Missing textures? Pink/purple stuff everywhere! D:

Since the update my game crashes more and now from time to time,Well. Almost every 15 minutes most of the stuff i see looks like they are missing textures,Just pink glowing stuff everywhere. :/ enemies,Players,Npcs,Objects. So much stuff. I have to relog to fix it but it wont go away,it comes up again as soon as i have played more then 15 minutes. And now when i logged out i cant log in again. The update is fine,But it seems like the patch needs a well... Patch.

What to do? Please fix this.
  • Sihnfahl
    Looks like there's a texture issue...

    Okay, what video card are you using? I've seen other folks comment on the same issue, so maybe it's a particular line of card? (I use a AMD Radeon myself and have no issue)
  • DrywFiltiarn
    I take that you didn't have this issue before the patch. Could you try running the game in the windowed full-screen mode (that's what we had before the patch) again, to see if that solves the issue for you.

    Seeing that screen looks to me like graphics memory corruption, which can occur due to overheating of the graphics card. I've seen this happen in other games with graphics cards that where dying due to broken cooling fans and such.

    The fact that ESO now uses dedicated full-screen, means your graphics card will be stressed much harder (100% load, as opposed to the 50-80% loads depending on the card in the old situation), this results in more heat building up, which may cause this issue. I especially suspect it, because you're seeing this happen after a short period of time (heat builds up), but when you restart the game (your card can cool down) it's okay again, only to get the same issue after another 15 minutes (heat builds...).
  • Snowstrider
    well,I changed it to fullscreen windowed mode after playing awhile in fullscreen,in that screenshot i used windowed. But the texture problem occurs on both modes.
  • Sihnfahl
    Okay, run it at absolute minimum video settings. Does it still occur?
  • DrywFiltiarn
    Then maybe my explanation doesn't cover the cause, though I can't rule it out either at this moment. What video card do you have and maybe you can check what temperature it's operating at while playing the game. Also have you recently updated your graphics drivers?
  • Byallogee
    PLease also comment on this post, ZOS has noted it and is supposed to be commenting there when an update is available: http://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/discussion/comment/882818#Comment_882818
  • Snowstrider
    My graphic card is ATI Radeon HD 4600 Series.
    And i cant log in to the game anymore,It just loads forever and then it either says login timeout or error code something..

    And no,I havent updated my drivers,But this pink texture stuff and lag didnt exist for me before the patch.
  • FuseMav
    Soul Shriven
    I'm using an AMD Radeon HD 6670 and I also get this issues sometimes, among others including game crashing and subsequent PC lock-up requiring hard reboot!
    Edited by FuseMav on May 23, 2014 11:49PM
  • Sihnfahl
    What 2D driver version? Catalyst Control center?
  • dynamite7673b14_ESO
    I'm using 2x HD6870s in XFire. I had no problems running the game at the highest settings before the update. Now I get the pink textures right before a crash and also crash frequently. My drivers are current and my temps are very good because of my card separation, using Aerocools, and great cooling/filtering in my case. It seems to be a very common issue since the update so it's more likely in the code than a large group of people having video card issue simultaneously.
    Nahte 26 - Sorcerer DPS
    Rebma VR1 - DK Tank
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  • Xiubear
    Soul Shriven
    I am using AMD Radeon HD 6700 also using Aerocools and card separation. It was running fine before the patch. My settings are not at all maxed out but many on minimums. I get the pink toons and some area textures to very much pinks and purples. Also I can't use Map or parts of it while this is happening. If I log out of game the screen goes black and I can't even shut the screen down without restarting the computer. I am on PC using Windows 7. No other game or function does this and this only since the patch. My drivers are up to date. I also tried to repair the game files and still the same problem. Mine plays fine up to about 25 minutes or so without a problem. This is not a heat problem.
    Too many people with same issue. Something in the code I think.
  • Zendien
    Soul Shriven
    I have the exact same issue, and I think it's related to a memory leak bug that came with the craglorn patch. After a while, npcs suddenly go purple. I found a temporary fix for this by toggling vsync on (and then shutting the damn thing off again). Im assuming that forces the game to reload, and recheck the memory or something. Not a fix, but toggling vsync on/off everytime this happens beats restarting.
    Zendien, Breton Sorcerer
  • NinjaApacHe
    Thank you OP! Thought was my PC. :cold_sweat:
    CP 2120+Lord Yakhin- Magicka NB - High Elf - DC Jack Templar - Stamina Templar - Dark Elf - DC Darth Morbius - Stamina Sorcerer - Dark Elf - DC Bloody Merril - Stamina Vampire NB - Redguard - DC Master Kun - Stamina DK - Redguard - DC Exarch Kun - Magicka Vampire NB - High Elf - DC Ace Bollah - Stamina Warden - Dark Elf - DC Icy Jack - Stamina Warden - Nord - DC Prior Tedas - Stamina NB - High Elf - DC 10 traits Woodworker - lvl 50 Enchanter - lvl 50 Alchemist - 10 traits Clothier & Smither - 10 traits jewelcrafterProud member of the Band of Daggers - www.bandofdaggers.eu
  • ZOS_MollyH
    Greetings all,

    We're going to close this thread as we would like to keep the missing/pink texture issue consolidated to allow for easier updates and gathering of information.

    If you would like, please feel free to join into the discussion at this active thread that is being monitored and updated.
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