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Does anyone here enjoy leveling?

  • redspecter23
    I'm really enjoying leveling my first character. I think I'll enjoy leveling alts much less. This is only an issue for people that enjoy alts, but dislike running the same content over and over, which is probably a decent amount of the game population.

    I'd like to think that in the future, we will see more ways to get from 1 to 50 and we most certainly need a few more ways to level up efficiently in veteran ranks.

    Personally, I'd like to see a lot more side quests for all levels so we're not so railroaded by the main quest lines or mob farming. A series of "scaled to player level" side quests could be a nice way to fill in xp gaps where you just aren't interested in the standard quests as much. Adding a new level 15 zone for instance really only helps in that one particular level range. If that zone was autoscaled to your level, you could come and go while you do other things and it would be viable for all players, not just level 15's.
  • notepad
    I enjoy levelling. Like some of the others in this thread, that's how I play. I play for fun, for the journey, and not to rush to max level or anything.
  • rusila22
    Yes and no ! yes it's fun and no because we don't win enough money so it's frustrating ! We really need money to buy soul gem and potion in veteran mode !
    Rusila CP :600
    Title : Monster Hunter
    Currently : Beta Tester in Morrowind
  • Loxy37
    I personally love levelling in MMOs. ESO is amazing like Swtor was because i so love the stories and get involved with most quests, I try to put my self in my characters place and feel empathy for the characters (NPCs). I have levelled many characters through the same content and ESO is no different as I have 3 mains and one is VR2, 1 is 48 and the other is 29.

    I rolled in all different factions but have no issues whatsoever levelling them all through the same content, I just play each from a different perspective like my Sorc Vampire is VR2 and plays a chaotic Good character whereas my Templar WereHampster plays a very bad kitty, turned to the dark side she as.
  • Tandor
    I'm really enjoying leveling my first character. I think I'll enjoy leveling alts much less. This is only an issue for people that enjoy alts, but dislike running the same content over and over, which is probably a decent amount of the game population.

    I'm sure alternative advancement paths in each alliance area will come in time, but in the meanwhile my solution is likely to be to play each alliance area from 1 to 50 thereby providing different content for 3 characters. I'm not bothered about playing the veteran ranks through the other alliance areas after that. It is intended as a grind for those seeking to maximise their skills for PvP which I have no interest in, and/or as a kind of endgame mini-raid exercise which, again, I have no interest in. By the time I have 3 characters to 50 there'll be something different for my other alts to do, I'm sure, but failing which sufficient time will have elapsed for me to enjoy doing the old stuff again anyway ;)!
    Edited by Tandor on May 25, 2014 8:59PM
  • Elvent
    The only fun part of MMOs I enjoy is the leveling and it's even more fun leveling with a friend, too bad I have no friends here to level with :(

    I don't care much for end game and I don't like PvP.

    The journey of leveling is a lot of fun though and in some MMOs it can feel like a new journey each time you start over.
    Edited by Elvent on May 25, 2014 8:58PM
  • snowmanflvb14_ESO
    I love the game as do the group of people i play with. We enjoy the quest and listening to the stories as the npcs talk. We have been playing since launch and are now just hitting the lower vet ranks. Perhaps since we did not rush to max level is the reason we enjoy the game so much
    Magic is impressive but now Minsc leads SWORDS FOR EVERYONE!!
  • temjiu
    I too love the journey, love the exploration, the involvement. levels 1-50 were a blast for me, and if that was 99% of the game, I would be here forever.

    But Vr levels are an entirely different world. its like its a whole different game. There, instead of playing how you want, what you want, you are forced into cookie cutter styles of play, or are forced to team up. if you have someone to play with, more power to ya.

    I don't mind a challenge. Hate being forced into playing something I didn't want to play, just so i can finish 2/3 of the game. that's what drives me away.

    Buy a lvl 50 toon? what a waste. the first 50 levels are honestly the best in this game. but a vr12 toon? I could see that being more logical, but im not into that stuff. like i said, I enjoy playing the game. so I unsubbed. I could play other classes and other builds to 50, but I don't see 50 as the end of the game. I see vr12 now as the end of the game, and I don't enjoy what this game turns into after 50.

    If VR was scaled better, and they added specific instances for those who wish the tough challenge, that would be different. But force me to play the way you want me to play? perhaps if you were paying ME 15$ a month. but im not going to pay someone else 15$ a month to have them force me into a mold.

