Can't log into the Game "Your login information was incorrect"

I go to log in and after i type my password it says "Your login information was incorrect". I doubled checked my UserID and my password and nothing, I clicked forgot password and successfully changed it and tried again...nothing. I click "view my account" And enter my login information and a message pops up at the top saying "You have been suspended from the site." I'm kind of clueless on what i should do at this point. I don't know if i locked myself out from entering the wrong password.

Thank you and i would really appreciate some help.
  • Evandus
    This unfortunately had happened with a lot of people recently. I'm sorry to hear you have joined their ranks. If it's any consolation, I can't log into the game due to the other big hitting issue, the 301 error.

    You've been banned. There is an script that was put in with the Craglorn update that is detecting and auto-banning players who are within the terms of service agreement. I believe, but cannot confirm, that this script(s) were put in place to help them detect bots. So players who did things like repeated boss killing, etc were caught in the net.

    Firstly, and most importantly, you need to appeal your ban. To do so please go to the Support page (upper right hand of this page). Choose the email option. Then click the middle category named 'Account Billing.' On the drop down menu select the 'I would like to appeal a suspension/ban' option. Then enter your rebuttal in the field where you can type.

    This has happened to a number of people over the holiday weekend and the results have been fairly fast for some getting things overturned. They will likely do an investigation. You may not be able to access your game until tomorrow.

    Again I'm sorry this happened to you and I hope you find the information to be helpful. Good luck!
  • ZOS_JasonI
    Hey there, everyone. We have closed this thread, as we do not allow threads that discuss disciplinary actions, as it violates our forum Code of Conduct -- we are also unable to provide support for game suspensions or bans on our forums. Instead, we ask that you please contact our Support Team directly to file an appeal. We do understand that it's frustrating not being able to play, but our Support Team will gladly review all appeals as quickly as possible.

    If you'd like to appeal a ban or suspension, please be sure to do so on our support page. Thanks for your understanding.
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