Pre 1.1.2 there was only a handful of quests post vet that were truly difficult not impossible but difficult to do solo. Now it's not so much that most quests are difficult it's that the mob kills take me 3x-4x as long to kill. And because they take so long to kill, I run out of resources and die a lot more frequently. I hit vet 10 half way through Bangkorai and since it was the night of the patch, I stopped so all that quest xp wouldn't go to waste.
After 1.1.2 hit I've run into a couple quests one at Damar Farmstead that I had to literally suicide to complete because it would take me a few minutes to kill the 11k daedra mob(forgot what it was named) and a lot of times I would snag the imps with that daedra mob and THAT would kill me. There was another one at Pelin Graveyard the final boss, my AOE wouldn't kill the bubbles for the snake daedra boss so she would constantly heal. I had to charge my Ultimate up to almost max to kill her, fine I completed it. THEN comes the Stibbons quest in Qharroa Ruins. Soloed everything except the 15k Gargoyle, I try everything I had and die over and over eventually having to call out a guildie to help me kill it even then it took a long time to kill it. It wasn't stunnable, I couldn't knock it down, I couldn't drain it and it regened ALMOST as fast as I dpsed it and even with a fully charged Ultimate, my Standard of Might IV, it only dropped to 8k.
If you intend on us being able to solo the world quests then either a retuning of certain mobs or on said quests where you are going to run into mobs with 10-15k hp a companion that dpses or something else. I had a companion following me around, Lady Laurent, if she had been an actual active companion it would have made a world of difference.
Don't get me wrong this isn't just a mindless, OH I WAS NERFED NOW I AM QQing, post. I love the game and I understand why they changed what they changed but certain things need to be fixed to compensate for said changes.
Edited by Haurt on May 27, 2014 11:50PM