling yo. yo know, balancez, issues and such system abuzez. haha rofl spoiled internet kids wunt sum more entitlement
    Hard to read OPs ebonics (i think). I speak only english. I think I answered no.
  • Surinen
    *but my Lord! by all what is sophisticated, superiority's fragnance cannot be achieved without total deconstruction of the class system. I demand freedom for skill lines. no more senseless oppression!*
    Hard to read OPs ebonics (i think). I speak only english. I think I answered no.
    I confirm it. your answer is "no, I do not want class change nor freedom for skill lines". an answer also known as "the worst".
    Good Idea, altough it will never come
    If I remember correctly, developers said something about giving players an opportunity to play other classes without resorting to reroll. there is a hgh chance that what I have just said is wrong.

    Edited by Surinen on May 29, 2014 6:49PM
  • Wargasmo
    Rather than class change, which seems excessive and unnecessary, I'd really like class balance.
    Edited by Wargasmo on May 29, 2014 7:36PM
  • Still_Mind
    *but my Lord! by all what is sophisticated, superiority's fragnance cannot be achieved without total deconstruction of the class system. I demand freedom for skill lines. no more senseless oppression!*
    Was never a big fan of a class system in an TES setting. But I do realize that it's the only thing preventing everyone from playing 1-2 cookiecutter FOTM setups.
    "I'm not *giving* him cake, I'm *assaulting* him with cake!"
  • smercgames_ESO
    *but my Lord! by all what is sophisticated, superiority's fragnance cannot be achieved without total deconstruction of the class system. I demand freedom for skill lines. no more senseless oppression!*
    Still_Mind wrote: »
    Was never a big fan of a class system in an TES setting. But I do realize that it's the only thing preventing everyone from playing 1-2 cookiecutter FOTM setups.

    Except... the majority of people already do play 1-2 cookie cutter fotm setups (It's all about the impulse)... sooo the only difference is people couldn't complain that X class is OP because there are no classes and you could do the exact same. The problem right now is 2 classes are vastly superior due to class skills but no matter what class you play staves beat out weapons.
  • Surinen
    *but my Lord! by all what is sophisticated, superiority's fragnance cannot be achieved without total deconstruction of the class system. I demand freedom for skill lines. no more senseless oppression!*
    Wargasmo wrote: »
    Rather than class change, which seems excessive and unnecessary, I'd really like class balance.
    it is quite necessary for those who wish to play with different animations, bring life into their decades old characters (from previous TES installations).

    Still_Mind wrote: »
    Was never a big fan of a class system in an TES setting. But I do realize that it's the only thing preventing everyone from playing 1-2 cookiecutter FOTM setups.
    let them. if online formula makes them drop what they like for the sake of what hits stronger. then let them. wonder of previous TES installation was that people were using whatever fitted their preferences wiithout putting too much mind into min/max. so yes, if mmo form puts pressure on someone, then let him compete with others. alienating classical TES players is not well received, at least by me.

    Edited by Surinen on May 29, 2014 8:01PM
  • Wargasmo
    Surinen wrote: »
    Wargasmo wrote: »
    Rather than class change, which seems excessive and unnecessary, I'd really like class balance.
    it is quite necessary for those who wish to play with different animations, bring life into their decades old characters (from previous TES installations).

    Do you want to play zoomed in first person all the time, be able to save the game before hard encounters, and spend hours and hours foos- ro-dah'ing npc's off cliffs too?

    This game is MMO first and Elder scrolls second. I've always said that the biggest problem with an Elder Scrolls MMO is that you get stuck playing with Elder Scrolls fans in your mmo.

    Elder Scrolls is beloved of casual gamers and an entire generation of stoners alike. but MMO players are a different breed
    Edited by Wargasmo on May 29, 2014 8:33PM
  • Surinen
    *but my Lord! by all what is sophisticated, superiority's fragnance cannot be achieved without total deconstruction of the class system. I demand freedom for skill lines. no more senseless oppression!*
    Wargasmo wrote: »
    Do you want to play zoomed in first person all the time and be able to save the game before hard encounters too?

    This game is MMO first and Elder scrolls second. I've always said that the biggest problem with an Elder Scrolls MMO is that you get stuck playing with Elder Scrolls fans in your mmo.
    no, I may pass on it.

    when I look at the main page of TESO I see THE ELDER SCROLLS with smaller online below it. I've always said that the biggest problem with Elder Scrolls mmo is that people get stuck on the term 'mmo', or rather its unwritten quasi-hood definition of the limit (and glorified sense of balance) in my The Elder Scrolls.
    I may wrongly presume but I presume that you are seeking MMO: the elder scrolls flavour.

    I do not bother myself with mmo players. I prefer TES players online
    Edited by Surinen on May 29, 2014 8:39PM
  • Thejollygreenone
    Surinen wrote: »
    I do not bother myself with mmo players. I prefer TES players online

    Then you're probably better off waiting for the next couple of single player TES games in which I'm sure they'll eventually incorporate group play while remaining true to the original TES gameplay. That seems like something that's more up your alley.

    As much as you'd prefer you didn't have to bother with mmo-players who play the mmo you're playing, you're still playing an mmo. There are unavoidable implications that accompany that. Get used to it is all I'd have to say on that front.

    As to my opinion on the poll, I'm not sure I'm for or against either side and so there is no option for me to choose. I think I would prefer designated classes for balance options, but I'm sure I would certainly still play and enjoy the game if the current class system was dumped in favor of a more open version.

