ronanh73b16_ESO wrote: »The bot problem is really getting out of hand. Hoards of L2 bots in Coldharbour, and in Ailkir farming quests and mobs. Clan member couldn't even do a quest last night because they were zerging the mobs before he could get to them.
I'm back in low level areas on an alt and the place is almost barren of any alchemy resources, they disappear as fast as they spawn.
This is the biggest problem facing the game currently. It needs to be addressed asap.
jaggedrelief wrote: »Hey, ZOS, remind me again what legitimate business a level 2 player has in a level 30 area.
At the same time, We little levels either get our resources taken by bots or level 30-47 players, which I'm seeing a lot more of now. Was told they are farming here because 1. it's easy 2. because there is bots in those areas now 3. None of my business, they can play any way they want.
Not sticking up for bots but If you don't like bots in your area why do the same thing they are basically doing to the lower level zones?
Had one player actually *** because I got to the jute first. My reply was simple go farm your level area. Clearing out caves and such because you want mats fine, but do it in your level area.
redwoodtreesprite wrote: »High levels can get resources before the bots sometimes, as they can take out aggressive mobs fast that are near the resources. Nothing wrong with high level characters collecting in low level areas. Also if you need low level mats, you have to collect them in low level areas.
Plus some of those high levels are doing their vet content I think, right?
I feel so left out. To this day I have never seen a flying player or bot.
I have seen bots of three plus in cold harbor kill everything. I have seen resources just vanish without anyone around. As the bot is under ground. But I never seen a flying character. Are they on dragons? Maybe they Jesus, but walk on air, not water? Clearly we need a museum photo gallery so everyone can see these great wonders.
Or you find a way to use the tcl noclip command. Fly in the air or underground.Reported the bot train plus their clanfears in Crosswych yesterday. There were a few players there questing but the majority was this 5-6 bot train with their spawns zooming through town and the mine.
Felt a little guilty, since they saved my char more than once from the bandits.
Yea, but were they flying? I still say it's a myth. You can't fly unless you are on a dragon or Superman!
jaggedrelief wrote: »Hey, ZOS, remind me again what legitimate business a level 2 player has in a level 30 area.
ausmack2014 wrote: »I cancelled my sub, and my game time runs out in around 9 days. For a short time after the last patch I thought perhaps I'd made a mistake but now I see I didn't. Everywhere I go levelling my level 10 toon in Glenumbra there are huge mobs of bots running around killing mobs, bots flying through the air and the ground taking mats from right in front of me. Collecting material to level my toons professions is so difficult and I refuse to buy from people in chat because I figure half of them at least use these bots, and I won't support them. Not to mention the lag they create whenever they are around, even further degrading my game pleasure. I've reported these bots over and over, attached screencaps, and never seen a reduction of any significance. I'm tiredof reporting them without result, using my gametime to do Zenimax's work for them. I'll check back in a few months, watch the forums to see if it has improved, and if not I'll just shrug off the loss of my $$ and move on. Very disappointed.
Forget about the fkin bots and fix the game. I can live with the bots and gold spammers but my guild are leaving one by one because half of them cant log in and the other half cant stay logged in. BOTS ARE NOT THE PRIORITY!
So your solution to the problem is to level to v12 because thereeffinshiddy wrote: »Bots used to *** me off too, then I stopped being in the 7th grade and realized that I'm not really competing with them if i don't stay in the low zones forever like most of you seem to.
your best bet is level already and get to the zones where the bots are not. they are farming easy kills or easy plants in easy zones. that's true of every single mmo ever. ever. period. get to the vet zones and you never see them--or they are so well hidden that they never interrupt game play.
i promise that jute and iron mean nothing cause you don't use them in your voidsteel armor at Vet 12. i promise. so stop worrying about the bots...
they've literally perma banned 10s if not 100s of thousands of accounts and its clear by the lack of spamming in all the zones, less mail and whispers from them, and even watching and banning them on forums. so please stop saying "they do nothing"...just cause some bot stole your jute doesn't mean that no one is doing means 1% slipped through which is acceptable losses. and if your reaction to that infinitely spawning jute spot is to spew hate and venom and let us know the sky is falling...well you are acceptable losses too imo. see ya.
Where the hell am I supposed to get jute at level 40+ then?
You think that magically we never have need for low level materials?
Btw Deshaan is my favorite zone for alchemy ingredients. I take my vr2 dk because killing annoying mobs is faster.
Level 3 in the Rift? Hell no. Shouldnt be able to do normal quests in the zone. Thats why they were there. Delivery for free gold.
RedMiniStapler wrote: »I used to report bots spamming in zone chat, but I hardly see them these days, however I do receive gold seller's spam mail daily and that's what bugs me the most.
This is my second mmo game and I only started to play wow couple years ago, but in wow worst they did was spamming trade chats, I never had to deal with such invasive bots.
Where the hell am I supposed to get jute at level 40+ then?
You think that magically we never have need for low level materials?
Btw Deshaan is my favorite zone for alchemy ingredients. I take my vr2 dk because killing annoying mobs is faster.
Level 3 in the Rift? Hell no. Shouldnt be able to do normal quests in the zone. Thats why they were there. Delivery for free gold.
My level 9 (my highest is 20 but farms in ghatwood )is going for mats right, in a zone thats bacially my level. you think its ok for a higher level to come in and take it all because you need it? Why didn't you collect it when you where that level?
Isn't the vr areas pvp? if so why aren't the bots getting killed off buy players?