    If your enjoying the trip 1-50, definitely take your time. and find a playing buddy during that process if you want the VR levels to continue like that.

    Or play one of the known OP builds if you want to solo.
    Edited by temjiu on May 25, 2014 9:06PM
  • TheVindelator
    I feel like the most hardcore people in the game are the ones who make most of the forum posts. So most of what you hear is talk about end game.

    I bet a lot of people love leveling and questing. But you hear from them less.
  • RockSolidWiff
    I very much play to enjoy the journey, explore, and craft an unique character.
    In just playing with no set path or goal, it just so happens I level.
    The process is far less boring than previous MMO's. Storylines are very good. Quest have been mostly fun, love the fact that sometimes you don't even fight when you expect a boss.
    I like having real choices sometimes at the quest end that change future interaction.
    I never have understood the race to max level, why?

    I have played 8 toons, all different and look forward to playing all of them.

    I do wish the different classes had the ability to create characters with a wider range difference. Overcharging restricts them to all be very similar in a very narrow band.
    I picked up the sword and raced into battle, died.
    I again, raced into battle wielding the sword, died.
    Once again, died.
    It was only then that I considered maybe the pointed end should face out.
    - Why mages should not wield swords
  • TicToc

    My wife and I have been playing since early access (and betas before that) and at this point have 14 to 16 toons each (depending on the day of the week) none of which are over 14 yet. And we are loving the game.

    But that isn't really leveling, is it. You are just trying different builds and running through the starter zones. I would have to imagine that you are playing in all the factions, which gives you some variety....until you hit the veteran levels and begin playing through the other factions. That means that if you were to actually fully level each character (which I find unlikely) you will have run through each and every bit of content 14-16 times, since there is no variety. Every character will see all the content. We'll see how you excited you are about the leveling then.

    Not to mention, many people want to PvP, and many want to raid. PvP is not as satisfying at lower levels because you can't stand up against VR rank players, and there is no option for raiding until the high VR ranks, so leveling is a priority for many, just so they can play the game they want to play.

    Not to mention, there are many boring side quests. Yes, there are a lot of really good quests, but there are some pretty boring ones as well. I think the real problem came during the VR leveling because you couldn't grind MoBs to gain levels and skip some of the boring quests. You had to do all the quests just to get the XP. Supposedly XP for MoBs in the VR levels has been improved with the last patch.

    I personally have not hit VR yet (though I am getting close on one character) either, because I enjoy the questing enough and have 3 characters. The downside of my slower leveling is that I am not going to be able to raid with my guild now that the new content is out. :(

  • F7sus4
    The game is just going straightforward. I like the quest, I read all the dialogs and I both enjoy the environment and grouping.

    I don't play having "level farming" in my mind. You'd get 98% of what you need just by completing quests.
  • Eorea
    I get bored after a couple hours of questing. So instead... I roleplay :3

    No, not alone. Never alone. I don't "quest roleplay" or "single player roleplay", which I find to be rudimentary and very lonely. I do it with other people. A lot. Everywhere I can. Most of that involves sitting around in the same place. My /played does not in any way reflect my actual playtime XD
  • tinythinker
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    Support Mudcrab Mode for ESO (\/)!_!(\/) - part joke, part serious, all glorious! You butter be ready for this
  • dodgehopper_ESO
    I agree. I've not been interested in rushing headlong to end game. I'm doing what I do in most elder scrolls games (which is different from other MMO's actually). I'm taking the time to read lore books (learned something cool about the Dwemer which makes me wonder if they were a splinter faction of escaping Chimer for instance). I read messages in missions. In short I explore like I would if this were Skyrim, Oblivion, or Morrowind. The only thing I do differently is I've added the mods Skyshards and Lorebooks, primarily because to not do so puts me at a disadvantage compared to other players in group content whether it is pvp or pve.