    Edited by Thejollygreenone on May 30, 2014 12:22AM
  • Surinen
    *but my Lord! by all what is sophisticated, superiority's fragnance cannot be achieved without total deconstruction of the class system. I demand freedom for skill lines. no more senseless oppression!*
    Then you're probably better off waiting for the next couple of single player TES games in which I'm sure they'll eventually incorporate group play while remaining true to the original TES gameplay. That seems like something that's more up your alley.

    As much as you'd prefer you didn't have to bother with mmo-players who play the mmo you're playing, you're still playing an mmo. There are unavoidable implications that accompany that. Get used to it is all I'd have to say on that front.

    As to my opinion on the poll, I'm not sure I'm for or against either side and so there is no option for me to choose. I think I would prefer designated classes for balance options, but I'm sure I would certainly still play and enjoy the game if the current class system was dumped in favor of a more open version.
    definition of MMO is neutral. 'implications' are nothing more than experience with poorly developed games. you cannot show a skeleton and call it TES. it is a skeleton of TES. if the developers wish to see it move, then it would be wise to start with putting muscles on it. I would like to see ESO running just like previous installations.
  • EliteZ
    lul naah Sirrah Kaptin, I ain't no changeling yo. yo know, balancez, issues and such system abuzez. haha rofl spoiled internet kids wunt sum more entitlement
    Why do we need class changes? So all of you crying can change class as soon as another class is FOTM. Templars and NBs are a little weak atm yes we get it, but give it until next patch when they fix NBs and everyone else will be moaning about the other classes and all those who wanted to change from a NB will only want to change back.
  • Surinen
    *but my Lord! by all what is sophisticated, superiority's fragnance cannot be achieved without total deconstruction of the class system. I demand freedom for skill lines. no more senseless oppression!*
    EliteZ wrote: »
    Why do we need class changes? So all of you crying can change class as soon as another class is FOTM. Templars and NBs are a little weak atm yes we get it, but give it until next patch when they fix NBs and everyone else will be moaning about the other classes and all those who wanted to change from a NB will only want to change back.
    t'sup homie. yo know cuz, cos it is like yo know, there some of us boyz who like you know like animatiunz and effectz and like new things man. we ain't no dinozaurs if you n'o what I mean. we ain't dem fossilz man. we change (yo kno tis song 'changes' ae-yo?). and man, we are oldschool, no classez, pure swag. we see fireballz, we like em, we see em lightningz, we like em. why limit bro. gaming is not only about powah but tis cool sensation kommin from mermaids(sum say myriads, silliez) of spellz. wiz it up! and stay true to TES. holla back if yo change yo-o flow.
  • Jeremy_gelber_ESO
    and we wonder why todays youth cant find jobs.
  • Surinen
    *but my Lord! by all what is sophisticated, superiority's fragnance cannot be achieved without total deconstruction of the class system. I demand freedom for skill lines. no more senseless oppression!*
    and we wonder why todays youth cant find jobs.
    I appreciate your interest in my thread, but, please refrain from offtopic and focus on issue that matters: skill line oppression

  • Hakurei
    lul naah Sirrah Kaptin, I ain't no changeling yo. yo know, balancez, issues and such system abuzez. haha rofl spoiled internet kids wunt sum more entitlement
    No, or make it like +/- 50 euros in cash shop to buy class change so that most people won't hop from one class to another class without thoughts :)
    Ebonheart Templar V12 :s
  • Surinen
    *but my Lord! by all what is sophisticated, superiority's fragnance cannot be achieved without total deconstruction of the class system. I demand freedom for skill lines. no more senseless oppression!*
    Hakurei wrote: »
    No, or make it like +/- 50 euros in cash shop to buy class change so that most people won't hop from one class to another class without thoughts :)
    I'm not in favour of class change. It is a last resort option, in case that Zenimax decides to oppress skill lines indefinitely.
    there is an alternative to real money sink proposed by you: time lock : month or two months.

    but, it is not an ideal solution, unlike class change, freedom of choice; liberated skill lines would prove much more beneficial for all those who wish to experience sparks and kabooms without a necessity of grim reroll. not to mention that many of us have our own ideas of characters, characters that we have been using for the last decade.
  • Dudis
    The fotm is strong in this one.
  • Surinen
    *but my Lord! by all what is sophisticated, superiority's fragnance cannot be achieved without total deconstruction of the class system. I demand freedom for skill lines. no more senseless oppression!*
    Dudis wrote: »
    The fotm is strong in this one.
    I do not appreciate your unkind words. If you wish to compliment me then please, look beyond *30* days. I'm worth at least the end of time.
    Flavour Aeterna.
    It is highly advised to forge your commentary in a way that would be beneficial to the thread.

  • sCouraGeFire
    yes Sir, I would love to be able to change my class, experience new abilities and animations. reroll is not for me!
    As a templar I would like to change class, I am working on re-rolling as a sorc or NB. Going through all of the questing, which I absolutely hate beyond the main story and guild quests, is whats stopping me from getting serious about a reroll.
  • Jeremy_gelber_ESO
    As a templar I would like to change class, I am working on re-rolling as a sorc or NB. Going through all of the questing, which I absolutely hate beyond the main story and guild quests, is whats stopping me from getting serious about a reroll.

    so just grind it out. its pretty easy to do a level an hour if you look for fast respawns.
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