So I narrowed down what is killing my frame rate. At times it would drop 50% to 70% for no apparent reason. Please keep in mind that I have 2 R9 290x 4GB video cards -- so I shouldn't have any frame rate issues on medium settings. None the less I would watch my frame rate drop, then come back up again after a bit.
It took a piece of luck for me to find out why, just as my frame rate started to plummet (from my V-sync locked rate of 60 fps) to 15 fps I noticed a little character go popping through some hills in front of me and stop beneath some cornflowers and harvest them. Yes a bot, using a speed and clipping hack had blew my frame rate down -- as soon as he left the screen my frame-rate shot back up.
So I waited around that resource area for a little while and my frame-rate started to tank again, and sure enough -- between those hills where the clipping is a bit off, i saw a bot (the same on?) go flying by.
I kept playing and watching my frame rate and sure enough, when a speed-hacking or clipping bot would go by, my frame-rate would dive.
So the question is -- is there anything I can do about it?
Round peg? Square hole? Not a problem with a big enough hammer.