    I'm certainly interested in the end game, and I plan to fully get immersed in pvp and end game raiding. I just don't want to rush headlong into it. In the long term of things, I will have more enjoyment derived from the game if I do this. Something is lost by rushing through the content the first time around, and that's the sense of discovery. If you've already gone through a zone and seen the end of the story, it makes reading the lore that builds up to the story, and paying attention to it less interesting. You've read the cliffs notes, why read the actual thing? That's essentially why I'm taking my time. I've already paid 170 dollars or so for the product (when you include the six month sub I got), I don't want to waste that by rushing the enjoyment. In truth I think this is a problem with a lot of MMO's however, and its based on two competing elements. In one corner you have challenging group content, and in the other you have essentially single player/loosely grouped story content. The phasing of the game makes much of the game very difficult to group with unless you're doing the exact same stories as your friends. It would be nice if they built in a replay function so that players could at least help and play along on the quests that weren't obviously meant to be soloed, such as the Main Quest, Mages Quest, Fighters Quest, etc. There needs to be more glue to bridge the two competing elements of the game, but this is a problem all Themepark mmo's face.
    US/AD - Dodge Hopper - Vet Imperial Templar | US/AD - Goj-ei-Raj - Vet Argonian Nightblade
    US/AD - Arondonimo - Vet Altmer Sorcerer | US/AD - Azumarax - Vet Dunmer Dragon Knight
    US/AD - Barkan al-Sheharesh - Vet Redguard Dragon Knight | US/AD - Aelus Vortavoriil - Vet Altmer Templar
    US/AD - Shirari Qa'Dar - Vet Khajiit Nightblade | US/AD - Ndvari Mzunchvolenthumz - Vet Bosmer Nightblade
    US/EP - Yngmar - Vet Nord Dragon Knight | US/EP - Reloth Ur Fyr - Vet Dunmer Sorcerer
    US/DC - Muiredeach - Vet Breton Sorcerer | US/DC - Nachtrabe - Vet Orc Nightblade
    EU/DC - Dragol gro-Unglak - Vet Orc Dragon Knight | EU/DC - Targan al-Barkan - Vet Redguard Templar
    EU/DC - Wuthmir - Vet Nord Sorcerer | EU/DC - Kosh Ragotoro - Vet Khajiit Nightblade
    <And plenty more>
  • Zaxq
    first time around = great fun.

    Alt levelling - boring, most tedious crap ive ever done.

    (Alt is required due to NBs being crap+broken)
  • Hoylegu
    If you don't like questing, go play a sandbox title.

    If you like questing, ESO's the game for you. The quests here are magnificent.
  • cf398ub17_ESO
    i really enjoyed 1-50 but leveling vet is killing me
  • Zaxq
    Hoylegu wrote: »
    If you don't like questing, go play a sandbox title.

    If you like questing, ESO's the game for you. The quests here are magnificent.

    They were. The first time around.

  • mlecho74
    It seems from the posts that maybe I am playing the wrong game. I thought I was playing Elders Scrolls. Elders Scrolls to me has always been the RPG and questing king of the hill.

    However, it seems that people here would be happier if they could just buy a level 50 toon fully tricked out with the best equipment and skills from ZOS.

    I have seen the first 15 levels called "tedious" and how horrible it is to have to spend 8 to 10 HOURS (not days) grinding through them.

    My wife and I have been playing since early access (and betas before that) and at this point have 14 to 16 toons each (depending on the day of the week) none of which are over 14 yet. And we are loving the game.

    Are we alone?

    With the 14 to 16 toons? Yes. That's a lot, IMO. However, I have re-rolled more than once (I am currently playing a Sorcerer, which is rapidly becoming my favorite). I do enjoy the quest lines and exploration, and I think leveling happens at a fairly decent pace. I only play a few hours every day, and it's nice that I don't have to grind for a week to level.
  • sinbaddusnavypreub18_ESO
    I have loved the game to level 50 but not as much not that I am nearing VR3 not only does the toon feel considerably weaker, it is becoming a grind. I have to salute those who have the tenacity to get to VR10 it takes quite a while and I now seem to die nearly every time I log in compared to being pretty stalwart at level 40 quest lines.
  • YourNameHere
    My wife and I have been playing since early access (and betas before that) and at this point have 14 to 16 toons each (depending on the day of the week) none of which are over 14 yet. And we are loving the game.

    Are we alone?

    I have done every quest in an area before I move to the next one. I also find all books, skyshards, locations, dungeons, etc.

    So no, you aren't alone. it's not a race for me.
    NA Megaserver / RPer
    Alinyssa Gaethar - AD || Raahni-do - AD || Wind-In-Tree's-Shadow - DC
  • Cogo
    phairdon wrote: »
    Cybrdroyd wrote: »
    I'm level 19 and I still haven't gone to Cyrodil, lol. I don't care if I ever do. I am enjoying what I am doing now. Relaxing and enjoying the game.

    Not a lot of point going to Cyrodiil unless of course you enjoy pvp.

    Not sure I agree completely sir. I have never liked Pvp. Its simply not my thing.
    I do like strategic battles or fights where planing, organisation, resources, ability to adapt and overcome an unforseen event and execute the plan or orders from the raidleader wins or looses a battle. In short, its fun as hell!

    I didn't think I would even set my foot in Cyrodiil because of pvp is simply boring.
    I am glad a friend of mine convinced me to at least go there and do the newbie quests. Join a raid group and see how it is.

    Again, and I am sure I am not alone in this, my predetermend mindset already decided for me that it would be boring.

    And as the explorer I am, I noticed that this zone felt almost as big as the whole of Tamriel. And guess what, other then the PVP quests you can do, you get send a redicioulus amonth of gear in your mail from a general. I still dont know what I did each time I got something but I really hope that gets changed somehow. Cause I can do dungeons all day and dont even get half the amonth of loot that general kept awarding me.

    I decided to take a risk and ride around to look at the zone and guess what, there where tradeskill nodes, fishing, even PVEquests and dungeons! No one told me that! (which is one of the main things in ESO, you explore and find out for yourself. A skyhard even....thought I read up and saw there was 15 skyshards to get at each side of the 3 alliances. That makes 45 skyshards in that zone alone.

    I do not mind a challenge or even a very hard difficulty to obtain something as important as skyskards. What I didnt like about is, that it broke the CORE reason of ESO to choose what the hell you wanted to do.
    If I wanted those skyshards, I needed to gather a small army, or be very lucky running around myself looking for em, but I got instakilled by hidden pvpers, who probebly was waiting for a person just like me.

    Easy kill, nothing to fight other then Kill the poor ***. (I do not use any addon at all, so no, I do not have the skyshard automatic shower, giving you the whole games skyshard in a week crap!

    BUT Again ESO showed me that it really is a new type of MMO that offers almost everything to everyone. I just hated that it forced me to pvp in order to get any skyhard. I think in a week or so I got 4...the rest will come in due time. But even that Cyrodiil now got new cool features, I was not very pleased with the high amouth of exp I got along with felt like cheating somehow?

    But, I have to climb off my high horse, I have to accept that this too is a part of the ESO journey IF you wish to go there. Nothing forces me to ever go in there again, but then my choice have the effect of not getting the chance of optaining Alot of skyshards. ESO, THE MMO with choices for just about everything.

    Before the added exp bonus I went there every now and then. I LOOOOVE shooting catapults and destoy walls, and also the opposite when the enemy armies are in siege towards our castle.

    Even though I was lvl 20 something and now it 30 something, as a DK tank, there is very little I can do, so I use a bow and sometimes I get in a hit on the enemy the runs around. A few times, I have tried to sneak up and put fire to their catapults, but this has each time ended in instant death for me.

    I knooow, someone might say, hey, you are a DK, dont you have chocking talons that was broken for pvp beause it reached WAY to many players that the information on the skill says it should do?

    So I of course didnt use that. If I managed to do anything using an overpowered ability that needs to be fixed to what it supped to do, then it wouldn't be me, who wun the day/fight. It would be an overpowered skill and had nothing to do with how good or bad player I am.

    Cyrodiil was my second surprise how fun epic battles and siege operations, coordinated with smaller forces that takes resources. My problem was that in way to many MMO, Pvp is simply for fast players with specific addons who almost crunch numbers what to wear, to use and how to kill your apponant without a fight. Not much was left to any type of a player vs player battle.

    My first experience that pvp could be something else then who was the best to abuse the current overpowered gear, ability was believe or not, WoW.

    The First version of Alteric Valley in WoW, where the battle could go on not just for hours but days, was probebly the first time since I started to play games that I enjoyed pvp. It had some thinking in it. To compare with the horrible arenas, where it completely depended what classes you met, who had the best addons and yes, ok, those teams who where using voice chat did do better because of better communication.

    But even though I choose to play on a RP-PVP server in wow (think 6 years in total with several breaks, the pvp was....what was it? Stunlocked by a rogue, with no chance at all then die. Mega nuked by a warlock....and others things.

    The battle of Alteric valley had to do with so much more then simply zerging and the current overpowered classes.

    Why I even explain this, is that one of the AV I really remember. Was yeaaaars ago. The whole battle went on for 36 hours, I was there for 28 of them, with a small sleep in between, and we lost! Lol But what I recall is how thrillig and fun it was when things got somewhat organized and it WAS a battle players verses player.

    ESO again showed me that you really need an open mind if you are going to be able to explore most things that ESO has to offer.

    If they Lower the stupid high exp, and either explain to me why I got spammed with mails of items from the general. Maybe this is a bug? If its intended this way, fair enough, but I reserve the right to think its way to easy to get gear.

    Go try Cyro. At least do the newbie quests. You start in you safe headquarters so you dont have to even come close to pvpers if you do not wish too.
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • Sarenia
    I only play for the journey. In all the other MMOs that I've played, my guys pretty much get shelved once they hit level cap.
    You've spoken what I would have said, so I'll just echo it. :)

    It's been a fun journey, so far.
  • Ella_Mental
    I'm personally having a great time. :) I saw no need to reach max level right away so I'm STILL only lvl 44-45 and enjoying it all the way.

    'Course, I *am* one of those must-loot-everything types so yeah, my crafting skills basically got leveled before my main character. XD

    I'm chillin', enjoying the storyline, exploring the land to see what I can stumble on.
    I fully intend to go hard against Trials when I get there but seeing as how this game was just recently released, I don't feel the need to be FIRST to anything.
    @Ella_Mental [PCNA-Steam] - Ella_Mental on Discord - _Ella_Mental_ on Twitter/X
  • hk11
    I like leveling, but the pacing is a little strange in ESO. I cant put my finger on it, but it reminds me of Rift in that the questing is somehow exhausting.

    I know you guys love WoW, but they somehow make the pacing work. Especially after the last couple of expansions.
    Edited by hk11 on May 26, 2014 8:08AM
  • Alazarz
    This is one of the only MMO's where I actually enjoy leveling. The lore is fantastic. Even the small bits of lore from side quests. I also enjoy reading the books I find. It's awesome to actually know what's going on in the virtual world around me... and that I actually care for that matter.

    On a side note; I think if all I cared about was rushing to end game (for omgz leet lootz procz omgzzz) in ESO, I would be bored in a hurry. I'd probably be on the forums complaining about every little thing, because I would have skipped all of the great lore and the point of the game in it's entirety.

  • ZurinArctus
    I have been able to level entirely from quests, with very little grinding.

    The biggest grind period was when Coldharbour groundskeeper was bugged for seven days and I was literally stuck. Made use of the time in the grinding groups to level up skills.

    When this recent patch hit, I had Shadowfen and The Rift left. Between that and Kardala/Anom grinding, VR12 came quick. Took about 3 days for VR10-12, with a break when the difficulty surged on second faction zones.

    Grinding reminds of me EQ, FFXI, etc. days and is ok, but it's not my favorite. I would rather quest. Unfortunately I'm also impatient in waiting for groups, so as I leveled, I typically skipped the public and private dungeons unless I had the opportunity right then to group for it.

  • RubyTigress
    Yes. I enjoy leveling in ESO.
  • Talmet
    Arreyanne wrote: »
    I cannot stomach running down the road doing one quest after another. I just do not enjoy that sort of thing. So yeah, in Elder Scrolls yes I like questing, in ESO, absolutely no.

    That's the thing Skyrim, Obilivion it wasn't miles of running around with a mob less area until you got to were the quest mob is, kill those run through the empty spots to the next quest mob area etc etc etc.

    Skyrim I get to 60 then fight Audiwen or however its spelled, epic fight at 60 then reroll something else, have done this 10-15 times and still find stuff in that game I didn't know was there

    1-15 thats my experience yours might be different but thats mine. The most boring 15 levels in MMO history to me

    This is something that is very confusing to me...

    You say, in skyrim you go from 1-60, beat the main quest & then reroll.

    In ESO, you go from 1-15, get no where even close to even seeing the main boss (I don't think you see molag bal till much later)...and then reroll?

    And you wonder why you get bored?

    To put it into skyrim, that's like...starting the game, making it through the cave, stopping and re-rolling. Yes, that'd be really boring. Why are you doing that & then complaining? Just comparing the main quest story, ESO's story is vastly superior to skyrim's imo. There's a few major plot twists that put skyrim to shame, a touching love story, and the last fight in the ESO main story is way way more epic than fighting the black dragon in skyrim. Not to mention Razum-dar & cadwell are two of the best characters I've met in a video game in a long time.
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